Monday, July 17, 2017

First Instruction Letter to Trump, Mnuchin, Sessions, and Judges 7/7/2017

First Instruction Letter

By Anna Von Reitz

[Scanned copy to be posted on the website:

--- letter to Trump, Mnuchin, Sessions, and Judges Thomas Hogan and Royce Lamberth dated July 17, 2017.]

Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretaries and Honorable Judges:

We will quickly summarize how we arrived at the current situation so that you have the necessary background to comprehend our position. Please read on.

1666 – The Great Fire of London creates the occasion for the creation of individual public trusts as a means of seizing private property: The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.

 1702 – The British Crown and Dutch East India Company collude under Maritime Wagering Act. Living men are deemed to be “vessels” and insured. Their death/loss becomes a means of enrichment for the commercial corporations and the British Government.

1765 – The pollution of English Common Law with Admiralty Law to create “Equity Law” granting absolute power to the judiciary to seize upon and distribute private property comes to fruition in England under Lord Mansfield.

1776 – Partly in objection to this usurpation of power by the judicial functionaries, the American Colonists rebel.

1819 – The American states pass the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the original Constitution, putting teeth and penalties into earlier provisions effectively prohibiting members of the Bar Associations from holding public offices.

1822 – The then-Pope and then-British Monarch secretly collude to act in Breach of Trust against the Americans and sign the Secret Treaty of Verona.

1837 – The British Settlement Act sets aside public wastelands as “common wealth” and paupers are said to be settled upon this land, thus becoming wards of the state. This effectively prevents the lower classes from ever being landlords and provides a basis for claiming them as chattel property.

1858 – Benjamin Disraeli begins the push to enfranchise British laborers as properties belonging to the British Crown. They and their assets are seized upon in the process as collateral backing government debt. Their “voluntary” enslavement is used to fund the British Raj in India---though they are never told any of this.

1860 – Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney, is elected President. He can serve only in the private office of President of the United States (Trading Company), not as President of the United States of America, as a result of the Titles of Nobility Amendment. He contrives to start the Civil War, which is never declared by Congress.

1863 – Lincoln succeeds in bankrupting the United States (Trading Company) and issues General Order 100, placing the Grand Army of the Republic in charge of the government. The entire “war” is an illegal commercial mercenary action resulting in a military dictatorship being established in the District of Columbia.

1865 – Lee surrenders his army to Grant at Appomattox, but no official peace treaty is ever signed. The Southern States are carved up into ten military districts and all the original states are improperly subsumed into the bankruptcy of the United States (Trading Company) by a process of assumpsit.

1868 – The Creditors of the United States (Trading Company) issue a look-alike, sound-alike corporate charter called the “Constitution of the United States of America”. This creates a commercial corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America” that then substituted itself for the actual government owed to the people and states of this country under The Constitution for the united States of America.

1868- 1875 -- This new “government” entity then forces the original unincorporated state governments to write new state constitutions and to assume new doingbusiness-as names in the form of: Wisconsin State, Connecticut State, and so on, while seizing upon the name of the original states and operating “Territorial franchises” for itself under their names: State of Wisconsin, State of Connecticut, and so on. All these semantic deceits are pulled off on the trusting public.

1907 – The 1868 version of The United States of America, Inc. is bankrupted. The land of the actual states and people is unlawfully seized upon by the creditors of The United States of America, Inc., as collateral backing its debts in bankruptcy. “Title” is taken to the land and the actual patents seized upon, with the Creditors receiving the equitable title and benefit.

1930-34 - A second corporation calling itself “the United States of America” is bankrupted. This time, FDR unlawfully converts the entire population of this country, re-interpreting our Trade Names on the land to be Foreign Situs Trusts operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. This allows the Creditors of the bankrupt private, mostly foreign-owned “United States of America, Inc.” to seize upon the labor and other private property of Americans in gross Breach of Trust owed to us by the Popes and by the British Monarch. By this deliberate fraud, we are “presumed” to be commercial vessels belonging to the bankrupt United States of America, Inc., and by process of extortion and assumpsit, are forced to pay its debts. We are also considered “missing, presumed lost at sea” and Cestui Que Vie Trusts are established by the Municipal United States in our names. These things are operated under deceptive account designations that appear to be our names: JOHN MICHAEL DOE, JANET ANN WILSON, and so on.

