Saturday, January 21, 2017
President Donald Trump 1ST speech - Presidential Inauguration of Donald...
"January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again!" ~ Donald Trump, POTUS
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
1974 Louisiana Constitution (as ratified without subsequent amendments) ARTICLE XII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2:
The military shall be subordinate to the civil power.
The military shall be subordinate to the civil power.
I am tired of this American CORPORATE capitalist vs environmental activist, animal rights activist vs dog lover/owner/breeder, Democrat vs Republican, lib vs con, black vs white, cop vs anti-cop, obedient catholic vs rebellous 'protest'ant, rich vs poor, north vs south, cowboy vs indian, US gov vs 'We the People', Russian vs American, gay vs straight, Communist vs Democratic and MUSLIM vs CHRISTIAN BULLSHIT!
And I could go on AND ON!
What do you think Jesus meant when he said:
'Love your neighbor as yourself.'?
'Love your neighbor as yourself.'?
OK, here: Let me help you understand this commandment;
How about ALL OF THEM!
How about ALL OF THEM!
'United' states? Not yet, NOT in my book!
And, ALL MEN(which includes woMEN and children!)
And frankly right now, we are the most hated and/or the laughing stock of the rest of the people in the other nations of the world because we are the biggest bunch of poorly educated, highly entertained, blood thirsty, arrogant, self righteous, divided people on planet earth since Nazi Germany.
As I listened to the pledge of alligiance and the national anthem @ 6am on KBON this morning I realized that the Declaration of Independence 1776, USC 4:1(the act of congress that defines and authorizes the use of the 'American' flag), the national anthem, AND the pledge of alligiance, DON'T MEAN SHIT WITHOUT THE US and STATE constitutions! Please wake the fuck up and start reading the constitutions(state and federal), and stop talking shit about the 2nd amendment when:
And if you are offended by my use of 4 letter words and don't have a problem with the lying, stealing, murdering activities of so-called 'PUBLIC SERVANTS' in the county courthouses, state houses and the 'District of Columbia, I have some advise for you: get educated, get a life and leave me the fuck alone! This is my nation, my country, my life, and I have sworn a lifetime oath and that is an oath to defend it ALL, and I am sick and tired of being attacked, ridiculed, and repeatedly suffering attempted murder, by so-called Americans in the private sector(because the sheriffs are not doing their job to protect me and my property), as well as 'other' PUBLIC SERVANTS wearing a badge and carrying a gun! This is a paramilitary government evidenced by: including but not limited to; surgeon GENERAL, attorney GENERAL, postmaster GENERAL, inspector GENERAL, COMMANDER IN CHIEF, AND the gold fringe around 3 sides of the flag in every municipal, county, state AND federal courtroom in America, and on every uniform, and lets not forget:the armored vehicles, the automatic weapons, the bullet proof vests, metal detectors in the courtrooms, and the CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCEMENT by agents(corporate employees) in every level and branch of every 'government services provider/contractor' offices in every federal, state, county and municipality in America today.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
United States v. Federal Districts, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 12
Marcus de la Houssaye shared Anna von Reitz's post.

Anna von Reitz
United States v. Federal Districts, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 12
George Washington divided the country into districts for the purpose of administering the duties of the federal government. He has been accused of treason for doing so by those who never comprehended the organization of the government in the first place.
While George's detractors rightfully object that he deployed foreign government via the districts established upon our shores, they fail to recognize that the states allowed this by subscribing to the constitutional agreement and delegating the enumerated powers (which are really services to be rendered by the federal entity) to the federal government.
Foreign it was and foreign it is, but as long as we adhere to the actual Constitution, the Federales are allowed to establish their foreign administrative units, called "districts" as they please.
The first districts on this continent, however, were not established by George Washington. They were established by Benjamin Franklin operating as a private contractor and Post Master. Well-prior to the Revolutionary War, Franklin established a network of "Post Roads" which he surveyed himself, and a system of Postal Districts served by these Post Roads and by Post Offices.
