I am copying and pasting this below from my friend Rob Johnson, it is used by permission and is copyrighted.
by Marcus de la Houssaye, Swamp Tour Guide Extraodinaire
and Ambassador, Republic of Louisiana
...what Rob is saying in a nutshell|: occupying the constitutionally protected Republic is not overthrowing the corporate government, it is actually stepping out of the corporate illusion, and no longer voluntarily subjecting and allowing ourselves to be used and abused by criminals pretending to be lawful agents of government.
OK? Now, I can reclaim my identity that was stolen with the birth certificate and converted into a all capital letter corporation without my knowledge and consent, and live as a law-abiding free man in the Republic the founding fathers gave us with full constitutionally protected independence, rights, freedoms, and liberty.
This is not a revolution of the present government, it is a rejection and an exodus from the illusion of freedom offered in corporate slavery and in reality is only a peaceful, lawful immigration from the UNITED STATES corporation into the republic and following that, an occupation of the historical republic that has always been there, but has been vacant for a long time!
If you would like to buy Rob's book, you may do so at: www.suijurislaw.net
DIFFERENTIATION: Focus - ~Treason and Revolution~ Throughout my work the most imperative focal aspect that eludes many still, even myself to some degree, as I am not perfect by any means and am just as susceptible to the mental programming that infiltrates the phsyche from childhood on, is itself DIFFERENTIATION, DISTINGUISHING. "He who distinguishes well, learns well". Just as asking the right questions is vastly more important than having all of the answers, differentiation between things that appear similar is vastly more important than the ability to identify specific facts.
The focus of this post, the core of the topic I raise, is differentiation between peaceful and lawful revolution, and violent rebellion, the differentiation and distinguishing between a violent overthrow of government, and the lawful and peaceful right of WE THE PEOPLE, to arrest those in public office who corrupt those offices. For example, I myself, and as I advocate throughout this group and my work, have no desire what so ever to overthrown the government. Although, that IS a lawful action with respect to the long train of abuses and usurpation of power that we have witnessed, it is not my intention, nor is it necessary. We do not need to overthrow our government to restore our republic. We do not need to ABOLISH the existing FORM of government nor its structure or infrastructure. All that we need to do is exercise OUR lawful authority to call out the criminals, point the finger, and identify them in open light, where they are weakest, like the roach these criminals draw their strength from the darkness, from the ignorance of their existence. As a colony of roaches will thrive so long as the people living in the house they infest remain ignorant of their colony hiding behind the walls, this small group of people occupying the halls of justice and government, and I choose that word OCCUPY with INTENT,can only draw strength, thrive, and multiply their influential power through the ignorance of the people of their existence, and the existence of their agenda.
So let us be clear, a violent overthrow of a governmental body is ONLY lawful once a PEACEFUL overthrow of that government is criminalized unlawfully and made impossible. I do NOT advocate the overthrow at all, but I am drawing distinctions and differentiating between things that appear similar but are vastly different just like I do with rights and privileges, statutory rules and laws, Contractual obligations and obligations of law, mandatory and voluntary, etc. Per our Declaration of Independence, a violent overthrow of government is lawful and authorized in the event of a long train of abuses and usurpation which we have endured, to a degree where evils are no longer sufferable. Our founders knew and explained well that people are predisposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves of obvious wrongs because it means uncomfortable change, unfamiliarity, and shaking throwing off of the forms to which we are accustomed. Well it is finally obvious to all now that these evils are no longer sufferable, but even still it is premature, NOT THE TIME to even PEACEFULLY attempt to overthrow our government, let alone to do so violently.
The truth of the matter at hand is that there is simply no need, that the overthrow of government is unnecessary. An overthrow and abolition of government, would entail a complete eradication and reestablishment of a whole new FORM of government. The fact is that there is no need to do this because we already have the most glorious and most lawful, in fact I would go so far as to say we have a DIVINELY INSPIRED form of government, a Self Governing Constitutional Republic. That is the form our government truly takes, and it is the form that shall remain, and MUST remain in order for individual sovereignty to reign supreme as it does today. You see the stewards of our government would LOVE a violent overthrow and abolition of this form of government, because then THEY would be in charge of establishing a NEW one and they would undoubtedly establish one that favors the criminal oligarchy as opposed to the people, one that caters to the majority and bestows privilege, sacrificing the individual and lawful right of birth of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty, expending the individual to please the MOB. And I do not mean the mafia by mob here. I mean the majority. Real quickly I can respect the mafia, they have a code they operate under, you have to really TRY or do something really stupid to get on the bad side of the Mafia. The "mob", a majority of people on the other hand, will attack and destroy ANY individual that has something they want. THIS above all else is what government in America, this Self Governing Constitutional Republic, is charged to protect us from. The LAW in this country is designed to protect the ONE, the INDIVIDUAL, the rights of the sovereign souls that walk this planet. We are NOT a democracy as the liars that OCCUPY our offices of public trust would have you believe. Another differentiation that must be drawn this is, as democracy is often used synonymously to describe the form of individual freedom I advance. And for god's sake there is no such thing as balancing the rights of the people against the security of a majority, because the security of every individual AND the whole is dependent entirely upon the lawful defense of the rights of the ONE, and those rights themselves ARE LITERALLY themselves the true security, you cannot increase security by diminishing freedom.