1953 - We finally pay off the 1907 bankruptcy of The United States of America, Inc., but instead of returning the land patents owed to the actual states and people, those responsible pretended not to know who the land belonged to, and rolled it all up in giant land trusts, which they continued to tax, lease, rent, and otherwise benefit from in our purported “absence”.

1999 – We finally pay off the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., but instead of returning all the Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust assets owed to the living people, Bill Clinton signs Executive Order #13037, stepping up the conscription process, and again, pretending that nobody knows who these accounts belong to, hoping to seize upon all our property including our names via a claim on abandonment.

2015 - President Obama puts the UNITED STATES, INC. and all its “Municipal Franchises” including the Cestui Que Vie ESTATES belonging to Americans into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Liquidation. Almost as an afterthought, he puts the USA, Inc. into Chapter 11 Reorganization. This effectively bankrupts the entire world--- all the Municipal Government franchises dba CHINA, FRANCE, and LOUIS ALLAN FULFORD, all the Territorial Government franchises dba Germany, United Kingdom, and Lois Lillian Hardy.

2015 – Americans who have become aware of the fraud return to the land jurisdiction of their birth. The unincorporated government of the actual states and people doing business as the United States of America revives itself.

The new government issues new Sovereign Letters Patent for the states (November 4) and for the Indian Nations (November 6) and also issues an Express Trust --- The Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.

2017 – After extensive Due Process given to all the Principal Parties responsible, the liens against all the Municipal and Territorial government corporations and their franchises are completed and cured, including Agricultural Liens.

January 6, 2017, a Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the actual states and people is lodged with the United States Treasury, and a Payment Bond is lodged with the Vatican Chancery Court.

June 29, 2017: The American states and people represented by the unincorporated United States of America visit The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and claim back their property and assets as the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal Government corporations and their franchises worldwide.

 That all brings us forward to the present moment.

 The One People’s Public Trust foreclosed on the Territorial and Municipal corporations, intending to create a gigantic global version of the Public Charitable Trust that they would then control. However, they are not the Creditors. We are. We are the lawful owners of all that several generations of dishonest employees and middlemen have amassed--- and which they have hoped to claim as abandoned property. The success of this scheme would have ended private property rights worldwide. The Secondary Creditors had already set up a plan to discharge the debts of the Municipal franchises in bankruptcy via Treasury Direct Accounts.

This process avoids the fact that these debts are all odious hypothecated debts that the living people never owed in the first place. It also avoids the fact that the living people are the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders who have been defrauded in Breach of Trust, and instead mischaracterizes them as bankrupt “US citizens”.

As our included Public and Judicial Notice- Number 4 discloses, “citizenship” is a form of indentured servitude to the government of a country, and in the modern world, it must be voluntary, proven, and equitable or it becomes a form of peonage and enslavement outlawed worldwide since 1926.

We maintain that the incorporated foreign governmental service corporations operating under color of law and purposeful deceit on our shores since 1868 have effectively enslaved our population and brought insupportable claims against our land and our assets.

 We maintain that we are not and have never been subjects of nor subject to bankruptcy proceedings related to these disreputable foreign corporations and that we are owed the actual constitution.

We maintain that the Municipal UNITED STATES and the Territorial USA practiced a form of genocide on paper against the American states and people which is forbidden by the Geneva Conventions and also practiced unlawful conversion of our assets, inland piracy, kidnapping, identity theft and human trafficking against a peaceful Third Party civilian population composed of their own employers and Priority Creditors.

These actions by the UNITED STATES and USA against the American states and people are by definition international crimes of employees against their employers.

We maintain that the bankruptcy of these foreign entities doing business as the UNITED STATES and USA on our shores has nothing legitimate to do with us or our property assets and that they exist in a jurisdiction that is now and always has been foreign and separate from us.

 As the Paramount Creditors, we have stipulated to the court guidelines that must be met to establish proof of voluntary and equitable federal citizenship without which no presumption of citizenship accrues to anyone born on the soil of an American state.

In practical terms this means that there are two classes of people to be addressed by The United States District Court for the District of Columbia: (1) actual federal employees and dependents who are subject to the Municipal and Territorial bankruptcies and who are owed discharge of the debts of their respective franchises as part of the general bankruptcy, and (2) Americans who are likewise owed discharge of these bogus foreign debts via probate action, collapsing the Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Puerto Rican transmitting utility franchises and other Territorial franchises that have been created by federal corporations infringing on their Trade Names without their knowledge or consent.

