Sunday, August 26, 2012

The United States Incorporated

The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.

The "Federal" Government is a Separate Nation and should be called the United States, Incorporated.

This Awareness indicates there are two governments operating in this country: the united States of America is the Republic government created by the states, for the states, created by the people, for the people and there is the US government, which is a corporate government, or corporation. This federal government, should be called the United States, Incorporated. Corporations are not allowed by law to become politically charged in terms of their controls over the masses of a region.

The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.

A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten square mile parcel of property known as Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has no legal authority to do so.

This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this quasi-corporation known as the United States Federal Government attempts to make laws, to impose laws on the states or on the people that have not been authorized by the states of the people, operates illegally. This Awareness indicates that any of the states or the people who give their allegiance, and give their rights to such a quasi-government are doing so illegally. Anyone who volunteers to let such a foreign entity control their lives is volunteering their freedom away illegally, and this is where changes will soon begin to occur, and where entities will begin to recognize a breech in the relationship between the people, the states, and the quasi-government in Washington D.C.

The Federal government, which is foreign to the united States of America, which is located in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the united States of America and which is in fact controlled to a great extent by the international bankers and by the laws and rules of the United Nations, whereby this Federal Washington D.C. state or country, has set itself up as a control over the united States of America as a quasi-government.

This Awareness indicates that elected officials residing outside of the united States of America in Washington D.C., are not actually employees or officials of the united States of America, or its rules. The states' rules do not apply. The states' Constitution does not apply to these entities in Washington D.C. because they are acting outside the country in this second nation known as the Federal government.
This Awareness indicates in other words, the United States Federal government and the united States of America are basically two different countries, and the Constitution of the united States of America is not the law of the United States Federal government. Therefore, these entities cannot, while in the District of Colombia, be accused of treason. They are operating on behalf of the foreign bankers and their special interests.

Most entities are unaware of vanishing freedoms...

This Awareness indicates essentially, these so called "freedoms" that entities have enjoyed or believe they had, are taken away without the public even realizing they are being taken. It is as though an entity is ushered into prison by a very powerful hypnotist and one who is very persuasive, who talks the entity along as he walks him towards the prison, and who even walks the entity through the gate and into the cell before the entity awakes to find he is imprisoned.
This is the way it will be for many entities. They will be deeply imprisoned, unable to escape before they know what happened. This Awareness indicates that of course, because there are many patriots who are well aware of what is coming, they have the opportunity to inform others and others have the chance to wake up before it is too late.

What can you do about it...

It becomes important for entities to recognize the need to risk communicating with persons of their own interest. If they are interested in the patriot movement, then it is important that they risk communicating with such entities, for you can't escape the reality by ignoring it. There are many entities who live in denial, right up to the time when they face the inevitable imprisonment, but of they recognize what is coming, if they are open to hearing what is evidenced in regards to the future events so that they do not ignore the evidence that is available through Patriot groups, then these entities stand a chance of adding their weight to the weight of others who are still dedicated to freedoms in this country and in other countries around the world.

Some States Now Seeking Sovereignty

This Awareness indicates, there are close to a dozen states in the united States of America that have seriously been moving toward secession from the United States and regaining their own sovereignty. This Awareness indicates that Louisiana, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Idaho, Hawaii; these are but a few of those mentioned as turning toward the pursuit of their state sovereignty. Technically, the "united States of America" refers to the states themselves, not the Washington D.C. government, and the Federal government, or the United States, Incorporated, refers to the corporation that is governing ten square miles known as Washington D.C. It is not part of the United States. It is a separate nation, incorporated as the United States of America, and it has self-appointed its own purpose as being that of extending rule over the separate United States. The sovereign states of the union being individually sovereign with their own constitution or charters or separate laws based on the Constitution of the united States of America.