Post Roads, Postal Districts, and Post Offices are all international service conduits and service areas established on the jurisdiction of the land of the host nation for the purpose of providing postal services. These all exist under Postal Treaties allowing their presence on our soil.
George, for his part, just piggy-backed his foreign, international service districts called "United States Districts" and later municipal districts doing business as "US DISTRICTS" on top of the pre-existing Postal Districts. Taken together these are sometimes grouped together and called "Federal Districts", but over time, the common usage has also been separated along more functional guidelines--- with "United States Districts" coming to be associated with military and constitutionally mandated service functions and "Federal Districts" more often referring to non-military international service areas and facilities such as Post Offices and Free Trade Zones established by treaty on the land jurisdiction of the various states.
Thus, United States Districts are administrative service areas established on our land for the purpose of organizing and delivering the constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government entity, and Federal Districts are underlying administrative international service areas created by specific treaties, most importantly postal treaties, that are held by the states and which pre-date the Revolution.
Now, as you are reading the actual Constitution you will notice that the Founders very carefully excluded the federal government from having any functions or duties related to the land jurisdiction of the states. In this way, they sought to maintain Checks and Balances, so that the federal functions were cordoned off in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and the prerogatives of the states were jealously guarded on the jurisdiction of the land.
The only clause in the entire Constitution that allows any function affecting the administration of the states to the federal government is the infamous "interstate commerce clause"----and even that, properly understood, is merely a guarantee against the various states using tariffs and import restrictions against the free flow of goods from other states of the Union. That is, the interstate commerce clause exists to ensure free trade between the states, and not for any other purpose of regulation.
Thus, the United States is restricted from interfering with the land jurisdiction of the states and the people by the actual Constitution, and all other Federal functions are limited by treaties with the states acting under the international powers retained by the states and people in Article X---the most venerable of which, the Postal Union Treaties, are still in effect.
This brings up a very, very important point--- the states and people have retained international jurisdiction over all "non-delegated powers". Anything that is not specifically and explicitly delegated to the federal government, remains the exclusive right and prerogative of the states and people.
As a result of the foregoing circumstance the United States needed its own district and its own postal treaty and its own postal service called the United States Postal Service in order to form a separate seat of government -- hence the need to form the District of Columbia.
When you use the "United States Postal Service" you are using the federal government's in-house postal service, but in order to provide service throughout the country, they are piggy-backing on your state's separate postal contracts, post roads, and post offices. They are making use of your state Postal Districts. This leads to a bifurcation of services under one roof.
In Federal-ese, federal government mail is "domestic" with respect to the United States Government and its employees. Take a look at Title 39 United States Code Section 3003, 1341, and 1342. The use of a ZIP CODE is voluntary, per Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32 "Non-discrimination for NON-USE of Zip Codes". Also see ZIP CODE per Public Law 91-325, Section 403.
These citations make it clear that for people living in the states who are not federal employees or dependents known as "citizens", the use of the ZIP CODE is entirely voluntary --- and we are free to reinterpret it as we see fit, should we decide to note it on our correspondences as a "Postal Code Extension" or as a Rural Route Number existing outside the federal government's domestic (in-house) system.
You can address your mail like this:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Rural route 54615
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
1040 Mayberry Street
Rural route 54615
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Or like this:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Postal Extension 54615
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Postal Extension 54615
Instead of:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615
The first two addresses are private non-domestic mail and the sender has just been kind enough to reference the postal code to expedite mail service. The third version is domestic mail with respect to the federal United States -- that is, government mail at an in-house government address.
Obviously, if you are not functioning as a government employee or dependent, you don't want your mail incorrectly addressed, but more importantly, this whole situation points out the underlying dichotomy that has caused us and our nation so much harm.
By allowing the "United States" to presume upon us and to assume that we are one of their "citizens" we become subject to their foreign government(s) both corporate and municipal, and allow them to accumulate evidence against our claim to be "free and independent" men and women.