So the actual federal employees are owed bankruptcy protection at the same time the American states and people, who are the Paramount Creditors throughout, are owed probate action wiping away debts accrued by secondary beneficiaries, and the return of their land patents and other property assets without further disloyalty, obfuscation, claim, or delay.

We direct the Treasury and The United States District Court for the District of Columbia to administratively reconfigure the Treasury Direct Accounts to recognize these two classes of people and the two necessary but separate processes (bankruptcy settlement on one hand, discharge through probate on the other) needed to clean up this mess.

Now and in the future, we require some sure and certain means to differentiate between federal citizens and the people of the American states. This can take the form of new identification credentials that will replace the use of State of State Driver Licenses, except for actual federal employees and proven actual dependents.

We have no ill-will toward our employees despite their incompetence and the destructive nature of their misbehavior and will not object to them seeking bankruptcy protection, however, we insist that our assets are not subject to their bankruptcy and must be removed from the Public Charitable Trust and returned together with the titles and land patents and other assets owed to the actual states and people.

Discharge of odious debts both in probate (for Americans) and in bankruptcy (for actual federal citizens) can commence immediately to bring relief to both the Creditors and the Debtors, subject to creating a record keeping process at the Treasury to identify members of the two separate populations and giving each their due.

It is apparent that the plot to create one giant all-controlling public trust for the entire globe has failed and private property rights have been restored and retained throughout the world impacted by these corporate bankruptcies.

 The Paramount Security Interest Holders, the American states and people represented by the unincorporated United States of America, hereby willingly order the discharge of all similar odious debts owed to them by Municipal and Territorial franchises formed under the names of living people throughout the world.

 Read that--- we aren’t here to press claims of debt against little old ladies in Hungary or farmers in Zimbabwe or tradesmen in England who have been defrauded and conscripted and enfranchised just as we were under false pretenses and conditions of non-disclosure and deceit by their own respective governmental services corporation franchises.

Let it never be said that the Americans are ungenerous or dishonest, despite the mischaracterization and criminal misrepresentation we have received at the hands of our own employees and the Breach of Trust we have suffered at the hands of our own international Trustees for six generations.

The release of all these odious debts held against living people throughout the world in all those countries impacted can commence as soon as it can be expedited by the Treasury and IMF officials.

In the wake of this great debt restructuring and the enumeration and separation of the Creditors from the Debtors, we require that all the bankrupt bank franchises turn over their account records and prepare to negotiate terms with the actual asset holders which are for the most part private Historical Trusts.

 It is not our will to cause any disruption or to move assets in any destructive way, but we will have an accounting of those assets owed to the actual heirs and trustees and beneficiaries of these funds and we will have agreements with all the bankrupt commercial banks regarding access to these resources and these assets by the actual living owners for non-violent and philanthropic and purely personal purposes.

We also require a public accounting to be conducted throughout all sectors of the government that has been provided by the bankrupt governmental services corporations (state of, county of, and municipal entities) and their hired subcontracting agencies, beginning with the most recent Annual Financial Reports (APRs) of agencies and departments and public trusts in each state, the most recent Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) of the State of State organizations.

Our credit may be accessed to pay for these services leading to an accurate public accounting for the first time since 1946.

Thank you for your time, attention, and understanding of these urgent issues.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Former Judge Doug Bench florida marijuana

A retired judge who in the past put 311 people in jail, now emotionally testifies that cannabis cured him of an 'incurable' disease.. We all have a right to life and that encompasses a right to 'effective medication'!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Grand Thieves Are Running The Country

Contrary to suspicions, accusations, rumors, gossip, slander, libel, and defaming allegations, I am not trying to 'overthrow the government' as some people think or claim.

 In reality, what I am attempting to do is the 'restore' the constitutionally accountable, and lawful republican form of government that was 'overthrown' decades ago.

Constitution of the USA, Article 4 section 4:The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

(Excuse me? It is the federal governments job to protect our borders from invasion? OK, and when is the last time that happened?)

This is the kind of information we need to bring down this artificial so-called shadow government that is actually a conglomoration of privately owned, for profit corporations hired to provide government services and not the United States of America's rightful, legal, lawful, constitutionally accountable government that 'we the people' think is in place. 

These corporate imposters are violently destroying America from within and are infiltrating, attacking, and occupying America through our county courthouses and municipalities using constitutionally ignorant police officers as the front man to pull this off! Not the national nor the state constitution is being taught in 'our' public education system, or in 'our "militarized" civilian police forces'.

I believe LEO's should be taught the constitution, and if they can't pass the test, they don't wear the badge! I apologise for sounding offensive to the men in blue, but LEO's are often as ignorant of what is 'really' going on, as the people they believe they are serving and protecting. 

When and more importantly, "WHY" did it become nessasary to militarize 'our' civilian police forces and arm them with automatic weapons, bullet proof vests and armored vehicles? And let's not forget when it comes to dealing with the 'lower' district municipal courts in America today, nothing is what it appears to be. Why? Are we being played?

The BAR Attorneys are the ones with the greatest “legal authority in America today.”
They are permitted to “operate” other peoples’ ARTIFICIAL PERSONS, such as the name on your birth certificate, drivers license, voter registration, marriage license, income tax bill, phone bill, utility bill, property tax bill, bank account, etc .

BAR Attorneys conspire to conceal the criminal nature of their LEGAL FICTIONAL SYSTEM of “fictionalized law.” In their perspective, nothing is “real” until it has been legalized… yet the best definition of “legal”/”legalized” is “fictional”/”fictionalized.” BAR Attorneys require things to be fictionalized (with unconscionable debt) for them to “recognize it.”
A foreign AGENT BAR attorney or foreign AGENT Prosecutor will never rebut, refute or exhibit a defect in your sworn affidavits or motions by way of affidavit into a corporate, commercial court case.
A corporate court official or Executive Trust Administrator will never rebut or challenge your verified affidavit for specific negative averment either. Your allegations will not be disproved by a foreign BAR AGENT in a foreign Article I or Article IV private administrative tribunal either.
Your sworn, signed and notarized affidavits will not be rebutted point-by-point with specificity or particularity each and every allegation you make in your sworn statements, original or amended complaints either.

The only thing that a foreign BAR attorney does in a foreign venue and foreign jurisdiction is to create argument, controversy and debate using hearsay, lies and subterfuge.
Everything you say and everything you file into one of these private tribunals will stand as the "uncontested truth" and will not change the fact that the commercial Administrator does not have to guarantee you due process of law, fair and equal protections under the law or your "day in court".

For the most part, the vigilanté privateer who's masquerading in equity as a judge in America, is not bound to any lawful judicial review board or bound to honor or uphold any judicial Code of Ethics or judicial Code of Conduct. These self-serving PUBLIC servants and foreign AGENTS are all on the same team (club) and you or I are not in it.
We are not in ''the big club"!

All of these foreign BAR AGENTS are is "AT LAW" attorneys...
Not 'in law'.
Have you ever noticed the signs in front of their offices? "Attorneys at Law".
In my humble opinion, if you are not 'In Law',
you are an outlaw!
You can't be baptized standing at the shoreline shouting or casting hearsay, lies and half truths at the man in the middle of river who wants to baptize you. You have to get 'into' the water.
Attorneys do not want to get into the water or be in-law. Attorneys are in FICTION, in FRAUD, in DECEPTION and in dishonor. BAR AGENT attorneys are totally the problem in America.

FYI: In Yahshua's day, 'lawyers' were called 'pharisees' and the 'clerks of court' were called 'scribes'.
Luke 11: 37-54
Woe to the Pharisees and Lawyers
37 And as He spoke, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. So He went in and sat down to eat. 38 When the Pharisee saw it, he marveled that He had not first washed before dinner.
39 Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness.40 Foolish ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But rather give alms of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you.
42 “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 43 Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites![g] For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.”
45 Then one of the lawyers answered and said to Him, “Teacher, by saying these things You reproach us also.”
46 And He said, “Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers. 47 Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48 In fact, you bear witness that you approve the deeds of your fathers; for they indeed killed them, and you build their tombs. 49 Therefore the wisdom of God also said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill and persecute,’ 50 that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation, 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who perished between the altar and the temple. Yes, I say to you, it shall be required of this generation.
52 “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”
53 And as He said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and to cross-examine Him about many things, 54 lying in wait for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him.
(anything you say, can AND WILL be used against you!)
Or as I like to say: It is far better to be silent and regarded as a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Templar Treaties ~ By Anna Von Reitz 5/27/2017

Templar Treaties By Anna Von Reitz

 The Templars have had a "perpetual" treaty of "peace" and "friendship" and "amity" with us since 1794.

