Tuesday, December 24, 2013

100 Years Of Public Slavery? by Ellen Brown

Below is an article about what has happened in the last 100 years in America regarding economics. If you sense something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is, well here is where it all began...
I am Marcus de la Houssaye, ambassador of the Republic of Louisiana
here is Ellen's article:

December 23rd, 2013, marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, warranting a review of its performance. 
 Has it achieved the purposes for which it was designed?
The answer depends on whose purposes we are talking about. 
For the banks, the Fed has served quite well. 
For the laboring masses whose populist movement prompted it, not much has changed in a century.
Thwarting Populist Demands
The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 in response to a wave of bank crises, which had hit on average every six years over a period of 80 years. The resulting economic depressions triggered a populist movement for monetary reform in the 1890s.  Mary Ellen Lease, an early populist leader, said in a fiery speech that could have been written today:
Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master. . . . Money rules . . . .Our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us. . . .
We want money, land and transportation. We want the abolition of the National Banks, and we want the power to make loans direct from the government. We want the foreclosure system wiped out.
 That was what they wanted, but the Federal Reserve Act that they got was not what the populists had fought for, or what their leader William Jennings Bryan thought he was approving when he voted for it in 1913. In the stirring speech that won him the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896, Bryan insisted:
 [We] believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. . . . Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson . . . and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.
He concluded with this famous outcry against the restrictive gold standard:
You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
What Bryan and the populists sought was a national currency issued debt-free and interest-free by the government, on the model of Lincoln’s Greenbacks. What the American people got was a money supply created by private banks as credit (or debt) lent to the government and the people at interest. Although the national money supply would be printed by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, it would be issued by the “bankers’ bank,” the Federal Reserve. The Fed is composed of twelve branches, all of which are 100 percent owned by the banks in their districts. Until 1935, these branches could each independently issue paper dollars for the cost of printing them, and could lend them at interest.
1929: The Fed Triggers the Worst Bank Run in History
The new system was supposed to prevent bank runs, but it clearly failed in that endeavor. In 1929, the United States experienced the worst bank run in its history.
 The New York Fed had been pouring newly-created money into New York banks, which then lent it to stock speculators. When the New York Fed heard that the Federal Reserve Board of Governors had held an all-night meeting discussing this risky situation, the flood of speculative funding was retracted, precipitating the 1929 stock market crash.
 At that time, paper dollars were freely redeemable in gold; but banks were required to keep sufficient gold to cover only 40 percent of their deposits. When panicked bank customers rushed to cash in their dollars, gold reserves shrank. Loans then had to be recalled to maintain the 40 percent requirement, collapsing the money supply.
 The result was widespread unemployment and loss of homes and savings, similar to that seen today. In a scathing indictment before Congress in 1934, Representative Louis McFadden blamed the Federal Reserve. He said:
Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks . . . .
The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over. . . .
Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United  States  Government  institutions.  They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.
These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions.
Freed from the Bankers’ “Cross of Gold”
To stop the collapse of the money supply, in 1933 Roosevelt took the dollar off the gold standard within the United States. The gold standard had prevailed since the founding of the country, and the move was highly controversial. Critics viewed it as a crime. But proponents saw it as finally allowing the country to be economically sovereign.
 This more benign view was taken by Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in a presentation before the American Bar Association in 1945. He said the government was now at liberty to spend as needed to meet its budget, drawing on credit issued by its own central bank. It could do this until price inflation indicated a weakened purchasing power of the currency. Then, and only then, would the government need to levy taxes—not to fund the budget but to counteract inflation by contracting the money supply. The principal purpose of taxes, said Ruml, was “the maintenance of a dollar which has stable purchasing power over the years. Sometimes this purpose is stated as ‘the avoidance of inflation.’”
 It was a remarkable realization. The government could be funded without taxes, by drawing on credit from its own central bank. Since there was no longer a need for gold to cover the loan, the central bank would not have to borrow. It could just create the money on its books. Only when prices rose across the board, signaling an excess of money in the money supply, would the government need to tax—not to fund the government but simply to keep supply (goods and services) in balance with demand (money).
Ruml’s vision is echoed today in the school of economic thought called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). But after Roosevelt’s demise, it was not pursued. The U.S. government continued to fund itself with taxes; and when it failed to recover enough to pay its bills, it continued to borrow, putting itself in debt.
The Fed Agrees to Return the Interest
For its first half century, the Federal Reserve continued to pocket the interest on the money it issued and lent to the government. But in the 1960s, Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, pushed to have the Fed nationalized. To avoid that result, the Fed quietly agreed to rebate its profits to the U.S. Treasury.
 In The Strange Case of Richard Milhous Nixon, published in 1973, Congressman Jerry Voorhis wrote of this concession:
It was done, quite obviously, as acknowledgment that the Federal Reserve Banks were acting on the one hand as a national bank of issue, creating the nation’s money, but on the other hand charging the nation interest on its own credit—which no true national bank of issue could conceivably, or with any show of justice, dare to do.
Rebating the interest to the Treasury was clearly a step in the right direction. But the central bank funded very little of the federal debt. Commercial banks held a large chunk of it; and as Voorhis observed, “[w]here the commercial banks are concerned, there is no such repayment of the people’s money.” Commercial banks did not rebate the interest they collected to the government, said Voorhis, although they also “‘buy’ the bonds with newly created demand deposit entries on their books—nothing more.”
Today the proportion of the federal debt held by the Federal Reserve has shot up, due to repeated rounds of “quantitative easing.” But the majority of the debt is still funded privately at interest, and most of the dollars funding it originated as “bank credit” created on the books of private banks.
Time for a New Populist Movement?
 The Treasury’s website reports the amount of interest paid on the national debt each year, going back 26 years. At the end of 2013, the total for the previous 26 years came to about $9 trillion on a federal debt of $17.25 trillion. If the government had been borrowing from its own central bank interest-free during that period, the debt would have been reduced by more than half. And that was just the interest for 26 years. The federal debt has been accumulating ever since 1835, when Andrew Jackson paid it off and vetoed the Second U.S. Bank’s renewal; and all that time it has been accruing interest. If the government had been borrowing from its central bank all along, it might have had no federal debt at all today.
 In 1977, Congress gave the Fed a dual mandate, not only to maintain the stability of the currency but to promote full employment.  The Fed got the mandate but not the tools, as discussed in my earlier article HERE.
 It may be time for a new populist movement, one that demands that the power to issue money be returned to the government and the people it represents; and that the Federal Reserve be made a public utility, owned by the people and serving them. The firehose of cheap credit lavished on Wall Street needs to be re-directed to Main Street.
 Ellen Brown is an attorney, president of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the bestselling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her blog articles are at EllenBrown.com. She is currently running for California State Treasurer on the Green Party ticket.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Do You Hunger For Freedom?

 First you and I have to know who we are, and this may help:

A history lesson in commerce.

The Hierarchy of Law

 The first order of law is Natural Law. These are Universal Principals which so necessarily agrees with nature and state of man, that without observing their inherent maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. Knowledge of natural laws may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the facts of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of human nature. Natural Law exists regardless of whether it is enacted as positive law.

 When law began to emerge into the consciences of Mankind, thought, word and deed we come to the next order of law on this planet. The most fundamental Law of all Natural Law has to do with Survival, which is a Universal Principal. It has to do with Man’s interactions, of any kind, any relationships, buying, selling or trading or relating in any way. It is based upon treating or dealing with others the way that you would like to be treated or dealt with. This is the Law of Commerce.

The Law of Commerce has been in operation since Man interacted with each other starting many thousands of years ago through the Sumerian/Babylonian era where it was codified and enforced. Ancient artifacts dating over 6,000 old reveal that the system was so complex it even included receipts, coined money, shopping lists, manifestos and a postal system with the medium being in baked clay.

 As a derivative of Commercial law, being removed from natural law, and therefore inferior, is Common Law (common [L co together + munis service, gift, exchange] to exchange together). This emerged, basically, in England out of disputes over a portion of the earth in allodium (sovereign ownership of land) and was based on “common” sense. So, common law is the law of the earth. Common law gave rise to the jury system and many writs and processes which governments have absorbed and statutized and made into rules and regulation processes in courts.