In any event the truth of all of the ills of today's world is that EVERY single area where there is a problem, is that those very problems are caused by the unlawful actions of government. Medicine for example. First government unlawfully sticking its nose in the business o the individual regarding their medical affairs and choices, government regulatory bureaucracy itself, has caused even the most basic health care services to reach levels that make it impossible for an individual to be able to afford to pay to access those services WITHOUT some form of insurance, NEXT, they make a public spectacle that portrays their pipe dreams as an obligation of law upon an individual to obtain health insurance, which equates in essence to a requirement to pay a monthly fee to international banking interests (that which owns the insurance companies) simply to exist lawfully in this country. I say this now for everyone to understand now and forever, you exist lawfully in this country by RIGHT OF BIRTH, not by virtue of some fucking contract with the government. Government itself is nothing more than a majority, a gathering of people, IT cannot trample on or oppress the rights of the individual any more than any other entity. Government lawfully speaking has no more rights than I do, WE the PEOPLE establish governments they do not just create themselves. And the problem there in lies with the people who lead and guide law enforcement and justice.
So once again as important as it is to distinguish between similar nuances, it is imperative that we explain and describe in detail exactly what we want to accomplish, as setting a formidable goal tends to produce formidable results, as in each and every case the people are able to rise to the occasion. The goal of this group is to promote INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, PURE DIVINELY INSPIRED "LAW", and to throw off the shackles unfettering our efforts by realizing it is our birthright to do so. EACH and EVERY one of us, is responsible for what is to come. Whatever future it is that we bring into reality we will be responsible for it. Shouldn't we make certain that it is a good one we bring about? So how do we go about that? Simple really. Each of us, through our county sheriff's office MUST begin to hold these people accountable and file criminal charges against them when they commit crimes. They are not immune. Those who OCCUPY our offices of public trust and profit may NOT be attorneys, ALL whom are should be arrested and tried for their crimes. Every single attorney now OCCUPYING an office of public trust or profit, has sworn an oath under penalty of perjury, and indeed the charges could be much more serious, we could even go so far as to allege treason. The 2 affirmative acts would be the swearing of the oath of office committing perjury, KNOWING that they have sworn a prior oath that supersedes their oath to uphold and defend individual rights and individual sovereignty, and then actually taking and occupying the office itself fraudulently. On an individual basis we can do this and accomplish this. After all as I have stated, and explained in complete detail, it is NOT an overthrow of government I seek peaceful, violent, or any manner at all. What I seek is simply to remove the cancer from the existing and current form of our government, those TUMORS in suits with BAR CARDS by arresting them for their crimes, and bringing them to trial. There is NOTHING AT ALL wrong with the existing form of our government, the problem is THE PEOPLE OCCUPYING THE OFFICES OF government. We are talking about seriously high level and massively large scale arrests, as most of congress save 10 members max, would be facing criminal charges, and then we allow these criminals to squirm like they do to the average individual every single day.
So again to recap and summarize, what we want to accomplish is a restoration of the existing lawful form of our government, that form of government which governed least, governed best, our self governing republic IS the form of government which allws sovereignty, individual kings and queens to coexist lawfully and peacefully, without some moron in a uniform nitpicking about policies and making sure everyone adheres to the letter of what they fraudulently portray as law. Lets be clear about this, the SPIRIT in which laws are written are every bit, even more in fact, important than the letter of it. And we as a people need to do nothing more than to arrest the criminals perverting and corrupting it, destroying it from the inside out like some flesh eating bacteria. I call the criminals in office a cancer, and it is an accurate analogy, they are a parasite, they are contrary to what is right, just, pure, divine, true, and proper. WE just have to have the COURAGE to see this through. I encourage and now CALL UPON ALL in this group. STEP ONE 1. Find out who it is that occupies the offices of public trust and profit at every level of your government, your local city town or village, county, State, and yes even the president. STEP TWO 2. Use notice of criminal complaint to serve your county sheriff notice to press criminal charges against anyon you find who occupies ANY such office, that is an attorney or was one at one time. The oath of allegiance in exchange for noble title esquire is eternal, once an attorney ALWAYS a tool of the CROWN, which has sought to pervert American law and destroy American rights since the inception of America. Now with these goals in mind and this background I shall steal the words of the most ridiculously retarded man ever to serve as president, George Bush Jr. '~AMERICA.....LET'S ROLL~".