The United States, Incorporated

This Federal government sees itself as a democracy, whereas the original states of the Union were a Republic . This Republic is no longer recognized by the "democracy" known as the United States, Inc.. It should be understood that "democracy" essentially is majority rule, or what some call "mob rule," and a Republic is a system of government that is focussed on the right of each individual. The rules are such to protect the rights of the individuals, not so much the mob or the majority, but of the individuals that make up the whole. This Awareness indicates that these things that most entities are not taught in their school or not taught through the news, through television or through the ordinary information sources of the country. It should be realized that the United States, Incorporated is dominated and controlled by 13 powerful banking families; the Rothschilds being a dominant influence, so that the laws are passed to help curb the freedoms of the states.
Most of the laws of the Federal government are essentially just corporate rules and corporate laws on the states who have become associated with the Federal government, given there allegiance or otherwise bought into the Federal government in Washington, D.C., a corporation. The government in Washington, D.C. is not set up to represent the states, but to control the states, as though they were subordinate corporations to this greater corporation.

Originally, the laws passed were by consent of the states, but it has reached a point now where the Federal Reserve Bank has such power and loans to the states or programs for the states can be financed from Washington DC, the states sell out and go along with the Federal programs in order to get Federal money.

This Awareness indicates that it has been a very slow and gradual take over of the states and their sovereignty and independence, so that the independence is more of a sham. The so-called independence day is a celebration that occurs each July 4th, more out of memory than out of actual reality of the present time. There is really very little independence. In fact, there is much talk of "interdependence," meaning that the states are dependent on the Federal government, and the Federal government has some reliance on the state for its taxes collected from the people of the various states, and in this sense there is an interdepence. They each depend on each other.

The Oversight of the Founding Fathers

This Awareness indicates this all came about by an oversight of the Founding Fathers, wherein the Rothschild lawyers and representatives recognized that the oversight was that Washington, D.C. government for the states had never actually been a part of the United States and therefore, they took over and created a corporation of this Federal government, making it a separate nation from the United states, and from that action began to move toward a gradual take over of the various states of the union through statutes and laws which the states bought into.

From Jackie Patru @

"Our Constitutional rights are under attack. While we sleep, local and state elected officials are legislating away our freedom by implementing federal legislation which does NOT apply -- Constitutionally -- to the several states. The President is acting as a king -- issuing "decrees" called Executive Orders -- which we are to believe overrides the Constitution for the United States of America, bypassing the system of checks and balances. Corrupt courts prosecute on false charges, ignoring the right to due process. To what may we attribute the impending death of our once great nation and the slave status of once-free Americans?

Who is to blame for her state of bankruptcy and vulnerability?

We are, by our silence. Our lack of involvement is our acquiescence."

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Angelle admits he resigned for political opportunity

The Truth About Bin Laden

A Navy Seal's tell-all book about the alleged Bin Laden raid and killing in 2011, proves the establishment media is not yet willing to admit the raid was simply the umpteenth continuation of the fable that Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.


How to file UCC-1


(Identity Redemption- Phase 1)

1) Overview
Each person of legal age will do their own UCC-1 filing. If there are children under 18 years of age, they will be added to their parent’s filing. First, print out the “EXAMPLE UCC-1 FILING” for reference. The “EXAMPLE UCC-1 FILING” is an efax document. Go to and download the efax messenger in order open the document.
To begin the UCC-1 filing process you will be need:
(A) Your STATE ISSUED birth certificate, NOT A COUNTY ISSUED birth certificate (look for a State seal and large state registration number).
• Naturalization papers if a naturalized citizen.
• Your child’s birth certificate if child is under legal age. (Optional)
Note: If you were naturalized into the USA, there was no US birth certificate created for you. You will use your US naturalization papers in lieu of your birth certificate, prepare them as stated below in step #2.
(B) Social Security Card (New Card)
(C) Marriage license, divorce decree (Settlement Agreement) if applicable
(D) Driver license, Pilot license, fishing license, etc… if applicable
(E) Passport if applicable
(F) Child and spouse birth certificates if applicable.

Definitions: You may find these definitions helpful in filling out your forms.

True name: Your full name spelled out in upper and lower case, with a colon before
your “family “ or last name. (John Joseph: Smith)
True Signature: This is your real signature, upper and lower case letters. Attempt to
place a colon before your last name if possible. Sign in red ink.
Straw Name: Your “legal” name. Spelled in all Capital letters without a colon. This
name may have an initial for the first or middle name. (JOHN JOSEPH SMITH) or
Straw Signature: Your “legal” name printed in all capital letters. Print in blue ink.
Straw Address: Your “legal” address All Capital letters, with a two letter abbreviated
state, with a +4 zip if possible. (123 MAGNOLIA ST., ANYTOWN, GA 12345-1234)
Why use blue or red ink on the signatures? This shows the Original signature on the original document, and not a photocopy.