Let's see.....that's 223 years.

Are we being unreasonable in our expectation that everyone in your organization should know about this? And act accordingly?

We have a copy. The Holy See has a copy.
Her Royal Majesty has a copy.
The Doge of Venice has a copy.
The Grimaldi Family has a copy.
The Prince of Monaco has a copy.
 The Liechtensteiners have a copy..... the list goes on.

Yet, despite this, members of the Temple have been rampaging around attacking us and pretending that we are someone --- or to be more exact --- some "thing" other than ourselves, and they have been using this preposterous presumption as an excuse to attack Treaty Partners to whom they owe perpetual amity and peace. Go figure.

Now, some parties who assume they are being referenced in my note "To the Perpetrators" are bumping around claiming that the Queen is in danger. What kind of nonsense is that?

The Templars have not been honoring their treaty obligations in this country and have caused a lot of trouble instead. The Bad Faith of members toward the American people has resulted in the Queen being in Breach of Trust. Put bluntly, you are the problem, not us.

 If you have ever seen a man trapped by a Chinese Knot, you know that the harder he struggles, the tighter it binds. The more lies you tell, the harsher the condemnation. The longer you refuse to abide by your treaty obligations, the worse your punishment will be.

These Truths are part of the Universal Law set forth by our Creator and are no "laws" of men, therefore they are not subject to amendment or repeal, cannot be changed or reinterpreted or avoided. And nobody judges you by giving Voice to the Universal Law, because in truth, you have condemned yourselves by what you have done in America on one hand, and by what you have failed to do on the other. If the Queen is in trouble, it's because she is in gross Breach of Trust, and if she is in gross Breach of Trust, it is because the members of the Temple Bar have violated their treaty obligations owed to the Americans and have run amok and behaved as lawless brigands on our shores.

The misrepresentations of those who have owed us Good Faith service have resulted in our states and people being repeatedly victimized as purported sureties in fraudulently created international bankruptcies. These frauds upon the states, the people, and also upon the probate and bankruptcy courts have not been created by the victims of these schemes who clearly did not benefit from them.

All of this has been done by members of the Temple Bar and Inns of Court who have abused their positions of trust and violated the obligations of their long-standing treaties with us.

 When the Truth comes, what is false must pass away. So it is written and so it must be.

We are not causing any trouble by claiming the land and the labor that is ours by natural right, nor by refusing to be victimized again by those we depended on as Treaty Partners owing us "perpetual friendship".

Rather, the trouble is the result of Shysters writing tickets on our credit without our knowledge or permission, and Trustees who have fallen so far down on the job that they must be halfway to China and somewhere near the center of the Earth by now.


See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

What Is the Name of the Crime? ---Unlawful Conversion ~ By Anna Von Reitz

Obviously, fraud.

 That, surely.

But there is so much more to what has been done to us by our "Public Servants"

.... conscription, inland piracy, racketeering, kidnapping, press-ganging, enslavement, false presumption, false arrests, false impersonation, deliberate mischaracterization, plundering, pillaging, unauthorized hypothecation of debt, conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy against The Constitution, invasion, trespassing, copyright infringement, trademark violations, identity theft, grand theft and larceny.....

 I could probably go on all night, but at the root of it---- besides constructive fraud in general, there is a nagging need to nail down a razor-sharp diagnosis of what has gone on here, and in the end, after several years of ruminating about this at odd hours, I believe that Congressman Louis T. McFadden nailed it back in 1934: unlawful conversation.

Unlawful conversion of our identities and our assets has been the entire aim of the Territorial United States/Municipal United States Tag Team.

We've had the British Enemy pretending to be our friend on one side, and the out-of-control Vatican Thugs on the other, conspiring together against us and against virtually everyone else's lawful government, too, because the same evils have been visited on a many other countries including most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Canada, Mexico.... another list goes on.