Common Law procedures were based on the opportunity “to face your Accuser or the injured Party” in front of witnesses and to sort out the problem directly. This process was never intended to include “lawyers, attorneys or judges, construing their own law”, as these “titles” are all based upon the fiction of “representation” which can never “be the real thing”.

After common law come governments, and their laws and legislative regulations, ad infinitum of the organic republics of the states. The only “laws” that the state can create is to “allow commerce to flow more efficiently WITHIN the state”. The only “law” the central government, united States of America, could create was to “allow commerce to flow more efficiently BETWEEN the states. ” It was never intended to regulate people – the American sovereigns.

 Below that, the "garbage froth," more or less, is politics and the private copyrighted company policy of foreign corporations such as UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF…, THE COUNTY OF…, THE CITY OF…, etc. The purpose of these “municipalities” [L munus service, gift, exchange + capere to take; to take service and exchange] is to “govern” fictitious entities such as JOHN DOE and K-MART – not to regulate people. Remember back when you thought that YOU were JOHN DOE because that is how it is written on your drivers license?

 One of our problems is that when we engage with corporate government, municipalities and other such elements, in all our dealings in the law we have been programed and conditioned to interact on and in THEIR level. We have never risen to the level where the base of common law jurisdiction is, where the reality, the power, the solidity and the pre-eminence exists - THE SOVEREIGN LEVEL.

 "And He created them in His image and likeness"...

OK, BTW, I am not a temporal body, although I have, own, and inhabit a flesh and blood body, I am an eternal spiritual being. But that's me, and I am not attempting to push my beliefs upon anyone. And please! I am not a guru, I am a student.

So, regarding your true identity, the birth certificate is identity theft and fraud, and it puts a title of ownership of your body in the hands of a corporate thief, and you unknowingly become a slave on the corporate plantation. that's where it began...your slavery!

Let's keep it simple: your redemption begins with a notice of understanding, where you are claiming the birth certificate(and the fictional strawman) as your private proprietary property, then you agree to sign for the strawman as power of attorney, so you can continue to use the strawman as a transmitting utility against them, and then you send them a notice of copyright of your name, and all derivitives. I record these notices in an apostille at the Secretary of States office which files them as an internationally authenticated legal document in my own kingdom, and completely identifies me as separate from the strawman, but now I am owner, and thus I am now a foreign diplomat in relation to the corporate US. However documents alone do not protect your from corporate disrespect. You must have the correct knowledge of law, the courage to call their bluff, an honorable, and noble duty to defend your country and the mindset to face anything, and that means you are not afraid of going to jail. If you are afraid, you are being controlled by them through fear even now.

Your redemption from slavery should be of your own creation. What I shared above is one way, and it is NOT complete, but it is my way and I share it here in simplicity, to demo, in short form "the process" and "why".

I try to talk to common people with common sense, in a common language that we can easily understand in our heart and mind. And what's the topic? Common Law!

Here is a question we must all ask ourselves: How hungry are you for freedom? Do you hunger for freedom, and thirst for law, order, justice and truth enough to risk going to jail for it? Because this redemption process renders you a runaway slave in the corporate view, and it is their last, desperate attempt to bluff you into CONSENT THROUGH TYRANNY. If you know who you are AND  you know they are committing crimes when they unlawfully try to convert you into a corporation to control and defraud you, and you really want freedom bad enough, you can have it. But I am not alone in this, and I owe my freedom to those who went before me with less information and resources than we have today. And if it were not that they were willing to go to jail for knowing too much, and NEVER stopped resisting, I would not be free and where I am today. In honor of them who went before us, and for those who will follow us, I have a duty to claim, exercise and defend constitutionally protected, God given, common law rights against all enemies foreign and domestic.

How may I serve you?

The Plaque of America circa; 2013

by Rob Johnson

There is a plague, a most vile wretched disease infecting and infesting this country that has incubated progressively and incrementally slowly destroying the health of the people in such a way and over such a long period of time that the people do not realize their health ha even declined. 

The symptoms of this disease are: APATHY, HOPELESSNESS, HELPLESSNESS, INFERIORITY, COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, FEAR, IGNORANCE, and DECEPTION. There is no cure for this disease, because this plague, ever elusive in it's origins, has nested itself in a manner that it's root cannot be located, because it lies too deep in the darkes recesses of the individual's own mind.

There is something however, that is far better than a cure to this most insidious plague, and that, is very simply, the truth. Because this disease is not caused by a virus or bacteria or a foreign agent entering the body, because it is not caused by eating undercooked meat, and most importantly and most confusingly, it is not CAUSED at all.

It is an ILLUSION, and one that the puppet masters have fallen victim to also, you see they believe their own lies. The masterminds orchestrating this state of being upon the people, are illusionists. And because they have programmed manipulated and deceived everyone so thoroughly and so tragically , playing and praying upon the natural goodness of the heart of individuals like us who are not able to think evil thoughts as they do, the people have no longer the ability to enjoy living a truly free lifestyle. So in place of freedom, what they get is the illusion of freedom, and they are allowed to enjoy freedom ONLY vicariously through the stories told at the box office by the entertainers who have been deified to aide governments in their quest to be worshiped as a god.

 The people en mass pay lip service alone to freedom, knowing not its spirit, power, or the truly GOOD emotion it engenders and evokes out of all of us. Those who are truly free, are able to be something that these institutional establishments of control can never be. It is something they portray themselves to be, but this portrayal is pure fabrication and illusion. And that which the people ARE inherently, and these evil tyrants can never be, is very simply, honorable. It is important to understand that the state of affairs, the state of freedom on an individual level, and the state of awareness and education of the every day normal average people is not their fault. They have been taught, so indoctrinated, and completely programmed to believe that they are exactly that, average, and individual, alone, weak, helpless, worthless, insignificant, and unworthy of attention. The problem with illusion is they are so good at it that they have deceived themselves. We are not average, and each of the members in this group are learning that more every day as are the new members. We are fierce, we are LIONS, we are all individually more powerful than the whole of their evil organizations can ever hope to be. And they KNOW that, it is why they have spent so much time and money convincing people that they are weak, because if the people ever learned how truly powerful they are there would be no force of man or god that could enslave them. Because god whatever it is one believes that to be, everyone can agree that god created his creation to exist free, autonomous, sui juris, and most importantly, men and women of conscience and conscious awareness of their DUTY to ensure the individual freedom and rights of one another are upheld.

 This is WHY our courts are PUBLIC venue and OPEN forum. Not just so judges are on their best behavior, but so the people can protect the law. Today's problem is simply ignorance, a people cannot remain both ignorant AND free, it is one or the other, I choose to be free, which requires me to educate myself first hand in all things and NEVER to bow blindly to anothers will or worse conventional wisdom which is ALWAYS fucking wrong and ass backwards of the truth. ALL of those things that people "JUST KNOW" they are required to do, those are the cracks where you start to pry off the shell and break through the TRUTH'S MANY PROTECTIVE LAYERS, And that is exactly true.

THE TRUTH, is something so shielded from the general public, that it escapes most people, and only a handful, only the sui juris, are able to secure it for themselves. I leave you with this thought. If you are actually free, and not simply living an illusion that you are free, unknowingly merely paying lip service to freedom, look in your wallet or purse and just see if you happen to be in possession of any government issued permits to engage in activities that are inherently lawful. ONLY SLAVES AND CHILDREN require permission to do that which is lawful.

 If you are not a child, and posses s permit to engage in a lawful activity, what does that make you? Now consider this. You have a right to worship freely however you choose. Like it or not throughout all history more blood shed and property destruction has been caused in the name of GOD than any other source or ALL other sources COMBINED. You still none the less have the right to worship freely, yet you do NOT require a worshiping permit. You do not require a worshiping permit because you cannot be required to have a permit to engage in ANY activity that is a fundamental right. So if permit cannot be attached to one right, it cannot be obligatory upon ANY right. And just so there is no confusion here, traveling by horse drawn carriage or automobile, the "common conveyance of the day" as well as property ownership, and access to the common ways ALL roads of this country are a fundamental birthright. This has been upheld unanimously by the supreme court and has never been overturned.

