Sunday, December 25, 2016

The One Individual Most Responsible For Our Republic

As it turns out both Christmas Eve and the first night of Hanukkah both fall on December 24th this year. One might ask what do Christmas and Hanukkah have in common?

"And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication (Hanukkah,) and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch." John 10:22-23
Biblical historians who study the scriptures closely might say that we would not be  celebrating Christmas unless it was for the first Hanukkah. Had it not been for the first Hanukkah there would have been no Jewish community to whom Jesus could deliver His Good News and no disciples to spread the message. They might also say that Jesus was not born during the Christmas season; that He, in fact, from a Biblical historical perspective, was most likely immaculately conceived during the Christmas/ Hanukkah season; all the more reason to celebrate!

That being said, historically, the Republic has close ties with both the Christian and Jewish communities. After all, the One Individual most responsible for the founding of our Republic is, in fact, Jewish from the Davidic line of Judah. We have acknowledged the fact that our fore fathers covenanted with Him for Divine protection and guidance during the founding of the Republic, with their appeals to Heaven as recorded in our founding documents. He is the Law Giver by whom our Law Form was given.
In addition, let us not forget Haym Salomon who some would label the chief financial architect of the American Revolution without whose help the Revolutionary war would have been hard pressed to get it's feet off the ground, so to speak. He enlisted the help of the Jewish community, among others, who all had a vested interest in the concept of liberty and justice for all. He was truly a gift to our fore fathers.
During this season of remembrance, Let us also choose to remember the sacrifices our fore fathers made in order to give us the Republic. I specially call to remembrance George Washington and the Continental Army's crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas Eve 1776, which lead to a successful surprise attack against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey on the morning of December 26th. We owe a great debt of gratitude to those brave souls and to the God they serve.
So let's choose to acknowledge the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob during this season of remembrance. Let us thank Him for giving us the gift of His only beloved Son that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Let us all acknowledge His handy work in the affairs of men. Let us all continue to look to Him for wisdom and guidance as we hold hands together working for the restoration of all things.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah,
President Geiger
                  Republic for the United States of America,                           c/o 3040 SE Persons Court, Portland, OR 97267

Monday, December 19, 2016

America's Toughest Cop, And Now Our Congressman Elect In Louisiana's 3rd Congressional District

Below is my letter to congressman elect Clay Higgins 12/19/2016

It is my responsibility to educate and hold public officials accountable to the law...Let's start with the flag in county courthouses across America under 4USC!

Congressman elect Higgins, I am honored to have you serve the people of the 3rd District.

I am Marcus de la Houssaye, a law enforcement and judicial officer of the Kingdom of Heaven, an agent of Yashua(Jesus Christ), and I am a spiritual prayer warrior, a joint heir with you and other believers of God's promises to His children.

In that capacity, it is my responsibility to hold accountable(and educate) public officials to the law and the public trust that we have granted, because all power and authority is granted to public officials by 'we the people', and when corrupt public officials cross the border into criminal activity, it is the right and the duty of 'we the people' to take that power and authority from the criminals.(and hold them accountable to criminal prosecution)

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Declaration of Independence 1776

"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"?

Congressman do you consent to what is and has happened to America?

What I am about to share with you is very dangerous political and legal information, but it needs to be brought before the people.

I suggest you share this information with President elect Donald Trump, asap, and congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, I doubt that you will find many other supporters in DC, but we can hope nonetheless that they are out there waiting for a time such as now!
 I suspect Trump and Gowdy already know this...

Now... Let's make America great again!
What is happening in the county courthouses across America regarding the display of the red, white and blue(among other things) is a crime and a disgrace.
It is a military flag(because of the yellow fringe) in an Admiralty Maritime court and the judge, and all the officers of the court are engaged in treason.
 How is this you might ask?
 BAR = British Accredited Registry, as in the BAR association, is a criminal organization owing allegiance to the British Crown, and engaged in racketeering.
My guess is Jefferson made this Declaration prior to the Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783, which alledged ended the American Revolution...
"Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless... the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is [now] while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion."
Thomas Jefferson


BTW: there is no treaty of peace ever signed by Lincoln, he was mudered by British agents a few days prior to that plan to restore the Republic. (and we have been under martial law ever since) Hence a military government. Attorney general, postmaster general, surgeon general, commander in chief, etc... and let's not forget we have a militarized police force in every level of government to protect the criminals in the courthouses!


"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher."
Abraham Lincoln


The 2 quotes above and the excerpts below are from this website:

"Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless... the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is [now] while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion."
Thomas Jefferson
Congressman, I like you, are an American patriot, and although some would call me a conspiracy theorist, or worse a sovereign citizen, they are only trying to cover up the fact that I am a patriotic, pissed off American, and I want my nation, AND MY COUNTRY back! Back to what?... to the republic that was suspended when the southern representatives walked out of congress in December of 1860!

A Military Flag?

And to further confirm and understand the significance of what I have told you, you need to understand the fringe on the United States flag (in county courtrooms). Read the following.
First the appearance of our flag is defined in Title 4 sec. 1. U.S.C.. "The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field." (my note - of course when new states are admitted, new stars are added.)
A foot note was added on page 1113 of the same section which says: "Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy." 1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483.
The president, as military commander, can add a yellow fringe to our flag. When would this be done? During time of war. Why? A flag with a fringe is an ensign, a military flag. Read the following.
"Pursuant to U.S.C. Chapter 1, 2, and 3; Executive Order No. 10834, August 21, 1959, 24 F.R. 6865, a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE, bordered on three sides. The President of the United states designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Armed forces."

From the National Encyclopedia, Volume 4:
"Flag, an emblem of a nation; usually made of cloth and flown from a staff. From a military standpoint flags are of two general classes, those flown from stationary masts over army posts, and those carried by troops in formation. The former are referred to by the general name flags. The latter are called colors when carried by dismounted troops. Colors and Standards are more nearly square than flags and are made of silk with a knotted Fringe of Yellow on three sides...use of the flag. The most general and appropriate use of the flag is as a symbol of authority and power."

"...The agency of the master is devolved upon him by the law of the flag. The same law that confers his authority ascertains its limits, and the flag at the mast-head is notice to all the world of the extent of such power to bind the owners or freighters by his act. The foreigner who deals with this agent has notice of that law, and, if he be bound by it, there is not injustice. His notice is the national flag which is hoisted on every sea and under which the master sails into every port, and every circumstance that connects him with the vessel isolates that vessel in the eyes of the world, and demonstrates his relation to the owners and freighters as their agent for a specific purpose and with power well defined under the national maritime law." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1914.

I have had debates with folks that take great issue with what I have said, they dogmatically say the constitution is the law and the government is outside the law. I wish they were right, but they fail to see or understand that the American people have been conquered, unknowingly, but conquered all the same. That is why a judge will tell you not to bring the Constitution into his court, or a law dictionary, because he is the law, not the Constitution. You have only to read the previous Senates report on National Emergency, to understand the Constitution and our Constitutional form of government no longer exists.


Congressman elect Higgins 'we' have our work cut out for us and I look forward to working with you.
I can be reached @ 337 298 2630 and I am @ 910 North Wilderness Trail, Carencro 70520

here is 18 mins on Alex Jones: