Friday, December 28, 2018

Letter To Donald Trump 12/28/2018

I just sent a letter to the Whitehouse:

 President Trump, 

Of course I am in support of the Wall! I am aware of the drugs, human trafficking, and other notorious crimes associated with the open border. I have friends who are Border Patrol, US Marshals, US Customs, and many friends who live very close to the southern border. I am a cowboy, a deer hunter and I love Texas.

 But we have a much bigger issue about domestic threats to the American people... when are you going to address the trespass, treasonous and foreign occupation of our municipal, county and state courthouses by agents of a foreign bank? They are agents of the British Crown and the same foreign bank that owns the Federal Reserve Bank and most of the senate and the house. 

Mr. President, the American and state BAR Associations are tyrannically 'ruling' America through over 3,000 county courthouses! Isn't it your responsibility to protect American State Nationals and all Americans from ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC? The Governor’s Office of Vital Records (holding the ESTATE/TRUST birth certificates), clerk of court, judge, prosecutor, public defender, and police are ALL operating a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization in violation of the RICO Act ~ 18 USC 1961-1968. 

I have recently suffered attempted murder by local sheriffs, AND been kidnapped AND PUT IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL. And since I was a baby, I have been defrauded by the ALL CAPS NAME on the birth certificate, and then extorted, suffered a violation of privacy and dignity, and the unlawful conversion of my private property through CIVIL ASSET FORFIETURE. And... I only have a tort claim as protection from all this inland piracy in courts of admiralty/maritime jurisdiction? 

Excuse me sir, but the Federal Reserve and their co-conspirator crooks in the county courthouses are a bigger and more immediate threat than the Mexicans, Russians, and Chinese all combined! Now, you as our commander in chief swore an oath to protect the US against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. 

May be time for martial law?