Thus, through our ignorance and their self-interested Bad Faith, the federal government operating as a succession of "governmental services corporations"
has usurped upon us and upon our lawful government and contrived to paper over our very natures and identities, pretending that we are mere franchisees or worse, franchises, of their own corporations instead of their benefactors and employers.
The so-called federal government and its agency contractors have failed to discipline themselves appropriately and failed to properly inform both the public and their own employees concerning their nature and limitations which has led to corruption and mis-administration on a staggering scale.
The Postal Districts of your state on the land belongs to you and is operated under Article X of the actual Constitution. This unique land-controlled international jurisdiction belongs to you and your state on the land --- which is a state, e.g., California State, and not a "State of State" such as the "State of California".
Just as there are "United States District Courts" operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea with respect to constitutionally mandated duties, there are "Federal Postal District Courts" operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea with respect to non-delegated prerogatives of the states and people.
One of the non-delegated prerogatives is anything whatsoever to do with your actual body and actual estate on the land, which includes the use and possession of your actual trade (given) name---which has been commandeered under false pretenses and misused to create no end of mischief "in your name" without your knowledge or consent.
This infringement upon your identity and credit is a form of identity theft resulting in personage and copyright infringement practiced by trademark enclosure. This is a war crime of "genocide on paper" being practiced against us by gangs of thugs who have also misrepresented the so-called "American Civil War" as an actual war-- instead of an illegal mercenary action-- in their attempt to disguise and justify their actions.
Well, folks, now you know all the basics. Use your Federal Postal District Courts to kick the ever-loving stuffing out of these vermin and send them packing back to Washington, DC to consider their sins. You will need to organize yourselves, repudiate the false claim that you are any form of "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States", reassert your birthright standing as American state nationals, and reclaim your county and state governments. As you are forming your Jural Assemblies you may also form a Jural Society to operate the Federal Postal District Court your state is owed.
Get started.
Fast Forward, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 14
St. Martin Sheriff deputies(a street gang) tried to murder me in the boat landing at Lake Martin April 11, 2014. But, I am not easy to kill, and I timed it to land my boat when about 50 witnesses were present for my personal safety. I knew they were waiting for me and hiding in the bushes wanting to jump me from behind. They arrested me(on a bogus warrant) instead and told witneses that I had pulled a knife on their 5 cop gun fight! Lying, thieveing, murdering scum sucking punks!
Fast Forward, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 14
It is summer 2014. For the last ten years the forces of evil have been marching steadily onward and their plans are all-too apparent. All the "federal" alphabet soup agencies have been armed to the teeth. Billions of rounds of ammo have been purchased. The local police have been armed with tactical weapons and armored vehicles and are swaggering around looking nervous and fingering Billy Clubs made of Titanium and steel.
Every day reports come in of police brutality, more and more evictions and foreclosures, over a million children missing from our streets and schools, test scores in the toilet and then word comes that vast "FEMA Camps" have been built and stocked and provided with armed guards. There are even rumors of vast underground bases built over the course of the Cold War, large enough to house thousands of people, entire cities underground.
The "federal government" dba UNITED STATES, INC., a storefront governmental services corporation for the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, is preparing for something Big--- the extermination of its Priority Creditors, the American People.
The bosses running the UNITED STATES, INC. stand to make at least a million dollars per dead American as a result of life insurance policies paid for with their own tax money.
And then, they also get to collect on all the "abandoned" estate property and resell it to new suckers.
And they get to avoid paying the debt that they owe these same Americans. Just forget it. Write it off. They're dead. They can't collect.
And finally, they get to charge the victim's estates and their kids and grandkids for all this "service" ---- i.e., killing the innocent Americans who are their Priority Creditors.
Real nice. Slick job. Hey, just cut to the chase this time. They learned a lot from World War II when they killed off all the Jewish people in Germany who were also their Priority Creditors---- the ones who faithfully bought all those German and British Government Bonds that the rats defaulted on.
