Sunday, April 28, 2019

Administrative Law and the Power of the Apostille

Administrative Law

I have heard that your rebellion has been bogged down. What to do next is the plateau that stops you. This is of interest to me by the fact that I have heard numerous times; "How so you get them to accept this?" Well the key is if they respond, then I am sunk. I depend on them not responding. Remember how to cook a frog. You start with cold water, not hot water!

There seems to be a problem with what may be called "force and effect" of the Law. No matter what subject you approach, you are left with the tyrant turning a deaf ear, or even worse ridiculous statements made to make you appear as though you have the problem. This is a problem that dates back probably 7,000 years.

I may have a solution to this problem that we are now facing. We have been trained to focus our efforts in the big three arenas; Legislative, Executive, and most especially Judicial. The big three are only concerned in keeping their scams moving forward. They look to us for our wealth to be used for their purposes. We must find a process that uses these characteristics, instead of trying to buck their system and get them to admit their evil ways and them believing that they will knowingly correct to those evils.

 We have one main weapon in this assault, and that is We the People. The creativity, imagination, American ingenuity, loyalty, truthfulness, and honesty rest with us and not them. It has been programmed out of government a long time ago. But we have been our own worst enemy in redress of our government. We have always depended on the government to do the right thing, and we have reached a time when the right thing is what is best for the government and we do not matter.  P.S. look up the definition of communism.

We are not helpless. Government may be sneaky, but it can never be accused of being intelligent. It is always in the self survival mode and must maintain an appearance of invincibility. There are gapping holes in their armor, and that is their law. It must have the appearance of being made for us, while supplying the protection for the ignorant masses of government.

In my opinion, Administrative Law is the best approach. Administrative Law is older and more established than their law (admiralty/maritime on a military footing). Administrative Law is well defined, well settled, and well established throughout the entire World.

Did you know that a rendered Administrative Award is unassailable? The process that I use is expressed at Title 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) Sections 551-559. Specifically at Section 556(d) which states; "... the proponent of a rule or order bears the burden of proof". Well, the IRS is definitely the "proponent" and therefore "bear the burden of proof".

Of course, what happens is the IRS depends on the big three of the UNITED STATES and its subdivisions to protect and defend them. And thus far, this has happened without fail. So they frustrate us by ignoring our writings, documents, evidence, proof, etc. Just because your opponent doesn't answer your questions is no excuse to go crying to the military, maritime, admiralty courts of the UNITED STATES. We have not yet exhausted our Administrative remedies. Instead of crying, hit them over the head with another one of their rules.

Rule 301 of the Federal Rules of Evidence states; "... a presumption imposes on the party against whom it is directed the burden of proof [see Section 556(d)] of going forward with evidence to rebut or meet the presumption." So, if the IRS refuses to participate in your Administrative Hearing, expressed, just answer your own questions, and this will square the "burden of proof" on the backs of the IRS. It is in the interest of the IRS to "come forward" with proof equal or greater than you have shown. But, the IRS can't, can they?

Now, if the IRS refuses to answer your questions, and then refuses to disprove your presumptions, then the IRS (acquiescence, silence) and you (affidavit), by joint agreement, have rendered an Administrative Award in your favor. You now according to their law have the upper hand and must continue to pummel this tyrant into oblivion.

Wait it gets better. Using another of their rules, Rule 55(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states, in whole; "When a party whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise defend as provided by these rules and the fact is made to appear by affidavit or otherwise, the clerk shall enter the party's (IRS) default." Administratively this is called a "Default Judgment on Award".

If we, by expression (affidavit);
1) Ask questions knowing we will receive no answer, we will then be rendered an unassailable Administrative Award, by joint agreement.

2) When answering our own questions, knowing we will be ridiculed and ignored, we have made our presumptions "established fact" of Law

3) We can then go to any of their courts, and force that court to enter our Default Judgments on Award into that court's record. And

4) Upon presentment (invoice), by affidavit, we can also have entered a judgment concerning a sum certain and costs.

We are almost there, but we need to get the approval of We the People. Rule 55 has some disclaimers in it that can give rise to the ugly heads of the big three. We need to make what we have done, Official! Guess what? There is a simple remedy that is available for all that takes your signed document and makes it an Internationally Certified, Authenticated, Official Record and Public document of the United States of America. The procedures for this is found in International Treaty Law called the Hague Convention (Convention # 12) of 5 October 1961, and again on 15 October 1981. For you researchers; TIAS 10072; 33 UST 883; 527 UNTS 189. This treaty was about the "Legalization for Foreign Public Documents". The way it works, is that you must have the "primary signature" attested (notarized), then take the attestation (notarization) to the state official charged with the certification of the attestor (notary). In most states, this is the Secretary of State who is standing in place of the Secretary of State of the United States. The cost for this varies, but most are between $10 and $25.

Let's go get one more 2 X 4 to hit them over the head. Their Rule 44 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, recognizes this process and labels it as "Authentication of Official Records". The document that we are seeking, and I have never been refused, is called an "Apostille". It is very powerful. It is on all Public Records of all of America, and the big three are powerless to stop it, unless they want to defy their master, the United Nations. This will plug all the holes in Rule 55, and "they" will be forced to accept. And all that is left is for us to bring in the most powerful force, that being "We the People".

You may all be wondering if I am an attorney/lawyer, and the answer is no. I am recognized by the federal courts as a Counselor, though. I am an Internationally Certified Public Minister; that's an auditor of government. And I have been using the Administrative procedure for over 30 years and have found it to be almost infallible. With the application of the Apostille, this process becomes very formidable.

It may interest you to know that on 7 November 1997 I conducted a verbal Administrative Hearing with the IRS on the subject of the creation of the IRS. It was audio taped, a Certified Court Reporter made a transcript, and it was witnessed by ten of my fellow Americans. The result was that the IRS's only response was nothing. I have yet to hear from them in any matter. I had not filed a number of years before the hearing. I have entered this "Default" into the Federal District Court. I also apostilled this hearing and the Federal District Court has received this as "authenticated" evidence in their court. I am in the process of invoicing the court, pursuant to Volume 26 U.S.C. 6551, for restoration, replevin, and costs for the tyranny and fraud of the IRS.

By the way, our hearing in 1997 determined that the IRS is a Pure Trust of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has never had the authority to "tax" any man, woman, child, or business within the boundaries of the United States of America, and never will.

- Clyde

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