In other words it is not just my opinion that you have a fundamental right to travel and transport yourself and property upon the nation's common ways, it is FACT, supported by supreme court rulings, which ARE also the supreme law of the land. And they are so, because they are in agreement with the supreme law, the ruling itself is not the law, it agrees with the self evident truth which is the source of ALL TRUE LAW. Allow the information in this post to really sink in, wrap your heads around and think about this. What do you have to do that is better or potentially more liberating?

 A hot date with the television? I know the members of this group will understand every bit of this as most of them live it, most of them get it, most of them, are truly sui juris and ready to defend themselves, and are at least far better prepared than people who are not.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Why there is no law, order or justice in modern American courts....by Rob

Before we can even begin to address the daunting task of reeducating law enforcement, we must first reorient the judiciary and reeducate THEM upon matters of due process of law. THIS includes an effort to educate the police at the same time across the country. As a matter of due process of law, this is not a DO NOT PASS GO, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL country that we live in. EVERYONE before seeing the inside of a cell has a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to see a magistrate to contest the lawfulness and validity of their detention UPON ARREST. Those officers should be driving you to a magistrate before a detention center and if they do not they have committed a crime against you, a violation of your right to due process of law.

Education is key because law enforcement is ignorant and the judges are ignorant, as are those who operate detention facilities. We have to reeducate EVERYONE involved in the system from the judge to the warden. Understand this: even though you may have been arrested; even though you are being detained, you still have rights that cannot be violated, you have not been convicted of anything yet. There is a reason that these cops ONLY read you CERTAIN rights, AND they do not read you ALL OF YOUR rights. And here is the reason: to read me MY rights would literally take days, and even then, you could not be sure you got them all. My rights are innumerable and they are infinite. These cops want you to agree that the ONLY rights you have are 1. A right to an attorney (which is not even correct), and 2. a right to remain silent, which is true but unwise to exercise in the moments of arrest, because for one, you should be demanding to see a f*#king magistrate. You learn how to say NO again dammit. "NO I do not agree that those are my rights officer, nor that YOU have the authority to dictate to me what my rights are." Okay everyone, repeat after me, you have got to learn this again above ANYTHING. Say it with me now on 3, 1 2 3 NO!! Lets try another...MINE!!

Due process of law, innocent until proven guilty, and a fair and impartial trial are all a fu*king lie, a fraud, a sham in this country, it is something we pay LIP SERVICE TO, but NOT something that we live IN PRACTICE. If it were, people who were arrested and not yet convicted would not be spending ANY time in a cell before they are tried before a court of law, simply because they do not have enough money to afford to pay bail which is another crime. BAIL ITSELF is a crime as is the very notion of a plea bargain. Either someone committed a crime and the state can prove it or they cannot, there are no deals, the State is suborning perjury with every plea bargain and endorsing fraud, putting innocent people in jail for crimes they did not commit because they are afraid of the potential of serving a longer sentence for being convicted of a crime they did not commit. The system no longer cares about law, order, truth or justice, is incapable of flexing and bending with the every day life things that people run into. It is a bureaucracy incapable of doing ANYTHING but performing the same programmed routine task over and over. We need to put GOOD HONEST free thinking men and women between law enforcement and the inside of a prison cell, and an individual the state is trying to put into that cell. And ALL we have to do to accomplish this is OBEY EXISTING FUCKING LAW and INSIST upon the enforcement of existing law, not allowing the state to pick and chose what it will and will not prosecute. If the state were not involved in litigating concerns it has no business in like turning rights into a stream of revenue the way it has with traffic court, it would have the time and resources to PROPERLY DISPENSE JUSTICE ONCE AGAIN. The courts were enver itnended to be a FOR PROFIT organization, but a necessity PAID FOR by taxes, so again EVERY FEE the courts charge people today are additional crimes of corruption extortion and fraud.

Again ALL of this begins at the county sheriffs office because the Sheriff IS the CEO of ALL fo the COURTS. The courts and prisons and police ALL under the sheriff need a crash course in individual rights, and when they can and cannot be removed. ONLY a jury can remove rights and only upon conviction of a crime. So this notion that you have some limit on the number of phone calls you can make because you have been accused of a crime is utter nonsense. people are bitter spiteful and they lie. There MUST be evidence and a conviction before that accusation gains credence. THAT is due process. And the Sheriffs job is to ensure it. If he fails arrest his derelict ass and put a new one in his place, lather rinse repeat as necessary. But I assure you it will only take 1 example, 1 sheriff being prosecuted for dereliction or violating oath of office to flip the switch. I may even have to once again be the one who steps out into the wilderness and presses the charges against the Sheriff first. See it is NOT the abolition of government or overthrow of government we need to accomplish., We just have to have the balls to arrest the traitorous bastards corrupting our glorious law and violating our rights.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

There is no such thing as a 'License to practice Law"'

Sovereign Not-a Citizen

There is no such thing as a "license to practice law"!

 The practice of law is a common right, law is common to all..

 Here's the proof!

