Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Constitution And The Illusion

Did you know that 98% of the Law Schools in America and England do not include Constitutional Law as a part of their law curriculum?

The reason for this phenomenon is because Constitutional Law does not apply to or affect the enforcement of statutes, codes or administrative regulations, which have replaced constitutional law, the common law, public law and penal law and which have been designed to control you; [e.g.] Constitutional Law is taught as an elective at Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and only for students of law who are planning a future career in government.


Under our corporate governments, no Sovereign can lawfully be tried or convicted of any statutory crime! I recently discovered how to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge:

First: “the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if not, insist upon it! Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded!

”Second: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: “I am a beneficiary of the Trust,and I am appointing you as my Trustee!”

Third: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding! “As my Trustee, I want you to discharge this matter I am accused of and eliminate the record!”

Fourth: if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his arrest, he can direct that the Trust compensate him from the proceeds of the Court by saying; “I wish to becompensated for [X] dollars, in redemption.”

This statement is sufficient to remove the authority and jurisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or judge. The accused will be immediately released from custody, with a check, license or claim he identifies as a damage. It doesn’t matter what the action involves or how it is classified by the corporate law as a civil or criminal action! It works every time!

Stop Blaming The Government! Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny:The UCC Connection

If you know that something is wrong with the government, and you dont know what it is, consider this:

The just powers and authority of the government are by the consent of the people.

Below is a quote by Howard Freeman and a link to a website with a lot of information about how we got where we are, and a good start to begin freeing ourselves from tyranny.

"It is we who must take the responsibility for finding and putting to good use the TRUTH.
It is we, who must claim and defend our God-given rights and our freedom from those who would take them from us.
It is we who must protect ourselves, our families and our posterity from the inevitable intrusion into our lives by those who live parasitically off the labor, skill and talents of others." ~ Howard Freeman