Beginning with George W. Bush and continuing through 2014 with Barack "Crazy Legs" Obama, they just figured the Final Solution would be easy this time. They planned it all properly, invested the money, and test marketed all the excuses they could think of to get something started----- World War III, a race war of blacks against whites, a religious war of Muslims against Christians, ISIS, Cannibal Catholic priests, Sovereign Citizens---- you name it, they test marketed every angle they could think of.
And they came up empty except for a few minor riots in little name places, but boy, Howdy, they kept trying to get something going, some spark. They even tried stupid stuff like transgender bathrooms, for pity's sake.
By the middle of 2014 it was obvious where this was headed. Another fake "civil war" on American soil, with Americans being the target population being eradicated by their own dear "federal government" under the pretense of protecting us.
When government agencies start sucking up billions of rounds of ammo and government departments start buying millions of body bags and stockpiling them in internment camps on American soil, you kinda gotta figure that there is something going on, Virginia, and its not nice.
Well, what it was is that the National Debt had come due, and since they had already siphoned off the National Credit, plus all the "cream" from Double Dipping both the American public trusts and the United States Treasury, these criminals figured that even if they "nationalized"---- that is, stole---- every bank account and every IRA in America, they still wouldn't be able to pay off their creditors.
Truth be told, they never wanted to pay off their creditors. That was not their intention. It was never part of the plan. It was just the old Nazi Flim Flam dance with a few twists of Communist Rumba thrown in. Steal from the masses for the elites, then kill off the masses so they never have to pay anything back.
And it was happening right here on Mainstreet, right in front of all our faces, while the Mainstream Media prattled on about high temperatures in the Midwest and the latest celebrity divorce.
It was started by Bush, the Republican. It was continued by Obama, the Democrat. It was supported by the members of "Congress" for over a decade, making appropriation after appropriation. Billions upon billions of dollars were spent. Your money. But what the hell, huh? They weren't figuring on paying you back, except with a bullet through the back of your trusting skulls. Or a nice "shower" in a gas-filled room without windows.
"Oh, my government would NEVER do that!"
Well, here's the news: it's not your government. It hasn't been your government in 150 years. It's not even a government. It's a governmental services corporation. Yeah, you heard it right---- a commercial corporation in the business of selling you "government services". And they just "sell" you whatever they want to sell you at any price they want to charge and chuck it all up on your credit cards and your kid's credit cards and your grandkid's credit cards.....
That THING in Washington, DC that is not your government at all and which has never been your government, which has been owned and operated by foreign governments ever since it was spawned, and which has abused your trust and stolen you blind and used your sons and daughters for gun fodder in wars for profit for the last 150 years----- that THING, which has never been a sovereign government of any kind--- was getting ready to kill you for profit for all the reasons enumerated above.
And they really thought they could come up with a story line, an excuse, and get away with it. They did. They spent billions of dollars betting that they could get away with it and somehow everyone would believe them.
Just like they believed the Warren Commission and the Blue-Ribbon 911 Commission.
You had all better thank your lucky stars and kiss the ground and pray to your True God and give thanks from your hearts that there are still Americans who can tell cow pies from shoe polish. And then when you are done with that, you can thank the Russians and the Red Chinese and all the other people all around the world who have been victimized by these same vermin, because frankly, the only thing that has kept these criminals in check is the stark fact that once they started their killing spree, they'd have the Americans on one side and the rest of the world on the other, with nothing but their own pathetic rumps in between.
In July 2014 we took an unprecedented step. We issued General Civil Orders to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We told them what was going on and we told them explicitly what to do about it. We stood on our own flat feet in our sovereign capacity as American state nationals acting under the Last Man Standing Rule and we read the Joint Chiefs the Riot Act in language they could understand. And then we published those General Civil Orders from coast to coast and around the world and we sent copies to heads of state and to the Pope and the Queen and the heads of all the security services worldwide. And we fingered the rats for what they were up to.
What kind of reception did we get? Why, blank astonishment. If a horse had started rattling off orders they couldn't have been more amazed, amused, outraged, astounded. What are these people talking about.....well, ignore them..... Tin Hats..... but then, there was Benghazi, and have you checked out what the Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth dug up? And oh, damn..... General Dempsey needs a new pair of shoes..... Shut your mouth, or you will lose your commission!
