If our rights come from God, only God can take them away!
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."
-- Patrick Henry
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate?
Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
The de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION was unlawfully established by the forty-first congress in 1871 by deceptive means and without proper consent from “We the People”. The American people were placed under involuntary servitude by a “Legal” system of laws that have continually violated the “Constitution for the united States of America”, “Bill of Rights” and the “Declaration of Independence”. The corporate constitution was changed from the original form, wherein Amendments were unlawfully added and removed without the people’s consent. Since 1871, the abuses of this corporation upon both the international community as well as the American people are inestimable and unconscionable. De facto Congress has repeatedly violated their Oaths of Office, fiduciary responsibilities, and in many cases, committed treasonous acts against “We the People” of the united States of America and the world.
On July 21, 2010 “We the People” of the de jure government proclaimed worldwide and made our “Declaration of Sovereignty for the Republic for the united States of America” to The Hague (a.k.a. the International Court of Justice), the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the United Nations (UN). On September 23, 2010, the first session of congress was convened by the united free Republics of the re-inhabited united States of America.
The year 1776 marked America’s victory in the war for independence. The lawful right to re-inhabit is inherent in The Declaration of Independence circa 1776. The Declaration, one of our founding documents, declares our right to change, alter or abolish any system of government that we believe is contrary to the safety and security of the American people.
In concern for all of humanity, “We the People” re-inhabited our lawful de jure (meaning “by right of legal establishment”) government on March 30, 2010, by serving notice on the de facto corporation, known as the “UNITED STATES”. A lawful grand jury in each of the fifty republics created a new Declaration of Independence that was lawfully served on the corporate UNITED STATES informing them that the original de jure government was restored.
We have claimed our right to exist as a free and independent people on our land, thus exercising our God-given unalienable rights as defined in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Below is a post by Rob Johnson on the Republic for the united States of America - Open site on facebook:
My buddy today calls me up and needs some perspective in a matter of law. I do not give legal advice, I exercise my right to speak about law, and place myself in similar hypothetical situations. So my friend's daughter is literally being thrown out of school about noon today, she did nothing wrong it is simply a clerical error with paperwork based on the district he lives in vs his ex wife's, they have joint custody.
The school investigated them and in the investigators opinion he determined the daughter lived with her mother. Now the daughter unquestionably lives with the father and spends time with her monther as well. Regardless of even if she spends 100% of the time with her mother, she still lives with her father. Where we spend the majority of our time does not determine our lawful residence/domicile.
So I told him stand your ground. Go in with your custody papers and your daughter and have her simply say she lives with him, her statement of fact overrides their investigator's opinions. I told him to tell the school that they are not going to deny his daughter her right to an education under color of law due to a clerical error, that if they did he would file a suit at common law under a writ of habeus corpus in supreme court citing 18 U.S.C. 241 as a felony charge against those who would deny anyone the enjoyment of their rights. He did this and the staff all ended up in a conference room with his daughter in the main office all each on the phone with their attorneys lol.
Meanwhile the daughter is missing classes sitting in the office waiting and no one is calling back my friend. Shortly thereafter my friend gets a call from the head of the school telling him that his daughter has been completely reistated and may return tomorrow, not only that but to make up for the classes she missed the school will be sending a tutor to his house at THEIR expense to make up those missed clases.
When an American stands up for their rights it is a rush of an experience.
The beaurcrats who only know how to do what they are told without thinking scurry around like the sky is falling when someone stands up and actually knows and asserts their rights.
It is only when we roll over and allow it, that we have lost. Hopelessness, and being convinced that resistance is futile, is the only weapon fascism knows, when it is met with peaceful remedy at law it perishes as the coward it is. And for the newbies I have the section of code I told him to cite below for context. In light of the fact that everyone involved in attempting to deny my friend's daughter her right to an education could serve up to ten years in prison, they actually did the right thing, and they will not investigate further or pry into how my friend lives.
Sec. 241. Conspiracy against rights
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or
intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession,
or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege
secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or
because of his having so exercised the same, They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Hi, I am Marcus, a sovereign American residing in the Republic for Louisiana.

I have created this blog to allow citizens of the US Corporation to study their rights under the constitution, and decide if they are interesting in becoming a sovereign American in the Republic for the united States of America.
Did you know there are two parallel governments in operation in the United States?
One is corporate, and the other is constitutional.
Guess who the corporate government works for and represents?
The link below has a wealth of information on this subject.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you"
~ Benjamin Franklin
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