Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why Have We Sacrificed Our Republic For A Democracy?

As of January 1st, 2014 the NDAA 2014 went into effect for UNITED STATES Citizens.


And that is why over time, because I have witnessed the very gradual decline of our country in relation to our individual rights, and thus like the founding fathers, I have declared my independence from the tyrannical corporation that is pretending to be the lawful government of America.
 I have re-claimed my God-given, unalienable birth rights and I am not only claiming, but exercising and defending those rights as it is my intention to live peacefully in the republic with respect to others rights and maintain a full reservation of individual rights, guaranteed to every individual in the republic of united States of America.

Today, if we accept democracy and agree to be a US citizen, we can view government as a corporate reality, where the republic of American sovereigns once known as the united States of America which was created and given to us by the first American Sovereigns in 1776, AND which was once defined as: "We the people" now operates in name only.

I live in the republic, but let's look at why I don't live in the corporate democracy anymore.

It is a place where COLLECTIVE RIGHTS ARE SOVEREIGN, over individual rights...

 Where the US Constitution is merely a by word, or a ruse of fiction, where the police are corporate policy enforcers, where Congress is the board of governors, the president is the corporate CEO, and the "so-called courts" are mere corporate arbitration boards, including the U.S. Supreme Court.


When we can see through the coruption and pierce the corporate veil, we remove ourselves from the oppression of corrupt corporate control and we become free American Sovereign men and women again and carry with us all of our natural laws, power, sovereignty, and authority from whence the corporations received their powers originally.

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