But they heard it. They had to hear it. It was repeated. It was placed in the public record. It was recorded. It was re-broadcast. It was published all over the internet. The Dalai Lama saw it. The people in Western Australia heard about it. The flipping Koala Bears heard it. And even if they initially thought we were crazy, the fact remains that they heard what we said, and as time progressed and the pieces fell in place, they'd remember it.
They'd all remember it. And that's why losing plausible deniability is such a B.
Just ask Hillary Clinton.
The men responsible for the outrages this world has endured for the past century and a half have to work in darkness. They have to have secrecy. They have to own the media. They have to pay off reporters. If anyone knew even half of what they were doing and reported on it, the jig would be up for them. They'd be hunted down like muskrats and skinned in their own holes, hanged with piano wire and trussed up in public gibbets in the marketplaces and nobody would blink an eyelash except to spit on them.
So when you accuse them in advance of their evil intentions it spoils their plot line. It exposes them even if nobody lifts an eyebrow, because the thought process has been set in motion---- and the thing that sounds crazy today makes sense tomorrow.
It's important for America to wake up---- desperately important. All those "nice" people in Washington, DC? The ones you have looked up to and trusted and given your proxy to? They have enslaved and defrauded you and stolen your identity, your credit, your land, your homes, your businesses and left you to pay their debts. And when it was time for them to pay you back with interest for all this abuse, they plotted against you to kill you because they owed you money and killing you off was just so much more profitable.
And now that you are coming out of your stupor and realize that "Congressman" is a truly dirty word, here's something else you have to understand---- these same vermin have been out and about and around the world for the past 150 years, killing, robbing, pillaging, plundering, raping, drinking, drugging, pimping, kidnapping, and promoting war in your name.
In your name!
Americans are being blamed---heartily---all over this planet for the misdeeds and criminality of the people who have stood there and claimed to "represent" you. No wonder Americans are hated from the Hebrides to the Black Sea to the Indian Ocean and beyond. No wonder the "crazy" Muslims shout "God is great!" and kill themselves in defiance of what they perceive as pure evil, because in their experience---- "America" has been made synonymous with evil.
I am not condoning any madman killing innocent people in a school or a shopping mall, folks, but I am telling you that the things these federal vermin have done in your names would make your stomachs turn. You would lose your lunches for a year. And that's why you must draw a line in the sand and make a distinction between "America" and the "United States" and the "United States of America".
You must know the difference and you must make it stick. You must call the shots before they are played and stand tall for the consequences, because that is the only way that the rest of the world can know the difference between you and those who have pretended to be your proxies and agents while practicing every vile sin known to man.
Otherwise, the rest of the world thinks you're good with starving babies and killing pregnant women for sport. They think it's okay with you to poison water wells and kill livestock people depend on for their lives. They assume that, hey, these people work for you, so you must be the Devil Incarnate. You must be worse than pond scum.
And they will never know the truth ---- that you have been victims, too, that you have been lied to and defrauded and enslaved and abused by these same monsters, and that you have not condoned their evil----- until you wake up and face the truth.
The Trading Companies, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 13
The Trading Companies, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 13
There are some very important things never taught in school. How to be a good parent is one of them. Another is the Great Frenzy that occurred in the very early 1700's. And another is the truth about the so-called "American Civil War".
In the late 1600's the Church lost control --- temporarily --- of the vast amounts of Spanish gold and silver purloined out of Central and South America during the previous two centuries. The unthinkable happened when the Laws of Supply and Demand kicked in and gold and silver were devalued by market forces just like any other glut on a commodity.
At precisely this moment when gold and silver were grossly, if momentarily, devalued--- another very odd and important thing happened.
The Dutch East India Trading Company disappeared. The largest and richest and by far the most successful international trading company on Earth --- with more wealth, more ships, more warehouses, more cargo tonnage under transport than all the British Crown Trading Companies put together--- simply vanished overnight, like the Templars and Phoenicians before them. Poof and gone.