Unlawful conversion of our Trade Names redefining them as Foreign Situs Trusts. Unlawful conversion of our state national standing to that of mere "citizens".

 Unlawful conversion of our land patents to titles held under color of law.

Unlawful conversion of our private property to public assets. Unlawful conversion of our government on the land to a government on the sea.

 Unlawful conversion of the copyrights and trademarks we are owed.

 Unlawful conversion of our private bank accounts to public "personal" accounts. Unlawful conversion of our States to "States of States" and "STATES OF STATES".

Unlawful conversion of our public courts to private corporate tribunals. Unlawful conversion of private civilian assets to public trust assets.

 Unlawful conversion of American Common Law to English Common Law. Unlawful conversion of public records to private registrations.

Unlawful conversion of our right to elect to mere voting privileges. The sheer scale of this sly, secretive crime spree all across the globe is staggering, especially when one considers that it has all taken place under a banner of freedom and progress---- while in fact delivering a form of modern feudalism instead.

I wonder how long they thought they'd get away with it? And now that they are standing with their pants down around their ankles, I wonder how long they think they can still get away with it?

 How long before the police forces and military wake up and do their jobs and prosecute the actual criminals?

How long before the government politicians responsible know for sure that they have been caught and have to correct, or none of us will have any reason to pay them for their "service"?

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here: 

 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Watch The Police, FBI & CIA Expose The Illuminati (Illuminati Exposed) (...

Watch George Carlin Expose The Illuminati (Illuminati Exposed) (2017)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Letter of Resignation of Agency

After the authentication of the BC, this document/NOTICE is the most important thing you do, before initiating the Secure Party Creditor Process and contacting  the IRS, SS, Sec.of Treasury, or anyone regarding ANYTHING!

Do not contact the governor untill you get this is done.

And do not contact the sheriff.(regarding fraud on the court, etc)

The ALL CAPS 'thing' is a government organization and the proof of it's existence is the birth certificate.

I suggest you contact the SOS and resign as agent and authorized representative of the trust

here is a tutorial and 'my' letter to the SOS of STATE OF LOUISIANA...

We must understand the Facts.

 FACT: You are not JOHN BIG BUCK II. 


But you are 'presumed' to be 'its' agent' until you rebut that presumption IN WRITING!

Let us examine the facts with a better understanding of this public entity/organization/trust/corporation/franchise/agency/bond and the proof of it’s existence.

This is the most important status correction that most people fail to do...


I have been asked by several men and women to forward to them documents concerning resignation of a registered agent. I feel it is prudent to explain the Facts regarding the instrument known as a Certification of Birth.
Anyone who has studied and researched these matters, for any good length of time, has come to the conclusion that the person represented by the Birth Certificate is not a man, but an artificial person.
It is an entity. A person other than a natural person. While there are many theories of how that entity was created, I believe the simple, more important  facts are being overlooked. 

 Particularly one’s relationship to it.

I will now address obvious facts.

1) An entity can do nothing. It must have a representative, an officer, agent, fiduciary or some man or woman to act on it’s behalf.

2) This entity must have a name. The legal name of this Entity is what we refer to as the ALL CAP NAME.

3) All entities, foreign or domestic, must qualify to transact business in your “state”. It must comply with all statutes concerning registration.

4) All entities must have a registered office and a registered agent for service of process.

Once one becomes aware of this entity, Logic must be used.

Congress has stated that a citizen of the United States is a civilly dead entity, Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646).  A “citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PUBLIC CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST, the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.

We must understand the “entity”.

Where is the proof, token or evidence that this entity exists?

What is the legal name of the entity?

Under what jurisdiction and law was this entity organized?

So let us take a look at the Kentucky Revised Statutes pertaining to entities and organizations doing business in the Commonwealth.

KRS 14A.
14A.1-020 Application.
Each entity and each foreign entity is subject to the provisions of this chapter. 

14A.4-010bRegistered office and registered agent required.b
(1) Each entity and each foreign entity qualified to transact business in this
Commonwealth shall continuously maintain in this Commonwealth:

(a) A registered office that may be the same as any of its places of business;

(b) A registered agent, who may be:

1. An individual who resides in this Commonwealth and whose
business address is identical with the registered office; or
2. An entity or foreign entity qualified to transact business in this
Commonwealth whose business address is identical with the
registered office.

