Friday, May 26, 2017

Templar Treaties ~ By Anna Von Reitz 5/27/2017

Templar Treaties By Anna Von Reitz

 The Templars have had a "perpetual" treaty of "peace" and "friendship" and "amity" with us since 1794.

Let's see.....that's 223 years.

Are we being unreasonable in our expectation that everyone in your organization should know about this? And act accordingly?

We have a copy. The Holy See has a copy.
Her Royal Majesty has a copy.
The Doge of Venice has a copy.
The Grimaldi Family has a copy.
The Prince of Monaco has a copy.
 The Liechtensteiners have a copy..... the list goes on.

Yet, despite this, members of the Temple have been rampaging around attacking us and pretending that we are someone --- or to be more exact --- some "thing" other than ourselves, and they have been using this preposterous presumption as an excuse to attack Treaty Partners to whom they owe perpetual amity and peace. Go figure.

Now, some parties who assume they are being referenced in my note "To the Perpetrators" are bumping around claiming that the Queen is in danger. What kind of nonsense is that?

The Templars have not been honoring their treaty obligations in this country and have caused a lot of trouble instead. The Bad Faith of members toward the American people has resulted in the Queen being in Breach of Trust. Put bluntly, you are the problem, not us.

 If you have ever seen a man trapped by a Chinese Knot, you know that the harder he struggles, the tighter it binds. The more lies you tell, the harsher the condemnation. The longer you refuse to abide by your treaty obligations, the worse your punishment will be.

These Truths are part of the Universal Law set forth by our Creator and are no "laws" of men, therefore they are not subject to amendment or repeal, cannot be changed or reinterpreted or avoided. And nobody judges you by giving Voice to the Universal Law, because in truth, you have condemned yourselves by what you have done in America on one hand, and by what you have failed to do on the other. If the Queen is in trouble, it's because she is in gross Breach of Trust, and if she is in gross Breach of Trust, it is because the members of the Temple Bar have violated their treaty obligations owed to the Americans and have run amok and behaved as lawless brigands on our shores.

The misrepresentations of those who have owed us Good Faith service have resulted in our states and people being repeatedly victimized as purported sureties in fraudulently created international bankruptcies. These frauds upon the states, the people, and also upon the probate and bankruptcy courts have not been created by the victims of these schemes who clearly did not benefit from them.

All of this has been done by members of the Temple Bar and Inns of Court who have abused their positions of trust and violated the obligations of their long-standing treaties with us.

 When the Truth comes, what is false must pass away. So it is written and so it must be.

We are not causing any trouble by claiming the land and the labor that is ours by natural right, nor by refusing to be victimized again by those we depended on as Treaty Partners owing us "perpetual friendship".

Rather, the trouble is the result of Shysters writing tickets on our credit without our knowledge or permission, and Trustees who have fallen so far down on the job that they must be halfway to China and somewhere near the center of the Earth by now.


See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

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