Back then it was still possible to sail over the horizon and disappear, but such a massive commercial operation could hardly do so without leaving a paper trail that leads straight to Westminster and from there to New York in the United States.
The Dutch East India Trading Company paid the British for free egress to our shores and paid them handsomely. Names like Vanderbilt and Rockefeller and Roosevelt came ashore. The kingpins of the Dutch East India Trading Company then deployed their ill-gotten profits gained from stiffing their creditors and paid a cut to the British Crown.
The greed of the British Crown eventually wore thin on this arrangement and the American Revolution was the result. The oldest and most powerful trading companies went head to head for eight years and in the end nothing much was resolved. A lot of Americans died and the American people and their estates were saddled with the cost of this contest, a new and supposedly better government was declared, and life went on.
The Roman Pontiff had meanwhile regained control of the Spanish gold and silver and sequestered it away in family trusts bearing the names of Conquistadors: Rodriguez, Santiago, D'Avila....and the list goes on. All this gold and silver was the wealth of private individuals and their heirs, but it was guarded and parceled out by Church Trustees who were careful to restrict access to the funds except for credit---- thus manipulating supply and increasing the value of gold and silver by restricting it.
The heirs and beneficiaries had no complaints, as they had all the credit in the world, and their assets safely socked away out of circulation steadily gained value. The Church became fat and then fatter on its share of the profit from this and became more involved in worldly affairs and commodity market manipulations and insurances scams and other profit-making schemes.
By 1819 the Americans had gotten wind that the British King had secretly issued Letters of Marque against them and had issued privateer licenses to members of the Bar Associations. The states ratified an Amendment to the original Constitution putting teeth into a prohibition that had always been part of the agreement, forbidding people in possession of foreign Titles of Nobility (such as Esquire) from holding public office in our government.
Despite this, Abraham Lincoln, an Esquire and a Bar Member, was elected President in 1860. He could not hold the public office, but he could hold the private office of "President" acting as CEO of the United States (Trading Company).
Most Americans were none the wiser and in those days there was no internet.
Our Great-Grandparents were fed horse hooey and suckered along, promised the end of Negro slavery, when in fact what the perpetrators secretly proposed was to enslave everyone in a modern system of commercial feudalism that was engineered in Great Britain by Benjamin D'Israeli as a means to fund the Raj in India and vastly increase the wealth and political power of Queen Victoria. A century and a half later the vermin are still at it and using the slave labor of one nation, ours, to enslave others.
In March 1861 the Southern States walked out of Congress and in so doing destroyed the original union created by the Articles of Confederation (1781). They promptly wrote their own articles and re-created a union of Confederate States of America. To this day, it is the only actual and lawful union of sovereign states left standing on this continent.
The Northern States under Lincoln quickly devolved into a military dictatorship. Lincoln assumed the role of Commander-in-Chief and ordered the members of Congress back into session. They still serve at the President's pleasure and the long slide into darkness and corruption began.
The two old rivals, the remnants of the Dutch East India Trading Company, and the British Crown went head to head a second time, as the United States and the United States of America, respectively.
At this point we note another necessary, nasty truth that is never taught in school.
There was in fact no such thing as the American Civil War.
There is no declaration starting the conflict and no peace treaty ending it. What we euphemistically call the "American Civil War" or "War of Secession" was in fact an illegal commercial mercenary war for profit staged on our shores by two foreign commercial companies vying for control of our commerce and our natural resources.
This time, the Brits nominally won, with the South left in ruins and the North left in bankruptcy and the American people and their states saddled again with the expense of the conflict.
Ever since 1860 this country and the American people have been the prey and the victims of British overlords disguised in judge's robes and the nice suits of "trustees" working the biggest racketeering scam in human history.
We have been literally enslaved in the "Land of the Free" for 150 years and forced to pay off the costs of two World Wars, plus the cost of rebuilding Europe and Japan ---- and all under the rankest conditions of fraud and deceit and non-disclosure practiced against us by successive British Monarchs--- men and women who were all obligated by the most solemn treaties to act as our Trustees on the High Seas and Inland Waterways.