14A.4-040bService through registered agent.
(1) An entity's or foreign entity's registered agent shall be its agent for service of
process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the entity or foreign entity.

I hope these provisions give a little hint as to your relationship to it. We must understand the Facts.

Let us examine the facts with a better understanding of the entity and the proof of it’s existence.

I was listening to some Judges, attorneys, and law professors discuss the UCC. 

Here is the link.  

 Law professor Linda Rousch was discussing the legal name of a registered organization (see UCC art 9 (def)).  Judge Bruce Markell then says… “ the state issues a Birth Certificate.”,  being a public record showing the organization was organized.

I will now present my argument and remedy.

The Birth certificate is a public record showing the organization was organized, showing it exist. This registered organization, a state agency, was created during the “registration of birth reports and documents” mentioned in KRS 213.046 (1) and 213.051. This Created the “matrix”.see Bl.5th
When You used the Certificate, you became the registered agent and accepted appointment for service of process, your home is now the registered office and you have just complied with some of the requirements mentioned in KRS 14A.

So, While this author cannot go to great lengths to provide the reader of the authorities proving enormous legal ramifications for use of instruments and the legal relationships of the registered agent, this author merely wishes to direct some interested persons to the obvious and easiest remedies available.

If one does not wish to operate an entity, or be a registered agent for an organization, the remedy is simple. 

 A letter of resignation.

Upon the 31st day of receipt of the letter of resignation, you will no longer be the agent for service of process. 

They cannot serve you process when it is addressed to the entity. Unless the secretary of state has a statement on file signed by the agent accepting the appointment for service of process, service of process is not effective and insufficient , to wit:

14A.4-010bRegistered office and registered agent required
(2) Unless the registered agent signs the document making the appointment, the appointment of the registered agent or a successor registered agent on whom process may be given is not effective until the agent delivers a statement in writing to the Secretary of State accepting the appointment.

And as for the resignation,

14A.4-030bResignation of registered agent.
(1) A registered agent may resign the appointment by signing and delivering a statement of resignation to the Secretary of State for filing that may also provide that the registered office is discontinued.

(2) After filing the statement, the Secretary of State shall mail one (1) copy to the registered office, if not discontinued, and the other copy to the entity or foreign entity at its principal office.

(3) The agency appointment shall be terminated, and the registered office
discontinued, if so provided, on the earlier of:

(a) The appointment of a successor registered agent and, if applicable, registered office; or

(b) The thirty-first day after the date on which the statement of resignation
was filed.

Now for those wanting some other options as resignation may not be a viable choice, your duties and obligations are simple, again, to wit:

14A.4-050bObligations of registered agent.
The duties of a registered agent are to:

(1) Forward to the entity or foreign entity for which it is the registered agent any service of process, notice, or demand received on its behalf; and

(2) Collect and maintain the information described in KRS 14A.4-010(3).

As agent for the entity, you are the secured party and creditor. 

See UCC definitions, secured party, creditor. 

You are a secured party creditor. 

I would also state that it is an organization having more than 1 place of business. As we did not issue the bonds controlled by mutual fund managers such as Blackrock and Wells Fargo. 

Given this fact, please see UCC 9-307. The organization is a debtor and UCC 9-307 determines the location of the debtor.

Once you know where the chief executive office is, maybe now you know where to send all service of process, notices and demands to, that being the main obligations of the registered agent.

That being said, here is an example of a LETTER OF RESIGNATION.

(secretary of state's name)
Secretary of State for (corporation state) i.e. STATE OF OHIO

Re: Resignation pursuant to KRS 14A.4-030.