2) Preparing the documents
• All documents needed for this filing are included in this package. All documents
included are titled and referenced as:
a) Example UCC-1 Filing (efax doc., go to and download efax messenger in order to open doc.)
b) Acceptance for Value Stamp
c) National or State UCC-1 Form
d) Security Agreement
e) Secretary of State Addresses
• For all documents, certificates, and filings make 2 copies of everything because
you will want an additional copy of your filing for yourself.
• If mailing in your UCC-1, Obtain High Quality (color) photocopies of your Birth
certificate (front only) or naturalization papers and other above stated documents you are filing.
• Place the photocopies in your printer. Open the document “Acceptance for Value
Stamp” included in this folder. Print the stamp onto the photocopies of your
• Fill out the Accepted for Value stamp in red ink. Print your true name; under your
true name sign your true name. At the bottom right of the stamp, enter the spelled out date. Place these prepared documents aside for later.

3)Creating the Security Agreement:
The Security Agreement defines exactly what property / rights you are claiming of the debtor. Find the Security Agreement provided in this folder. Save a copy of the original Security Agreement on your hard drive and work from copies of the document. If you personally have more than one Debtor Name, one Security Agreement will suffice. Use your primary Debtor name on the Security Agreement. Do not create a Security Agreement for children; entering their names on the UCC-1 forms is sufficient. Follow the Format on the Security Agreement exactly, watch for Upper and Lower case letters. Find the “Security Agreement” document provided in this package and complete this document according to the following instructions.

1. In this folder,” find the file named “Security Agreement” and open it. Create a copy of the file you are customizing by selecting “save as” in your file menu and rename the file. The original document is formatted so it cannot be altered, however you can “save as,” rename, and alter the new document.
2. First Paragraph: Enter the date, PRIMARY DEBTOR NAME, Social Security Number, Secured Party name.
3. Debtor: Enter Main Debtor name. The Debtor name is entered in all Capital Letters followed by the address in the format on the agreement.
4. Secured Party: Enter the Secured Party name in upper and lower case with colon, following the address formatted as shown on the agreement.
5. Fidelity Bond Section, Page 2: Enter the Debtor and Secured Party names as shown in this section.
6. Page 3: Under the Collateral section after “Dishonor Settlement Agreement Bill of Exchange #”, enter the year of your birth. Note: The Dishonor Settlement Agreement Bill of Exchange is the birth cert.
7. Signature Section, Page 9: Enter the Debtor and Security names.
8. Open the Footer: With your computer mouse, place your cursor on the View Menu on the top of the window. Select “Header and Footer”. Scroll down to the footer (bottom of the page). When you finish customizing the page 1 footer as stated below, continue scrolling to page 2 footer. Note: You will have to enter changes on page 1 and page 2. After page 2 is changed, the remaining pages will be changed automatically.
Customize Footer Form Number: Footer left corner, enter the date in six-digit format(mmddyy) after “SA-“
Customize Footer Secured Party: Footer right corner, enter the Secured Party name. Un-highlight the areas you have changed, print the security agreement.
Last Page (Page 9) - Signing the Security Agreement:
Obtain two witnesses of legal age to observe you signing the security agreement. On the witness lines then have them sign (like they sign a check) in red ink after you are finished signing.
On the debtor signature line, Print the debtor name in all capital letters, followed by the social security number with dashes in blue Ink.
On the secured Party signature line, Sign your true name (like you sign a check) in red ink.
On the bottom right of the last page, in the footer, sign your true name below the typed secured party name in red ink.

