Saturday, February 11, 2012

This Electoral Dog & Pony Show

As you all know I hate this electoral dog & pony show designed for the illusion of change. But we have to try and figure it out anyway. It seems to me if we stay on our present course: Newt + Paul +Santorum + Romney will effectively divide conservatives come election time, and we all know who wins in that scenario... yes?

How is it possible to figure out a way to for Conservatives to work together for a "collective" understanding in this election cycle to win against an indoctrinated majority of Republicans & Democrats?

The majority of citizens had no problem coming together in 2008 as 75%+ of the people at that point believed as they were told by the corporate media alphabet channels that this country was going in the wrong direction, all because of Bush, and it was going in the wrong direction, but not just because of Bush, yet a majority of Republicans & Democrats believed that in 2008, and still today refuse to see/believe it was all by design to usher in Obama to only continue going in the wrong direction even faster than Bush.

Most Republicans refuse to believe on behalf of his owners Bush was the puppet that paved the way for Obama who has the same owners. And Obama supporters have been programmed for decades only to care about entitlements and the illusion of equality to openly embrace Obamas social disease.

On the social stage, Obama has successfully inserted himself right into the middle of Republican Party using racism and the communist idea of equality to remove any remaining defining principles of the party, as conservatism is only alive and well in the people today.

Outside of economics, cronyism and those social political weapons being used against the people, it seems to me what prevents most Americans from taking the next step to understanding political reality is they refuse to believe a ruling class or globalist agenda exists. Unless the majority of Congress and the Senate can be cleaned out, how is it possible any president alone can reverse this insane process of RAPID constitutional, fiscal & social regression?

The international banking families of the world put the current system in place to create the illusion of representative government. It’s simply just a better cloaked system to deal with the fact the people eventually won their freedom from Monarchies.

So they created the Federal Reserve to be all based in fraud, as those who control the money control governments & media. Since MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, CNBC, NBC, and PBS were able to bring the majority of people together to want Bush out, and to put Obama in the White House; how can we bring the same crowd together to not only remove Obama, but to reverse the madness on the verge of ending the Republic by cleaning out Congress and the Senate?

While the same ruling class/political establishment still own and control the media?

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