Our government is no longer OUR government.
It is an occupying force, and more accurately identified as a corporate FARCE masquerading as government, pretending to be OF and FOR the people, when in truth it is only OF and FOR the interests of FOREIGN owned corporate entities.
These include the banking entities, news, entertainment, and advertising entities, real estate entities, the industrial military complex, the industrial prison complex, and then as a group, the big three: chemical, agricultural and pharmaceutical entities.

And to be more specific, all are conglomerated within the Federal Reserve Bank under the umbrella pyramid compartmentalization which is operated by the Vatican, and the Crown of England at its very highest levels. And THIS truth is WHY American freedoms are disappearing, and WHY Americans themselves have become so ignorant of their legal rights and the law, as well as the proper role of law enforcement.
We have been legally(through contracts), mentally(through education and media), and physically conquered, and been under the spell of a subtle, and insidious occupation of fear and the illusion of government provided security for a very long time, of over 150 years.
Only NOW, the truth is rearing its ugly head and becoming brazen enough to make itself public.
Only now, that the people have become so comfortable in the illusion, and well acclimated to their corporate servitude and to such a degree that they CLING to this "government provided security" which in truth is not at all security, but forced slavery, as the only real security is the freedom we are born with.
Only now can we begin to see not security, but the illusion of and instead what has been portrayed as security is really a familiarity, or a form of the Stockholm syndrome, that en mass has crippled the spirit of American freedom and defiance to the present tyranny, and as a result, the state of American defense has declined, because we the people are the REAL and original Homeland Security.
And on that note, I want to see the police OR military force that will confront and disarm America's redneck deer and duck hunters! Come on people, we have lots of guns, ammo, know how to kill and are not afraid to fight, yet if we were defending ALL of our rights all along, we would not be talking about 2nd Amendment rights now.
Our people are not even aware that there IS an occupying force that is already controlling this country. That force is not accountable to anyone in the public domain. They are a private entity using the members of the BAR association, the kangaroo courts, AND the police associations to control and extort money and real estate from ignorant and mostly innocent Americans.
The average individual on the street has no idea that they are not truly free, because their perspective upon freedom has been so distorted by well financed agendas advanced by entities that profess to be institutions of education, news, advertising, and entertainment which are wrapped in such officialdom that it is DESIGNED by a grand architect of deception to be accepted as real.
Most people only have a microcosmic sense of freedom, the freedom to choose what to eat for breakfast, where to live and enslave themselves, what form of work to enslave themselves in, but none the less all for the benefit of other corporate(pretending to be a government) entities. Even most self employed small business Americans are enslaved to the corporate government believing that they owe some duty to state for the RIGHT to earn a living.
God given, and constitutionally protected common law rights have no FINANCIAL duty attached. The only duty accompanying common law rights is the RESPONSIBILITY to not harm others through the exercise of those rights. ANY right CAN be violated and abused, and certain activities have been restricted, regulated and controlled, not because they are dangerous inherently, but because it is a good excuse to initiate such a control in the interest of extorting money from ignorant and mostly innocent people, and those initiating it have opportunities to present corporate profit returns to their foreign allegiances and care nothing for individual American freedoms or the loss there of.
Again I say it, this country is an OCCUPIED TERRITORY.
And we are as damned as the Germans were when Hitler took over by 98% majority election. Are you aware that Nazi Germany was a democracy? And are you aware that the government that the founding fathers gave us was and IS a Republic of Sovereign united States?
The greatest evils are not overt, they are subtle, and none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who have been manipulated, programed and falsely led to believe that they are free. So why cause slaves to think they are free? Well, slaves who mistakenly believe they are free, are easier to control AND they are as a bonus: MORE PRODUCTIVE for their masters!
And we ALL feel this slavery around us, never testing it never touching the borders trying to deny its existence. Otherwise people would not fear to claim, exercise and defend lawful rights and freely engage in god given, constitutional protected, lawful activities without a permit from the State.
There has been so much destruction, bloodshed and death caused in the name of a god than any combination of forces throughout history. Yet there is no license attached to worship, but there IS a license advanced as an obligation with respect to travel. WHY? Because being on the road allows them to place debt obligations upon our back for meaningless violations, which are meaningless because there is no accident, property damage, or personal injury.
Not everyone wishes to worship, but EVERYONE must travel in todays society because todays societies and cities have been deliberately engineered in such a way that one is REQUIRED to travel to prosper and even to survive. Subtle manipulation of personal locomotion is another means of limiting and controlling our freedoms. It is no longer like it used to be where everything one needs to survive exists in the village or nearby surrounding countryside. Again we are an occupied State, and the most evil aspect of it is that no one knows that our homeland has been conquered and is occupied by evil men and women with less than honorable intentions to enslave us through fraud, debt and the fear of poverty.
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