4) Fill out Form UCC-1
You may file a UCC-1 form in any State. Realize not all States accept the UCC-1 form the way we have you prepare it. In the interest of making this process as easy as possible, we
recommend that you file your UCC-1 in Washington State. This State has never presented a problem to our clients that have filed there. Some other UCC-1 friendly states are: NV,
CO, NM, OH. You have the option of filing a National UCC-1 form, or a Washington form. The National form with the “transmitting utility” checked (see example) on the Addendum page is good for your lifetime. Washington’s state form offers the ability for your UCC-1 to be registered for your lifetime when the “transmitting utility” is checked (see example). Regardless of the form you file they both provide the same protection. If time is of the essence, you can fax your filing to Washington State. They can file your UCC-1 in about 2 hours. Mailing in your UCC-1 form takes anywhere from 1 week to 1 month. After choosing which form to file, find the National UCC-1 form and/or the Washington UCC-1 form included and complete it according to the following instructions. You should also find sample UCC-1 forms that will give you a visual picture of how your form should look when you are finished. The UCC-1 forms should be typed except for the signatures. Here we go!

1. Top of the form, Box “c”; enter your “True” Name, then C/O your STRAW name
and STRAW Address.
2. Section 1a; enter your Straw Name.
3. Section 1c; enter your Straw Address
4. Section 1d; enter your social security number with dashes.
5. Section 1f; enter the State you were born (State of you birth certificate).
Note: If you are a naturalized citizen, you will enter the state you were naturalized.
6. Section 1g; enter your date of birth in all capital letters. (DOB: MAY 5, 1955)
7. Section 2a,c,d,f,g; if you have one additional Straw Name or Additional Debtor (A
child under 18) you may enter it in Section 2 as stated above, or you may leave
this section blank.
8. Section 3b; enter your true name.
9. Section 3c; enter C/O your Straw Name and Straw Address.
10. Section 4; enter the following introductory sentence: “All tangible and
intangible properties, assets, goods and titles of all kinds including but not
limited to:” Below that line, list your Birth Certificate and Its state filing number
as on the example form. If an additional debtor (child) is listed, list that Debtor’s
birth certificate in the same manner.
11. Section 6; on the top line, Print your Straw Name from section 1a in Capital
Letters in blue ink. If you put an additional name in Section 2a, Print that name in
Straw Format.


1. Section AdA; Enter the First debtor’s name from the UCC-1 (Section 1a) in STRAW format under “Entity name”
2. Section Ad1; NOTE: If not entering an additional debtor leave section Ad1
blank. If adding another debtor (child) or name List the STRAW name in section
3. Section Ad1c; Enter the STRAW Address (Usually the same as the parent)
4. Section Ad1d; Enter the SSN of the Debtor (Child).
5. Section Ad1f; Enter the Debtor’s (Child’s) birth State.
6. Section Ad1g; Enter the Debtor’s (Childs) Date Of Birth.
7. Section Ad2-5; Leave these sections blank.
8. Section Ad6; If adding an additional debtor in section Ad1 Print the Debtor’s Name in all capital letters in blue ink. Note: If not entering a debtor in Section Ad1 Leave Blank.
9. Section Ad7; If entering an additional debtor, list the Debtor’s birth certificate.
NOTE: If not entering an additional debtor or collateral, leave section Ad7 blank.
10. Section Ad8; Place an X, and add “YES, ALL DEBTORS”


1. In box 1 (DEBTOR): place an X in the box next to “BUSINESS.” Type the Straw Man version of your name (this is fully spelled out, all caps). To the right of you’re the DEBTOR’S name type (and all derivatives thereof). Below that type the Straw Address. Below the address pressing “enter twice” type “SSN#000-00-0000. At the bottom of the box, after “TRADE NAME, DBA, AKA:” If you have one additional Straw name (A name with a middle initial) you may enter it. If you have more than one name type “SEE ATTACHMENT” This notifies the UCC office of additional Debtor names you will list on the attachment page.
2. In box 3 (SECURED PARTY): enter your true name (First Middle: Last). To the right of your true name type (and all derivatives thereof). On the next line, enter “c/o” and your address with upper and lower case letters. Don’t abbreviate your state, spell it out and box your zip code. [12345]
3. In box 5: enter your true name, and if you wish to be contacted, your phone number.
4. In box 6: put an X in the boxes stating that “Debtor is a Transmitting Utility” and
“Products of Collateral are also covered.”
5. In box 7 (Collateral list): enter the following introductory sentence: “All tangible and intangible properties, assets, goods and titles of all kinds Including but not limited to:” Then, below that line, type “See Attachments”
6. IN box 8: Enter the same information in box 3.
7. Do not fill in boxes 9-11.
8. In box 12: on the top line, type the Straw Man version of the debtor’s name, just as it appears in box 1 with “See Attachments” to the right. On the second line, print in all capitals, the Straw Man version of the debtor’s name, and then add your Social Security number (with dashes) right after it. On the third line, If you put an additional AKA name in Box 1, Print the AKA name in Straw Format, then add your Social Security number (with dashes) right after it. Write “See Attachments” if that is what you put in box 1.
9. In box 13: on the top line, type your true name. On line 2, sign your true signature in red ink, then add (in your writing): “Employer Identification #123456789” (substituting your Soc. Sec. # with no dashes).