 1. THAT The practice of Law is an occupation of common right, the same being a secured liberty right. (Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925))
 2. THAT No state may convert a secured liberty right into a privilege, issue a license and fee for it. (Murdock vs Pennsylvania 319 US 105 (1943))
 3. THAT The practice of Law can not be licensed by any state/State. (Schware v. Board of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238, 239 (1957))
 4. THAT Should any state convert a secured liberty right into a privilege, charge a fee and issue a license for it, one may ignore the license and fee and engage in the exercise of the right with impunity. (Shuttlesworth vs City of Birmingham 373 U.S. 262 (1962))
 5. THAT “If you’ve relied on prior decisions of the Supreme Court you have a perfect defense for willfulness.” (U.S. v. Bishop, 412 U.S. 346), as “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime.”(Miller v. U.S., 230 F.2d. 486, 489).
 6. THAT "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." (Miranda v. Arizona 384 U.S. 436, 86 S. Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed. 2d 694 (1966))
 7. THAT Should any state convert any right to work into a privilege, issue a license and charge a fee, the same is unconstitutional, void, and without effect in law. (Marburry vs Madison 5 US 137 (1803))
 8. THAT "All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of justice." (Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772)). THAT The Supreme Court has warned, "Because of what appear to be Lawful commands on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance." (U.S. v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187), the general misconception among the public being that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes Law. THAT A statute is not a "law," (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248), a concurrent or joint resolution of legislature is not "a law," (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N.E. 705, 707; Ward v. State, 176 Okl. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165), nor is 'Code' "Law" (In Re Self v Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261) these being defined by Black's Law Dictionary as rebuttable prima facie, or superficial, evidence of law, a facade, represented by 'public policy,' being color-able, or 'color of law,' being 'counterfeit or feigned' as defined.
 9. THAT "The Natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule." - Samuel Adams
 10. THAT 'Litigants may be assisted by unlicensed layman during judicial proceedings' (Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar 377 U.S. 1; Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425), and 'Members of groups who are competent nonlawyers may assist other members of the group [family, association, or class] achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "Unauthorized practice of law." ' (NAACP v. Button 371 U.S. 415; United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs 383 U.S. 715; and Johnson v. Avery 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969).
 11. THAT "Each citizen acts as a 'Private Attorney General who 'takes on the mantel of sovereign' " (Title 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983, Wood v. Breier, 54 F.R.D. 7, 10-11 (E.D. Wis. 1972; Frankenhauser v. Rizzo, 59 F.R.D. 339 E.D. Pa. (1973). "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error." (American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950) and a Sovereign Citizen cannot be punished for sincerely held religious convictions, such as the belief that he is in fact born free and at lyberty to act as such. (Cheek v. United States, 498 U.S. 192 (1991).
 12. THAT The “Private Attorney General” concept holds that a successful private party plaintiff is entitled to recovery of his legal expenses, including attorney fees, if he can advance a policy inherent in public interest legislation on behalf of a significant class of persons. ( 'Equal Access to Justice Act'; Dasher v. Housing Authority of City of Atlanta, Ga., D.C.Ga., 64 F.R.D. 720, 722) while “In the early days of our Republic, ‘prosecutor’ was simply anyone who voluntarily went before the grand Jury with a complaint.” (United States v. Sandford, Fed. Case No.16, 221 (C.Ct.D.C. 1806).
 13. THAT any private citizen acting as Private Attorney General may bring suit against any public official in their private capacity under Rico for crimes against constitutionally protected natural liberty rights, often predicated upon mail and wire fraud, and allows average citizens acting as private attorneys generals to sue those organizations that commit such crimes as part of their private criminal enterprise for damages. There are over 60 federal statutes that encourage private enforcement by allowing prevailing plaintiffs to collect attorney's fees. The object of RICO is thus not merely to compensate victims "but to turn them into prosecutors," acting as "private attorneys generals," dedicated to eliminating racketeering activity, and has the "further purpose [of] encouraging potential private plaintiffs diligently to investigate." (Malley-Duff, 483 U.S., at 151; 3 Id., at 187), and have been awarded judgments declaring entire cities, townships and counties corrupt criminal enterprises. "The provision for treble damages is accordingly justified by the expected benefit of suppressing racketeering activity, an object pursued the sooner the better." (Rotella v. Wood et al., 528 U.S. 549 (2000); Dasher v. Housing Authority of City of Atlanta, Ga., D.C.Ga., 64 F.R.D. 720, 722; See also Equal Access to Justice Act, and Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976) .
 14. THAT Facts are stubborn things. And "we are each accountable to our maker for our words, deeds, and even our inaction, as all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. For when good men do nothing, they get nothing good done, and so help evil to triumph by their inaction. On the field of action is where all honor lies (1st Lady Abigail Adams), and "There is a higher loyalty than loyalty to this country, [being] loyalty to God" (U.S. v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163, 172, 85 S. Ct. 850, 13 L. Ed. 2d 733 (1965), See also Public Law 97-280 declares The Bible the 'true word of God,' as Biblical Law, at "Common Law, which "supersedes all inferior laws," whereas "Christianity is custom, [and] custom is Law." (Robin v. Hardaway 1790).
 THAT The A.B.A. and State Bar Associations are Non-Governmental, Private 'Professional Associations,' a foreign agency or power with respect to government, and NOT a 'Licensing Agency' in fact or Law, though AT it apparently, attempting to copyright the operation and administration of that which originates with the author of the law, under color of law pursuant to public policy and legalism it would seem, whereas no one stands in between man and God who is the author of the natural and common law, which cannot be copyrighted for private use in public administration of the law for the purposes of graft, fraud, and legal plunder.
 28. THAT No legislation creates the bar association in any state, being a private closed union and power foreign to government, operating in the Americas in violation of the Taft/Hardy act as The 81st Congress in 1950 confirmed by investigation, and determination that the A.B.A is, in fact and law, proof of which can also be located in the hardcopy printing of 28 USC 3002, section 15a, a branch of the National Lawyers Guild Communist Party, and is run by communist, whereas the on-line version of Title 28USC has been altered to read something entirely different, apparently because this fact has shown up in too many court petitions and memorandums of law over the past 100 years.
 29. THAT No public institution, State office or instrumentality, accredits any law school or holds Bar examinations, as the Bar Association accredits all law schools, conducting private examinations and selecting the students they will accept into their private fraternity, issuing these a union card as a defacto license, keeping the fees for themselves. They do not issue state licenses to Lawyers, and the "State BAR" Card is not a "License" per say, but rather a "Union Dues Card."
 30. THAT The "CERTIFICATE" issued to public trustee/servants in each State by the Supreme Court of each state IS NOT A License to practice Law as an occupation, nor to do business as a Law Firm, but rather authorizes only the practice of Law "IN COURTS" as a member of the State Judicial Branch of Government, to represent only “Wards of [the] court, Infants and persons of unsound mind..." (See Davis’ Committee v. Loney, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W. 2d 189, 190.” – Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., Corpus Juris Secundum Volume 7, Section 4.) while “Clients are also called ‘wards of the courts’ in regard to their relationship with their attorneys.” – 7 CJS § 2.
 31. THAT Attorneys authorized to practice law in the courts to represent wards of the court, such as infants and persons of unsound mind, are not authorized to represent any private citizen nor any for profit business, such as the privately incorporated and federally funded STATE. Corpus Juris Secundum, Vol. 7, Sect. 4., as “…(A)n attorney occupies a dual position which imposes dual obligations..." the same being a conflict of interest. – 7 CJS § 4.
 32. THAT Attorneys, Judges, and Justices, those who keep an Attorney on retainer to represent them as most all do, as "clients," being thus "wards of the court," are therefore as defined in Law "Infants or persons of unsound mind."
 33. THAT The U.S. Constitution Guarantees to every state in this union a Republican Form of government, any other form of government being FORBIDDEN. Whereas there is No Power or Authority for the joining of Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of government by a private monopoly over these, limiting and restricting eligibility or entry to key public offices to union members alone, creating the RULING CLASS of an ARISTOCRACY, the A.B.A., State Bar, and State Supreme Court's currently do in violation of Article 2, Section 1, Separation of Powers clause of the U.S Constitution, the same being an Unconstitutional Monopoly, operating in Texas in violation of Article 1, Section 26 of the Texas Bill of Rights, being an "ILLEGAL & CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE" as defined under RICO, whereas Senate Report No. 93-549 clearly points out and admits that an abridgment of the “Supremacy Clause” and “Separation of Powers” has in this respect in fact occurred.
 34. THAT In 1933, as expressed in Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 confirmed in Perry v. U.S. (1935) 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 LEd 912; 31 USC 5112, 5119, and 12 USC 95a, the U.S. declared bankruptcy. When government went bankrupt, it lost its sovereignty, and being to big to fail, excepted a buy out and went into receivership, to be reorganized, restructured, and privatized, in favor of its foreign creditors and presumed new owners, criminals whose avowed and stated intent was to plunder, bankrupt, conquer, and enslave the people of the United States of America. "...every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging... By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. This will inevitably... leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance." - Col. Edward Mandell House.
 30. THAT The goal, of an occult theocracy of the ancient mystery school of deceit, it has been alleged, was to merge the people with government in America, reversing their roles in law and erasing all distinction between jurisdictions in law, public and private, under public policy and 'color of...' or 'colorable'. ... law, absorbing both into a private commercial corporation supplanting lawful government and claiming ownership and legal title to the people themselves, all State public institutions having created a "shadow [of] government," in furtherance of these schemes by privately incorporating all for profit between 1940 and 1970. Admitted in numerous responses to administrative remedy petitions, all public offices are in fact now vacant, and private contractors masquerade as public officials, who cannot as such hold positions of public office or trust.
 31. THAT Corporations have a LEGAL obligation to maximize profits. "When government becomes a corporation, it ceases to be government" (See Clearfield Doctrine), and by becoming a corporator, lays down its sovereignty, so far as respects the transaction of the corporation, and exercises no power or privilege which is not derived from the charter (U.S. v. Georgia-Pacific Co., 421 F.2d 92, 101 (9th Cir. 1970), corporations being fictions from which no law may originate, as no right of action may originate from fraud, invalidating much of the last 100 years of American Jurisprudence, both State and National legislation.
 33. THAT all revenue now belongs to admiralty maritime jurisdiction (Huntress), and 'neither for profit government nor the foreign statute merchant or agent has access to sovereign immunity even though the agent himself may have been unaware of the limitations upon his authority.' (See Utah Power & Light Co. v. United States, 243 U.S. 389. 409, 391; United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 70, 108; In re Floyd Acceptances, 7 Wall. 666: United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 70, 108; Federal Crop Insurance v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380, 1947) (Government may also be bound by the doctrine of equitable estoppel if acting in proprietary [for profit nature ] rather than sovereign capacity); the “Savings to Suitor Clause” is also available for addressing mercantile and admiralty matters aka “civil process” at the common law and within a state court or by Removal to Federal District Court exercising Amiralty Maritime Jurisdiction in which the state may not hear cases against the State or an agent thereof. (citation needed)
 34. THAT the Eleventh Amendment does not protect state officials from claims for prospective relief when it is alleged that state officials acted in violation of federal law (Warnock v. Pecos County, Tex., 88 F3d 341 (5th Cir. 1996), “Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a Constitutional right, from liability. For they are deemed to know the law.” (Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622), and Inadequate training of subordinates may be basis for title 42 subsection 1983 claim. (Mandonado-Denis v. Castillo-Rodriguez, 23 F.3d 576 (1st Cir. 1994). "Public officers are merely the agents of the public, whose powers and authority are defined and limited by law. Any act without the scope of the authority so defined does not bind the principal, and all persons dealing with such agents are charged with knowledge of the extent of their authority. (Continental Casualty Co. v. United States, 113 F.2d 284, 286 (5th Cir. 1940)).
 THAT public officials and even judges have no immunity, as officials and judges are deemed to know the law and sworn to uphold the law; and cannot claim to act in good faith in willful deprivation of law, they certainly cannot plead ignorance of the law, even the Citizen cannot plead ignorance of the law, the courts have ruled there is no such thing as ignorance of the law, it is ludicrous for learned officials and judges to plead ignorance of the law therefore there is no immunity, judicial or otherwise, in matters of rights secured by the Constitution for the United States of America. ( See: See, Owen vs. City of Independence, 100 S Ct. 1398; Maine vs. Thiboutot, 100 S. Ct. 2502; and Hafer vs. Melo, 502 U.S. 21; Title 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983).
 35. THAT if such a thing existed as A 'License To Practice Law,' other than in a fictional corporate jurisdiction, the same would be in fact and law a corporate commercial 'Title of Nobility,' whereas Article I, Section 9 and 10 of the Constitution prohibits the States and the federal government from issuing titles of nobility or honor to any public trustee, servant, or officer, in their separate and equal station, as the same would evidence a conflicting interest and disqualification from holding an office of public trust, and of a felony under various provisions of state and federal law.
 36. THAT Bar members elected by the people, but paid by a private corporation or agency foreign to lawful government in unlawful money, in accepting such appointments, commissions, and compensation, bribes in fact and law, to enforce the licensing of rights as privileges, throwing creditors to the state in unlawful debtors prisons for victimless crimes, acting as third party debt collector of tribute and contribution for illegal ton-tine wagering ponzi schemes and bankrupted 'social insurance' programs, as an insurance premium for the national debt, all under colour of copyrighted private law through legalism, are by the same disqualified from holding any office of public trust for what is defined in Law as their Treason in so doing in Fact, punishable by hanging.
 37. THAT Courts, Judges, and Justices, bound by law to uphold and declare the law, are in so doing not at liberty to interpret the law, or make political determinations, and being unlicensed themselves, are subject to prosecution for impersonating a public official or officer for damages in federal admiralty maritime jurisdiction as statute merchants. (citations needed - Clerk Praxis File)
 39. THAT a license is permission to do something illegal, and Obtaining a license proves willful intent to commit an illegal act.
 THAT the Lawful practice of Law is both a property right, and a Liberty Right, both a sacrament, tenant, and Rite of religious practice, secured by the Bill Of Rights and Supreme Law of the Land, including, but not limited to, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, to each citizen.
 40. THAT Any prosecution pursuant to UPL statute carries the burden of proving that the accused defendant did willfully, knowingly, and intentionally, avoid a known duty, obligation, or task under the law, that was not known as herein previously stated, to be an Unconstitutional requirement of legalism, religion teaches is sophistry and witchcraft or deception, any statute, regulation, or requirement, null and void and without effect in fact or law, bearing no obligation to obey. The Law may restrain, but not compell.
 41. THAT Compulsion under the natural law does not originate with man, nor with governments formed by men in fictional jurisdictions of corporate legalese drawn in the sand on the ground or on paper by men, in their separate and equal station, but rather with the author of the law. "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others." --Thomas Jefferson 1819.
 42. THAT the Writer knows of no duty or obligation within the restrictions of his liberty rights or under the Natural Law, that he do no harm, to further refrain from championing the rights of others, to not prosecute evil doers, or to obtain a license, that does not exist, or permission, from any lesser private commercial authority or jurisdiction of the many on earth, past, present, or future, to observe, exercise, or practice a lesser private Legalese, or legalism, be it international, federal or state, or the higher Law for this matter, being the Natural Law derived as given from a higher authority than any on earth, the author of the law, where from all lesser jurisdictions, forms of governance and law originate by his commandments.
 43. THAT all men being created equal, are born into the practice of law in their dealings with one another, as there is no action outside the natural Law excepting that which is criminal, and probably legalized by those practicing legalism, being witchcraft and black magic or sophistry as religion and the law teaches. That which is lawful, and that which is unlawful, are the sum of all acts, which men posses as an individual legacy, a property right or liability to each as nature accords, the Law itself being derived from man’s nature, and the author of the Law, not originating with governments of men, from which legalese and legalism originate. Nothing may regulate that which it did not create, that does not originate there from. 'They who wash outside of the cup, but leave the inside filthy.' Substance over form.
 44. THAT Man, in his separate and equal station, practicing natural law in the election to act upon the creation of government being a fiction, can confer no power to government to license that practice which the people possess inherently as a liberty right to effect such creation of a fiction as government, from which no law may come except but for the regulation of itself, ants agents or representatives, for the protection of those natural liberty rights inherent in man, being the only lawful purpose of government, whereas that which does not originate with government, as is true of man, and the natural law of liberty, government cannot regulate, as it is rather the natural law in practice by men that regulates the operation of government and the creation of lesser laws that may regulate government, and not the reverse. Fictions and the rules by which they operate cannot govern their creators.
 45. THAT The lesser law, legalese, legalism, and legality, color of law and public policy, being no law at all, as created by supposed agents of government, can not and does not exercise jurisdiction over, nor can it change, alter, diminish, or abolish, the greater and higher Law of nature from which all law originates that gives breath to man's liberty, given by god to each according to nature. It is this higher natural law of inherent liberty, which creates and regulates government, and its creation of lesser laws that may regulate, change, alter and diminish or abolish the acts of government(s) and fictions alone, and never the lawful liberty rights of man who created these. The law cannot divide the man, or the man from himself and his rights, only the voodoo, and black magic of legalism, the fictional incorporation of man to serve as a fiction himself, can accomplish this in operation apparently, in abrogation of the Law itself.
 46. THAT the Natural Law, as practiced by all men, and from which all fictions, lesser forms of law and governance are derived, is from the creator, and man's unalienable and inherent natural liberty rights (the Will), and not from government, which can create no right or law governing the liberty of man, existing only to protect those lawfully exercised natural liberty rights which existed separate and sovereign from it, before the creation of government by the power of this liberty.