Thank you for that Rob Johnson, and here is the bottomline: stop complaining and blaming government for crimes, when we are allowing it by not holding them accountable to lawful remedies that are here now.
In a Republic of sovereign states, we the sovereign masters hold our PUBLIC SERVANTS accountable for their crimes against "We the People", or if we are not doing so, we are NOT truly sovereign.
The focus of this post, the core of the topic I raise, is differentiation between peaceful and lawful revolution, and violent rebellion, the differentiation and distinguishing between a violent overthrow of government, and the lawful and peaceful right of WE THE PEOPLE, to arrest those in public office who corrupt those offices. For example, I myself, and as I advocate throughout this group and my work, have no desire what so ever to overthrown the government. Although, that IS a lawful action with respect to the long train of abuses and usurpation of power that we have witnessed, it is not my intention, nor is it necessary. We do not need to overthrow our government to restore our republic. We do not need to ABOLISH the existing FORM of government nor its structure or infrastructure. All that we need to do is exercise OUR lawful authority to call out the criminals, point the finger, and identify them in open light, where they are weakest, like the roach these criminals draw their strength from the darkness, from the ignorance of their existence. As a colony of roaches will thrive so long as the people living in the house they infest remain ignorant of their colony hiding behind the walls, this small group of people occupying the halls of justice and government, and I choose that word OCCUPY with INTENT,can only draw strength, thrive, and multiply their influential power through the ignorance of the people of their existence, and the existence of their agenda.
So let us be clear, a violent overthrow of a governmental body is ONLY lawful once a PEACEFUL overthrow of that government is criminalized unlawfully and made impossible. I do NOT advocate the overthrow at all, but I am drawing distinctions and differentiating between things that appear similar but are vastly different just like I do with rights and privileges, statutory rules and laws, Contractual obligations and obligations of law, mandatory and voluntary, etc. Per our Declaration of Independence, a violent overthrow of government is lawful and authorized in the event of a long train of abuses and usurpation which we have endured, to a degree where evils are no longer sufferable. Our founders knew and explained well that people are predisposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves of obvious wrongs because it means uncomfortable change, unfamiliarity, and shaking throwing off of the forms to which we are accustomed. Well it is finally obvious to all now that these evils are no longer sufferable, but even still it is premature, NOT THE TIME to even PEACEFULLY attempt to overthrow our government, let alone to do so violently.
The truth of the matter at hand is that there is simply no need, that the overthrow of government is unnecessary. An overthrow and abolition of government, would entail a complete eradication and reestablishment of a whole new FORM of government. The fact is that there is no need to do this because we already have the most glorious and most lawful, in fact I would go so far as to say we have a DIVINELY INSPIRED form of government, a Self Governing Constitutional Republic. That is the form our government truly takes, and it is the form that shall remain, and MUST remain in order for individual sovereignty to reign supreme as it does today. You see the stewards of our government would LOVE a violent overthrow and abolition of this form of government, because then THEY would be in charge of establishing a NEW one and they would undoubtedly establish one that favors the criminal oligarchy as opposed to the people, one that caters to the majority and bestows privilege, sacrificing the individual and lawful right of birth of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty, expending the individual to please the MOB. And I do not mean the mafia by mob here. I mean the majority. Real quickly I can respect the mafia, they have a code they operate under, you have to really TRY or do something really stupid to get on the bad side of the Mafia. The "mob", a majority of people on the other hand, will attack and destroy ANY individual that has something they want. THIS above all else is what government in America, this Self Governing Constitutional Republic, is charged to protect us from. The LAW in this country is designed to protect the ONE, the INDIVIDUAL, the rights of the sovereign souls that walk this planet. We are NOT a democracy as the liars that OCCUPY our offices of public trust would have you believe. Another differentiation that must be drawn this is, as democracy is often used synonymously to describe the form of individual freedom I advance. And for god's sake there is no such thing as balancing the rights of the people against the security of a majority, because the security of every individual AND the whole is dependent entirely upon the lawful defense of the rights of the ONE, and those rights themselves ARE LITERALLY themselves the true security, you cannot increase security by diminishing freedom.