The UCC-1 attachment is used to list additional debtors or debtor names as collateral as well as additional collateral. You may create this on a standard sheet of paper.

How to fill out your Washington State Attachment:

1. Top Of Form: Type “UCC-1 Attachment for Debtor JOHN ADAM DOE”. This is the title of the page. (Fully Spelled Out, Straw Format) If your attachment is more then one page title each additional page “UCC-1 Attachment (continued) for Debtor JOHN ADAM DOE”.
2. The first section of your attachment is for the additional debtors names, which is a continuation of Box 1 of your UCC-1 form. Type “1. THIS FINANCING STATEMENT COVERS THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL DEBTOR’S NAMES (AKA) AND ANY OTHER VARIATION THEREOF:” Below this list your additional Debtor Names in Straw Format with Straw Address just like Box 1 of your UCC-1.
3. The next section is in addition to what may or may not already be listed in Box 7 of your UCC-1. Type “7. THIS FINANCING STATEMENT COVERS THE FOLLOWING COLLATERAL AND ANY VARIATION THEREOF:”. You would then list all collateral included in this UCC-1 filing. Refer to “EXAMPLE FILING” as to what to type.
4. The final section of your attachment is for the additional debtors names and signatures, which is a continuation of Box 12 of your UCC-1 form. Enter the different Debtor’s names that you have listed in section 1. Sign the Debtor’s name in blue ink in Straw format, followed by the social security number (with dashes).

5) What to submit:

1) Your completed UCC-1 form. (National UCC-1 + Addendum + Attachment (if needed) OR Washington State UCC-1 + Attachment (if needed))
2) Copies of your State Issued Birth Certificate and other listed collateral (S.S. Card, Drivers License, etc.) with the “ACCEPTED FOR VALUE” stamp on them. (If including your children with your filing, also include their birth certificates as attachments)
3) Security Agreement signed and notarized.

NOTE: If mailing in your filing, you should include duplicate originals of the UCC-1 and (if needed) Color copies of your Birth Certificate(s). The Secretary of State Office will keep one set and return the other set to you.

6) Filing the UCC-1

Gathering your filing protocol:
•How much to pay
•How to pay
•How to get it there
•Where to send it

Before you send off your UCC-1 filing, you should call the Secretary of State’s office you are filing with and find out the fees required for filing. Be sure to tell them that the UCC Financing Statement will have an attachment included in the filing. Ask if there will be an additional fee for the attachment pages, additional debtors or additional names. You will have to include a money order or check when mailing your filing, or a credit card number if faxing in your filing. The filing can be sent via regular mail, but for faster service you can mail it priority mail. For a faster return, you may also want to enclose a smaller priority mail return envelope (postage paid). You may fax in your filing, or you can take it to the Secretary of State’s office or County Recorder’s office in person. Prepare to answer any questions they come up with. Typically, they will wonder about the “All Capitals Printed Signature” of the debtor (you can tell them, that is the signature of the debtor). Also they might ask what you are doing by filing this form. The truth is, you are “perfecting a security interest in a fictional corporation (strawman) created by the state and federal governments (by means of your birth certificate) when you were born.”
Washington State Contact Number: To receive the correct protocol for mailing or faxing to
Washington State, call: (360) 664-1530