Stop Blaming The Government by Rob Johnson

 I am copying and pasting this below from my friend Rob Johnson,  it is used by permission and is copyrighted.
 by Marcus de la Houssaye, Swamp Tour Guide Extraodinaire
 and Ambassador, Republic of Louisiana
...what Rob is saying in a nutshell|: occupying the constitutionally protected Republic is not overthrowing the corporate government, it is actually stepping out of the corporate illusion, and no longer voluntarily subjecting and allowing ourselves to be used and abused by criminals pretending to be lawful agents of government.
OK?     Now, I can reclaim my identity that was stolen with the birth certificate and converted into a all capital letter corporation without my knowledge and consent, and live as a law-abiding free man in the Republic the founding fathers gave us with full constitutionally protected independence, rights, freedoms, and liberty.
This is not a revolution of the present government, it is a rejection and an exodus from the illusion of freedom offered in corporate slavery and in reality is only a peaceful, lawful immigration from the UNITED STATES corporation into the republic and following that, an occupation of the historical republic that has always been there, but has been vacant for a long time!
If you would like to buy Rob's book, you may do so at: www.suijurislaw.net 
DIFFERENTIATION: Focus - ~Treason and Revolution~ Throughout my work the most imperative focal aspect that eludes many still, even myself to some degree, as I am not perfect by any means and am just as susceptible to the mental programming that infiltrates the phsyche from childhood on, is itself DIFFERENTIATION, DISTINGUISHING. "He who distinguishes well, learns well". Just as asking the right questions is vastly more important than having all of the answers, differentiation between things that appear similar is vastly more important than the ability to identify specific facts.