In any event the truth of all of the ills of today's world is that EVERY single area where there is a problem, is that those very problems are caused by the unlawful actions of government. Medicine for example. First government unlawfully sticking its nose in the business o the individual regarding their medical affairs and choices, government regulatory bureaucracy itself, has caused even the most basic health care services to reach levels that make it impossible for an individual to be able to afford to pay to access those services WITHOUT some form of insurance, NEXT, they make a public spectacle that portrays their pipe dreams as an obligation of law upon an individual to obtain health insurance, which equates in essence to a requirement to pay a monthly fee to international banking interests (that which owns the insurance companies) simply to exist lawfully in this country. I say this now for everyone to understand now and forever, you exist lawfully in this country by RIGHT OF BIRTH, not by virtue of some fucking contract with the government. Government itself is nothing more than a majority, a gathering of people, IT cannot trample on or oppress the rights of the individual any more than any other entity. Government lawfully speaking has no more rights than I do, WE the PEOPLE establish governments they do not just create themselves. And the problem there in lies with the people who lead and guide law enforcement and justice.
So once again as important as it is to distinguish between similar nuances, it is imperative that we explain and describe in detail exactly what we want to accomplish, as setting a formidable goal tends to produce formidable results, as in each and every case the people are able to rise to the occasion. The goal of this group is to promote INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, PURE DIVINELY INSPIRED "LAW", and to throw off the shackles unfettering our efforts by realizing it is our birthright to do so. EACH and EVERY one of us, is responsible for what is to come. Whatever future it is that we bring into reality we will be responsible for it. Shouldn't we make certain that it is a good one we bring about? So how do we go about that? Simple really. Each of us, through our county sheriff's office MUST begin to hold these people accountable and file criminal charges against them when they commit crimes. They are not immune. Those who OCCUPY our offices of public trust and profit may NOT be attorneys, ALL whom are should be arrested and tried for their crimes. Every single attorney now OCCUPYING an office of public trust or profit, has sworn an oath under penalty of perjury, and indeed the charges could be much more serious, we could even go so far as to allege treason. The 2 affirmative acts would be the swearing of the oath of office committing perjury, KNOWING that they have sworn a prior oath that supersedes their oath to uphold and defend individual rights and individual sovereignty, and then actually taking and occupying the office itself fraudulently. On an individual basis we can do this and accomplish this. After all as I have stated, and explained in complete detail, it is NOT an overthrow of government I seek peaceful, violent, or any manner at all. What I seek is simply to remove the cancer from the existing and current form of our government, those TUMORS in suits with BAR CARDS by arresting them for their crimes, and bringing them to trial. There is NOTHING AT ALL wrong with the existing form of our government, the problem is THE PEOPLE OCCUPYING THE OFFICES OF government. We are talking about seriously high level and massively large scale arrests, as most of congress save 10 members max, would be facing criminal charges, and then we allow these criminals to squirm like they do to the average individual every single day.
So again to recap and summarize, what we want to accomplish is a restoration of the existing lawful form of our government, that form of government which governed least, governed best, our self governing republic IS the form of government which allws sovereignty, individual kings and queens to coexist lawfully and peacefully, without some moron in a uniform nitpicking about policies and making sure everyone adheres to the letter of what they fraudulently portray as law. Lets be clear about this, the SPIRIT in which laws are written are every bit, even more in fact, important than the letter of it. And we as a people need to do nothing more than to arrest the criminals perverting and corrupting it, destroying it from the inside out like some flesh eating bacteria. I call the criminals in office a cancer, and it is an accurate analogy, they are a parasite, they are contrary to what is right, just, pure, divine, true, and proper. WE just have to have the COURAGE to see this through. I encourage and now CALL UPON ALL in this group. STEP ONE 1. Find out who it is that occupies the offices of public trust and profit at every level of your government, your local city town or village, county, State, and yes even the president. STEP TWO 2. Use notice of criminal complaint to serve your county sheriff notice to press criminal charges against anyon you find who occupies ANY such office, that is an attorney or was one at one time. The oath of allegiance in exchange for noble title esquire is eternal, once an attorney ALWAYS a tool of the CROWN, which has sought to pervert American law and destroy American rights since the inception of America. Now with these goals in mind and this background I shall steal the words of the most ridiculously retarded man ever to serve as president, George Bush Jr. '~AMERICA.....LET'S ROLL~".
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