You will never guess how they did it.
By copyright infringement, trademark enclosures, and deceptively similar names deceits.
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to power in 1932 he ascended the throne of a dictatorial foreign military government that was already well-established as the Bully Boy Muscle for British Big Mouths----and all at American expense.
By the time he left office, the vassal "Congress" had formally granted him over 350 new powers never established under any constitution, enabling him to rule America all by himself. The actual states of the union had been bankrupted by assumption---- a process of "hypothecating" debt against them in collusion with foreign creditors, and millions of innocent Americans had been conscripted, enslaved, and "enfranchised"---- all for "the war effort", of course.
But the wars didn't end and American industry was never re-tooled for peace. The British overlords now working in collusion with their former Dutch enemies to mutually prey upon the Americans kept us in a perpetual and bloody war for profit all over the globe.
Their respective Team Storefronts, the Republicans and the Democrats, had already become a joke by the end of World War II with the returning G.I.'s smirking and saying, "Yeah, they select 'em and we elect 'em. Two different flavors of puke."
It would take several more major bloody conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and innumerable smaller police actions worldwide before Americans would begin to wake up and smell the rot.
Absolutely everything that has gone on in this country since at least 1860 has been the result of fraud and force and con jobs from people who are supposed to be here on our shores providing us with stipulated governmental services in Good Faith and who have no other legitimate excuse for being here, period.
For those unlearned in law, fraud taints everything it touches. Fraud "vitiates" the most solemn contracts and agreements and treaties. It renders everything proceeding from it null and void, as if it never existed.
Everything---absolutely everything--- that has happened in this country since Lincoln has been tainted by fraud.
There is no Lieber Code. No Reconstruction Acts. No War Powers Act. No Military Districts. No rewritten State Constitutions. No Trading With the Enemy Act. No Federal Reserve. No enfranchisement.
No District of Columbia Municipal Corporation. No Income Tax.
No Fourteenth Amendment. No "Constitution of the United States of America" published in 1868.
Insular Tariff Cases. No 350 new "presidential powers". No Executive Orders. No Territorial Jurisdiction. No Municipal Corporations Act.
No Lawful Declaration of War in World War I or II. No Bretton Woods. No Camp David.
No Government Agencies.
No mandatory vaccinations. No RFID chips. No National Debt. No mortgages. No valid foreclosures.
No Marriage Licenses. No Driver Licenses. No "State" Statutes published under any private copyright.
No Federal Code since 1860. No Uniform Commercial Code. No Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
No National Parks. No vast holdings of "Federal Lands" in any western state.
Toss it all in the garbage can, good and bad. And while we are at it, we might as well toss all the control mechanisms like the "Two Party System" and the monopolized foreign mainstream media, too.
The only courts having anything to do with us and our assets are Postal District Courts run by our own state jural societies operating in international jurisdiction and national courts run by our own jural assemblies in land-based counties and states. The only valid federal laws are the United States Statutes at Large. The only valid state laws are those formulated prior to 1860. There are in fact no new states that have been added to the union since 1860--- all the western states except California and Texas have merely existed as "states in waiting", promised all the rights and prerogatives of a state without actually being enrolled.
And, no, we don't have to wait for someone to decide any of this for us. We just have to fix the judges and the police with an icy stare and share the information. And get busy forming our own jural assemblies and jural societies and setting up our own lawful courts and running our own counties and operating our actual states again.
The moment we realize that the American Civil War was an illegal private mercenary action, we realize that everything that proceeded from it is fraudulent, and the game is over. All that remains is what has to remain--- the American military on watch. The rest is ours to decide, to shape and amend and transcend as we must.
As for the "UNITED STATES" and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the "UNITED KINGDOM" and all the rest of the criminally complicit corporate governments? When what is true comes, what is false must pass away.
That is the actual law and the only law that counts.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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