The focus of this post, the core of the topic I raise, is differentiation between peaceful and lawful revolution, and violent rebellion, the differentiation and distinguishing between a violent overthrow of government, and the lawful and peaceful right of WE THE PEOPLE, to arrest those in public office who corrupt those offices. For example, I myself, and as I advocate throughout this group and my work, have no desire what so ever to overthrown the government. Although, that IS a lawful action with respect to the long train of abuses and usurpation of power that we have witnessed, it is not my intention, nor is it necessary. We do not need to overthrow our government to restore our republic. We do not need to ABOLISH the existing FORM of government nor its structure or infrastructure. All that we need to do is exercise OUR lawful authority to call out the criminals, point the finger, and identify them in open light, where they are weakest, like the roach these criminals draw their strength from the darkness, from the ignorance of their existence. As a colony of roaches will thrive so long as the people living in the house they infest remain ignorant of their colony hiding behind the walls, this small group of people occupying the halls of justice and government, and I choose that word OCCUPY with INTENT,can only draw strength, thrive, and multiply their influential power through the ignorance of the people of their existence, and the existence of their agenda.

So let us be clear, a violent overthrow of a governmental body is ONLY lawful once a PEACEFUL overthrow of that government is criminalized unlawfully and made impossible. I do NOT advocate the overthrow at all, but I am drawing distinctions and differentiating between things that appear similar but are vastly different just like I do with rights and privileges, statutory rules and laws, Contractual obligations and obligations of law, mandatory and voluntary, etc. Per our Declaration of Independence, a violent overthrow of government is lawful and authorized in the event of a long train of abuses and usurpation which we have endured, to a degree where evils are no longer sufferable. Our founders knew and explained well that people are predisposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves of obvious wrongs because it means uncomfortable change, unfamiliarity, and shaking throwing off of the forms to which we are accustomed. Well it is finally obvious to all now that these evils are no longer sufferable, but even still it is premature, NOT THE TIME to even PEACEFULLY attempt to overthrow our government, let alone to do so violently.

The truth of the matter at hand is that there is simply no need, that the overthrow of government is unnecessary. An overthrow and abolition of government, would entail a complete eradication and reestablishment of a whole new FORM of government. The fact is that there is no need to do this because we already have the most glorious and most lawful, in fact I would go so far as to say we have a DIVINELY INSPIRED form of government, a Self Governing Constitutional Republic. That is the form our government truly takes, and it is the form that shall remain, and MUST remain in order for individual sovereignty to reign supreme as it does today. You see the stewards of our government would LOVE a violent overthrow and abolition of this form of government, because then THEY would be in charge of establishing a NEW one and they would undoubtedly establish one that favors the criminal oligarchy as opposed to the people, one that caters to the majority and bestows privilege, sacrificing the individual and lawful right of birth of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty, expending the individual to please the MOB. And I do not mean the mafia by mob here. I mean the majority. Real quickly I can respect the mafia, they have a code they operate under, you have to really TRY or do something really stupid to get on the bad side of the Mafia. The "mob", a majority of people on the other hand, will attack and destroy ANY individual that has something they want. THIS above all else is what government in America, this Self Governing Constitutional Republic, is charged to protect us from. The LAW in this country is designed to protect the ONE, the INDIVIDUAL, the rights of the sovereign souls that walk this planet. We are NOT a democracy as the liars that OCCUPY our offices of public trust would have you believe. Another differentiation that must be drawn this is, as democracy is often used synonymously to describe the form of individual freedom I advance. And for god's sake there is no such thing as balancing the rights of the people against the security of a majority, because the security of every individual AND the whole is dependent entirely upon the lawful defense of the rights of the ONE, and those rights themselves ARE LITERALLY themselves the true security, you cannot increase security by diminishing freedom.

In any event the truth of all of the ills of today's world is that EVERY single area where there is a problem, is that those very problems are caused by the unlawful actions of government. Medicine for example. First government unlawfully sticking its nose in the business o the individual regarding their medical affairs and choices, government regulatory bureaucracy itself, has caused even the most basic health care services to reach levels that make it impossible for an individual to be able to afford to pay to access those services WITHOUT some form of insurance, NEXT, they make a public spectacle that portrays their pipe dreams as an obligation of law upon an individual to obtain health insurance, which equates in essence to a requirement to pay a monthly fee to international banking interests (that which owns the insurance companies) simply to exist lawfully in this country. I say this now for everyone to understand now and forever, you exist lawfully in this country by RIGHT OF BIRTH, not by virtue of some fucking contract with the government. Government itself is nothing more than a majority, a gathering of people, IT cannot trample on or oppress the rights of the individual any more than any other entity. Government lawfully speaking has no more rights than I do, WE the PEOPLE establish governments they do not just create themselves. And the problem there in lies with the people who lead and guide law enforcement and justice.

So once again as important as it is to distinguish between similar nuances, it is imperative that we explain and describe in detail exactly what we want to accomplish, as setting a formidable goal tends to produce formidable results, as in each and every case the people are able to rise to the occasion. The goal of this group is to promote INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, PURE DIVINELY INSPIRED "LAW", and to throw off the shackles unfettering our efforts by realizing it is our birthright to do so. EACH and EVERY one of us, is responsible for what is to come. Whatever future it is that we bring into reality we will be responsible for it. Shouldn't we make certain that it is a good one we bring about? So how do we go about that? Simple really. Each of us, through our county sheriff's office MUST begin to hold these people accountable and file criminal charges against them when they commit crimes. They are not immune. Those who OCCUPY our offices of public trust and profit may NOT be attorneys, ALL whom are should be arrested and tried for their crimes. Every single attorney now OCCUPYING an office of public trust or profit, has sworn an oath under penalty of perjury, and indeed the charges could be much more serious, we could even go so far as to allege treason. The 2 affirmative acts would be the swearing of the oath of office committing perjury, KNOWING that they have sworn a prior oath that supersedes their oath to uphold and defend individual rights and individual sovereignty, and then actually taking and occupying the office itself fraudulently. On an individual basis we can do this and accomplish this. After all as I have stated, and explained in complete detail, it is NOT an overthrow of government I seek peaceful, violent, or any manner at all. What I seek is simply to remove the cancer from the existing and current form of our government, those TUMORS in suits with BAR CARDS by arresting them for their crimes, and bringing them to trial. There is NOTHING AT ALL wrong with the existing form of our government, the problem is THE PEOPLE OCCUPYING THE OFFICES OF government. We are talking about seriously high level and massively large scale arrests, as most of congress save 10 members max, would be facing criminal charges, and then we allow these criminals to squirm like they do to the average individual every single day.

So again to recap and summarize, what we want to accomplish is a restoration of the existing lawful form of our government, that form of government which governed least, governed best, our self governing republic IS the form of government which allws sovereignty, individual kings and queens to coexist lawfully and peacefully, without some moron in a uniform nitpicking about policies and making sure everyone adheres to the letter of what they fraudulently portray as law. Lets be clear about this, the SPIRIT in which laws are written are every bit, even more in fact, important than the letter of it. And we as a people need to do nothing more than to arrest the criminals perverting and corrupting it, destroying it from the inside out like some flesh eating bacteria. I call the criminals in office a cancer, and it is an accurate analogy, they are a parasite, they are contrary to what is right, just, pure, divine, true, and proper. WE just have to have the COURAGE to see this through. I encourage and now CALL UPON ALL in this group. STEP ONE 1. Find out who it is that occupies the offices of public trust and profit at every level of your government, your local city town or village, county, State, and yes even the president. STEP TWO 2. Use notice of criminal complaint to serve your county sheriff notice to press criminal charges against anyon you find who occupies ANY such office, that is an attorney or was one at one time. The oath of allegiance in exchange for noble title esquire is eternal, once an attorney ALWAYS a tool of the CROWN, which has sought to pervert American law and destroy American rights since the inception of America. Now with these goals in mind and this background I shall steal the words of the most ridiculously retarded man ever to serve as president, George Bush Jr. '~AMERICA.....LET'S ROLL~".
Thank you for that Rob Johnson, and here is the bottomline: stop complaining and blaming government for crimes, when we are allowing it by not holding them accountable to lawful remedies that are here now.
In a Republic of sovereign states, we the sovereign masters hold our PUBLIC SERVANTS accountable for their crimes against "We the People",  or if we are not doing so, we are NOT truly sovereign.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

An Important Supreme Court Case

Government did not create OR give me my rights, therefore they cannot lawfully deprive me of my rights without due process of law and in accordance with the constitution, they can ONLY respect my rights OR violate them. And violating my rights IS a crime. And remember, no one is above the law. Sovereigns are not above the law, but we are above corrupt government, and we are holding our public servants accountable for their crimes against the people.