Greetings (Mr. or Mrs. Secretary's Name),

This Statement of Resignation and Claim of Right is presented for filing and shall constitute a public deed record presented for filing.
Whereas certain facts have become known, specifically and particularly the Creation of a Registered Organization having  the name (ALL CAPS NAME) and evidence by the Mark, Token, Proof called a Certificate of Birth, being a public record showing the organization was organized, showing it exist, and, Whereas the legal name of that registered organization, a state agency, is styled (ALL CAP NAME), and, Whereas said Facts have caused some agents to believe a legal impossibility, and,  Whereas I do not wish to operate any state or government agency, foreign or domestic,
I hereby resign from any real or presumed state or government agency or organization, and will no longer accept service of process, demands or notices addressed to said organization, as registered agent. I hereby resign from the capacity of registered agent and now assume the person, office, and capacity of general executor of the estate of the agency until persons claiming an interest in the organization or the estate thereof, make themselves known.
Any and all real or presumed Power of Attorney Claimed by any Person is hereby revoked, rescinded and made Void. Any State, Government, Office, Officer, Agency or Agent Shall not conduct the affairs of the Organization without the expressed written Consent of the General executor of the Estate as of this day.
I, (your name), hereby authorize, warrant, and demand that all business and transactions being done within (STATE OF XXXXX), and using the legal name or legal entity identifiers (LEIs) associated with the registered organization cease. Any and all persons under your office are hereby given notice, no office, officer, agency or agent shall in any way operate or conduct any affairs of the organization without the expressed written consent of the acting general executor as of this day.
I am also requesting a full accounting of the organizational accounts to determine the condition and solvency of the organization. Please forward to the executor's office a certified copy of any accounts  known by your office or other agency, or in your possession, including any and all funds, trusts, UCC finance statements, liens, encumbrances, and judgments, etc., concerning  the organization. This is a legal request for an accounting of the organization.
To Clarify, I hereby resign the position of registered agent and discontinue any and all registered office(s). Please, if there are any questions of debts owed by the organization, please send all proof of claims and evidences of debt to the chief executive office of the organization  for payment, setoff, discharge or settlement, or otherwise-provided for by law. 

Thank you for your service,
(seal, signature)
Acting Executor
address for office of the executor.


                   LETTER OF RESIGNATION

Marcus Loring: de la Houssaye
910 North Wilderness Trail
Carencro [70520] Louisiana Republic

Tom Schedler
Secretary of State for STATE OF LOUISIANA
POBox 94125
Baton Rouge, La 70804-9125

Re: Resignation pursuant to Louisiana Rev Stat § 9:2242.

Greetings Mr. Schedler,

This Statement of Resignation and Claim of Right is presented for filing and shall constitute a public deed record presented for filing.

Whereas certain facts have become known, specifically and particularly the Creation of a Registered Organization having  the name MARCUS LOVING DELAHOUSSAYE and evidence by the Mark, Token, Proof called a Certificate of Birth, being a public record showing the organization was organized, showing it exist, and,

 Whereas the legal name of that registered organization, a state agency, is styled MARCUS LOVING DELAHOUSSAYE, and,

 Whereas said Facts have caused some agents to believe a legal impossibility, and,  

Whereas I do not wish to operate any state or government agency, foreign or domestic,
I hereby resign from any real or presumed state or government agency or organization, and will no longer accept service of process, demands or notices addressed to said organization, as registered agent. 

I hereby resign from the capacity of registered agent and now assume the person, office, and capacity of general executor of the estate of the agency until persons claiming an interest in the organization or the estate thereof, make themselves known.

Any and all real or presumed Power of Attorney Claimed by any Person is hereby revoked, rescinded and made Void. Any State, Government, Office, Officer, Agency or Agent Shall not conduct the affairs of the Organization without the expressed written Consent of the General executor of the Estate as of this day.

I, Marcus Loring; Houssaye, hereby authorize, warrant, and demand that all business and transactions being done within STATE OF LOUISIANA, and using the legal name or legal entity identifiers (LEIs) associated with the registered organization cease. Any and all persons under your office are hereby given notice, no office, officer, agency or agent shall in any way operate or conduct any affairs of the organization without the expressed written consent of the acting general executor as of this day.

I am also requesting a full accounting of the organizational accounts to determine the condition and solvency of the organization. 

Please forward to the executor's office a certified copy of any accounts  known by your office or other agency, or in your possession, including any and all funds, trusts, UCC finance statements, liens, encumbrances, and judgments, etc., concerning  the organization. 

This is a legal request for an accounting of the organization.

To Clarify, I hereby resign the position of registered agent and discontinue any and all registered office(s). Please, if there are any questions of debts owed by the organization, please send all proof of claims and evidences of debt to the chief executive office of the organization for payment, setoff, discharge or settlement, or otherwise-provided for by law. 

Thank you for your service,

(seal, signature)


Acting Executor
address for office of the executor.