Maybe that's why the government is calling us terrorists, because we are terrifying them with the truth that law, order and justice may not be in American courts today instead but resides with American sovereigns in common law jurisdiction which is the supreme law of the land.

I am aware that most people do not understand sovereignty, and because the federal government is attempting to deceptively label law abiding American sovereigns as criminal un-patriotic terrorists, I will do my best to present the truth and this US Supreme Court ruling is a prime example of our right to be free of corporate tyranny.

Below is an excerpt from Frederick Mann's book and can read in it's entire form at this link : http://www.mind-trek.com/reports/tl04.htm


© Copyright 1993 by Frederick Mann, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

An Important Supreme Court Case
The sovereign individual paradigm is reflected by the following U.S. Supreme Court case:
"The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights." Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905).
Let us analyze this case. It says, "The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights." It does not say, "Sit on his rights." There is a principle here: "If you don't use 'em you lose 'em." You have to assert your rights, demand them, "stand upon" them.  Next it says, "He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way." It says "private business" - you have a right to operate a private business. Then it says "in his own way." It doesn't say "in the government's way."  Then it says, "His power to contract is unlimited." As a sovereign individual, your power to contract is unlimited. In common law there are certain criteria that determine the validity of contracts. They are not important here, except that any contract that would harm others or violate their rights would be invalid. For example, a "contract" to kill someone or steal from someone is not a valid contract. Apart from this obvious qualification, your power to contract is unlimited.  Next it says, "He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property." The court case contrasted the duty of the corporation (an entity created by government permission - feudal paradigm) to the duty of the sovereign individual. The sovereign individual doesn't need and didn't receive permission from the government, hence has no duty to the government.  Then it says, "His rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State." This is very important. The Supreme Court recognized that humans have inherent rights. The U.S. Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) does not grant us rights. We have fundamental rights, irrespective of what the Constitution says. The Constitution acknowledges some of our rights. And Amendment IX states, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The important point is that our rights antecede (come before, are senior to) the organization of the state. Next the Supreme Court says, "And [his rights] can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution." Does it say the government can take away your rights? No! Your rights can only be taken away "by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution." "Due process of law" involves procedures and safeguards such as trial by jury. "Trial by jury" means, inter alia, the jury judges both law and fact. Then the case says, "Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law." These are some of the rights of a sovereign individual. Sovereign individuals need not report anything about themselves or their businesses to anyone.  Finally, the Supreme Court says, "He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights." The sovereign individual does not have to pay taxes.  If you discuss Hale v. Henkel with a run-of-the-mill attorney, he or she will tell you that the case is "old" and that it has been "overturned." If you ask the attorney for a citation of the case or cases that overturned Hale v. Henkel, it is unlikely that there will be a meaningful response. A friend of mine has researched Hale v. Henkel. He reported:
"We know that Hale v. Henkel was decided in 1905 in the U.S. Supreme Court. Since it was the Supreme Court, the case is binding on all courts of the land, until another Supreme Court case says it isn't. Has another Supreme Court case overturned Hale v. Henkel? The answer is NO. As a matter of fact, since 1905, the Supreme Court has cited Hale v. Henkel a total of 144 times. A fact more astounding is that since 1905, Hale v. Henkel has been cited by all of the federal and state appellate court systems a total of at least 1600 times. None of the various issues of this case has ever been overruled. How does that compare with the other Supreme Court cases? Although a complete study has not been made, initial observations indicate that no other case surpasses Hale v. Henkel in the number of times it has been cited."
(As you may realize, it makes no difference to who you actually are even if this case was "overturned." The point is: Are you going to let someone else tell you who you are, or are you going to find out for yourself?)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sovereignty is NOT a Crime!

A friend of mine is being "accused" of being sovereign,(like it is a crime?) and for no other reason but because he is my friend. Recently he commented that they are harassing him more than me, and yet it is only me who is sovereign. I advised him that he would be better off being sovereign because he would have constitutionally protected rights as a sovereign. He then realized that I am sovereign(and have all my documents on file at the Secretary of States office to prove my claim), and when I got to court, they tried to deny that I am sovereign by violating my rights. Then when they accused him of being sovereign, and he is actually an upstanding young business man in the community, and a tax paying citizen, but they violated his rights also, and all he has done is to be a friend with someone(me) whom they are trying to separate him from.

Too bad for his accusers that being sovereign is not a crime it is a birthright!


OK, the fraud started with the birth certificate, which unbeknown to us was a title to our body.(how dare they steal MY birthright: which IS to legally and lawfully own and reside in MY body) It was not only theft of our private property, it was identity theft, (how dare they convert my name into an all caps corporation(with no constitutionally protected rights) in order to deceive and extort money from me in an admiralty/ maritime /equity court which actually in law has no jurisdiction over a living human being) and because the birth certificate(a fraudulent contract) was delivered to the parents via US Mail, it was mail fraud, etc, etc etc... DO YOU SEE A CRIMINAL PATERN HERE? ...so to make a long story short: everything done to us in the name of the strawman is, was, and will be fraud. Therefore, now that we are aware of the fraud, in the future, when we accept a supeona, citatation, etc, without protesting and advising the deliveryman that we are aware of the fraud, unbeknownst to us, WE are an accessory to the fraud! Because the fraud STARTED with the birth certificate(as an adhesion contract, without full disclosure) it and every other contract in the name of the strawman is null and void!

Until we protest the fraud, forced slavery, identity theft, etc, and re-identitfy who we truly are (meaning re-contract on our terms), the de-facto contracts are legal(however unlawful) and binding.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

THE MOST Important Thing To Understand About SOVEREIGNTY

The following post was composed by Rob Johnson of the Sui Juris group on facebook.
I have copied it unedited and posted it here for your educational benefit.
THE very MOST important thing to understand about SOVEREIGNTY, and claiming and exercising it in stead of CITIZENSHIP, is that CITIZENSHIP is a contract where the would be prospective citizen pledges an oath of allegiance in exchange for a duty of protection. That most important thing to understand is that the duty of protection is an illusion, it doesnt exist, because government has asserted no duty to protect ANYONE. The fact is and this is the fear that most people approaching sovereignty are accosted by that manipulates people into keeping their distance away from sovereignty and holding, clinging desperately TO citizenship, and so here it is.

The fact is that ALL individuals BORN here have a fundamental BIRTHRIGHT to exist here, and that ALL individuals are entitled to ALL of the protections afforded to anyone by LAW, natural freedom, individual autonomous rights, and JUSTICE above all. The fact is that ALL individuals are entitled to the protections of LAW, these protections are NOT what is exchanged in citizenship for allegiance, those protections are of LIMITED LIABILITY. So, to clarify, those who are SOVEREIGN, and refuse to contract for CITIZENSHIP, have not LOST ANY of the protections of LAW, they only lose protections of LIMITED LIABILITY. So one who is sovereign MUST accept a great deal of personal responsibility for their own actions to ensure that they cause no harm to anyone while exercising rights. It si a BIG responsibility but not all that difficult to fulfill. Simply using common sense in most cases is sufficient. The problem is that government wants people to believe that only CITIZENS are afforded the protections of law with respect to their rights, but this is completely false, utter fabrication, and bald faced LIES. The fact is that you are not OBLIGATED to BECOME a CITIZEN to secure the protections of LAW, you were BORN with them. The only protection you secure via citizenship are FINANCIAL in nature, of LIMITED LIABILITY. LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY are very different things. RESPONSIBILITY is a common law attribute, LIABILITY is an attribute of maritime admiralty equity.

This is important because the State has recently gotten it into its head that it can strip all rights from an individual by stripping their citizenship, and to do so require NO EVIDENCE per NDAA, and a mere ACCUSATION of "terrorism" can now be used like a modern day witch hunt to crucify anyone who disagrees with anythign the State does. It is true that the State can strip the CITIZENSHIP of ANY citizen and as such they can remove ALL of the PRIVILEGES accompanying citizenship, privileges which identically mimic RIGHTS. The fact of the matter however is that NO entity can strip the SOVEREIGNTY of another. It is as true today as it was over 235 years ago that ONLY a JURY can remove RIGHTS from an individual. So as much as NDAA wants to purport, it is NOT TRUE, government CANNOT remove the rights of an individual nor the protections of due process of law, all they can do is manipulate people into believing and agreeing in contract with a court that they can do so. In reality it is the individual that strips themselves of their rights, not the state doing it, the State is just the puppeteer pulling at the strings of the most primal survival mechanisms.

So the truth is the exact opposite once again as what most people are programmed to believe. And that single most important fact in summation, is that claiming SOVEREIGNTY and rejecting CITIZENSHIP, is that one does not WAIVE, or LOSE, the most fundamental protections of their rights, which literally ARE the law, the very highest law, by claiming sovereignty and rejecting citizenship. The truth is that ACCEPTING citizenship is where you waive all RIGHTS and protections of LAW, and VOLUNTARILY so in CONTRACT, exchanging them for mere PRIVILEGED PROTECTIONS OF LIMITED LIABILITY, NOT the other way around like they want you to believe. Absent a jury only your consent can remove your rights and exchange them for these privileges which CAN be stripped or revoked at any time by the grantor. ALL privileges can be revoked at any time by the grantor where as RIGHTS are absolute, and untouchable.

For example. I own a home with a front lawn. My neighbor and I are friends. I permit my neighbor to cut across my lawn extending a privilege, so he does not have to walk all the way around. The fact that I have extended a privilege does not OBLIGATE ME the GRANTOR to continue to extend that privilege. ANY day I choose I can revoke the privilege and refuse to allow my neighbor the privilege of crossing my property. I can do this for ANY reason, or NO reason. On the other hand, there is NOTHING I can do to stop my neighbor from doing what they want on THEIR property. They have a right to exist on THEIR property, and a PRIVILEGE to exist temporarily upon MY property per the privilege extended. This is a FORM of contract, it is an agreement, which is all ANY contract is. A contract is simply an agreement with terms clearly established in writing.

So again after detailing completely as I have done, in summary, an individual claiming sovereignty is actually in a BETTER position to avoid having their rights violated, and actually has recourse if they are, where as a citizen can have their privileges removed at any time. Violating someone's privileges is not an actionable offense, there is no recourse for citizens against their grantors, just as my neighbor has no recourse to complain if I revoke his privilege to cut across my lawn. I hope this puts things into perspective well. THIS is the nature of sovereignty, and exercising these rights as well as defending them is the very heart and essence of what Sui Juris Law is all about.
If you are interested in purchasing Rob's book, you may do so at this link:

America Has Become An Occupied Territory

The post below was original written by Rob Johnson of the Sui Juris group on Facebook, and re-edited by yours truly, Marcus de la Houssaye, Ambassador of the Republic of Louisiana.

Our government is no longer OUR government.


It is an occupying force, and more accurately identified as a corporate FARCE masquerading as government, pretending to be OF and FOR the people, when in truth it is only OF and FOR the interests of FOREIGN owned corporate entities.


 These include the banking entities, news, entertainment, and advertising entities, real estate entities, the industrial military complex, the industrial prison complex, and then as a group, the big three: chemical, agricultural and pharmaceutical entities.

And to be more specific, all are conglomerated within the Federal Reserve Bank under the umbrella pyramid compartmentalization which is operated by the Vatican, and the Crown of England at its very highest levels. And THIS truth is WHY American freedoms are disappearing, and  WHY Americans themselves have become so ignorant of their legal  rights and the law, as well as the proper role of law enforcement.



 We have been legally(through contracts), mentally(through education and media), and physically conquered, and been under the spell of a subtle, and insidious occupation of fear and the illusion of government provided security for a very long time, of over 150 years.

Only NOW, the truth is rearing its ugly head and becoming brazen enough to make itself public.


Only now, that the people have become so comfortable in the illusion, and well acclimated to their corporate servitude and to such a degree that they CLING to this "government provided security" which in truth is not at all security, but forced slavery, as the only real security is the freedom we are born with.


 Only now can we begin to see not security, but the illusion of and instead what has been portrayed as security is really a familiarity, or a form of the Stockholm syndrome, that en mass has crippled the spirit of American freedom and defiance to the present tyranny, and as a result, the state of American defense has declined, because we the people are the REAL and original Homeland Security.


 And on that note, I want to see the police OR military force that will confront and disarm America's redneck deer and duck hunters! Come on people, we have lots of guns, ammo, know how to kill and are not afraid to fight, yet if we were defending ALL of our rights all along, we would not be talking about 2nd Amendment rights now.


Our people are not even aware that there IS an occupying force that is already controlling this country. That force is not accountable to anyone in the public domain. They are a private entity using the members of the BAR association, the kangaroo courts, AND  the police associations to control and extort money and real estate from ignorant and mostly innocent Americans.


 The average individual on the street has no idea that they are not truly free, because their perspective upon freedom has been so distorted by well financed agendas advanced by entities that profess to be institutions of education, news, advertising, and entertainment which are wrapped in such officialdom that it is DESIGNED by a grand architect of deception to be accepted as real.


Most people only have a microcosmic sense of freedom, the freedom to choose what to eat for breakfast, where to live and enslave themselves, what form of work to enslave themselves in, but none the less all for the benefit of other corporate(pretending to be a government) entities. Even most self employed small business Americans are enslaved to the  corporate government believing that they owe some duty to state for the RIGHT to earn a living.


God given, and constitutionally protected common law rights have no FINANCIAL duty attached. The only duty accompanying common law rights is the RESPONSIBILITY to not harm others through the exercise of those rights. ANY right CAN be violated and abused, and certain activities have been restricted, regulated and controlled, not because they are dangerous inherently, but because it is a good excuse to initiate such a control in the interest of extorting money from ignorant and mostly innocent people, and those initiating it have opportunities to present corporate profit returns to their foreign allegiances and care nothing for individual American freedoms or the loss there of.


Again I say it, this country is an OCCUPIED TERRITORY.

 And we are as damned as the Germans were when Hitler took over by 98% majority election.  Are you aware  that Nazi Germany was a democracy? And are you aware that the government that the founding fathers gave us was and IS a Republic of Sovereign united States?


The greatest evils are not overt, they are subtle, and none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who have been manipulated, programed and falsely led to believe that they are free. So why cause slaves to think they are free? Well, slaves who mistakenly believe they are free, are easier to control AND they are as a bonus: MORE PRODUCTIVE for their masters!


And we ALL feel this slavery around us, never testing it never touching the borders trying to deny its existence. Otherwise people would not fear to claim, exercise and defend lawful rights and freely engage in god given, constitutional protected, lawful activities without a permit from the State.


 There has been so much destruction, bloodshed and death caused in the name of a god than any combination of forces throughout history. Yet there is no license attached to worship, but there IS a license advanced as an obligation with respect to travel. WHY?  Because being on the road allows them to place debt obligations upon our back for meaningless violations, which are meaningless because there is no accident, property damage, or personal injury.

 Not everyone wishes to worship, but EVERYONE must travel in todays society because todays societies and cities have been deliberately engineered in such a way that one is REQUIRED to travel to prosper and even to survive. Subtle manipulation of personal locomotion is another means of limiting and controlling our freedoms. It is no longer like it used to be where everything one needs to survive exists in the village or  nearby surrounding countryside. Again we are an occupied State, and the most evil aspect of it is that no one knows that our homeland has been conquered and is occupied by evil men and women with less than honorable intentions to enslave us through fraud, debt and the fear of poverty.