Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Yep,you were born in sin/syn,,syntax,,and the truth is your redeemer. The dead shall rise from the (maritime) seas and all that. Says Woe unto the LAWYERS for ye have taken away the key of knowledge. Confounded babble slave language. Woop,there it is!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Have you ever thought about moving back to the Republic?

Have you ever thought about going back to the republic?


Excuze me, what happened to America, I thought it was a republic?


It was, as in past tense, and is now NOT what we have been taught WAS in school.


 Along the way especially in the 20th century, with so much information being exchanged, Americans have been taught we are a free people, and at the exact same time,we were unknowingly contracted and LEGALLY yet unlawfully enslaved as corporations and indoctrinated into a foreign owned CORPORATE fraud through expert programming, conditioning, prejudice and patriotism.


Time to grow up America!


Let's look around you and look at your lives!


 They have eliminated the small family farms and placed us into cities; (or is this concentration camps?)

eliminated the majority of local food, clothes, and hardware stores; via Walmart, ect

gave our industries and production away to break our economic security and ultimately kill the labor unions; via NAFTA

issued valueless counterfiet paper currency and stole our gold and silver; via the Federal Reserve Act

raised un constitutional taxes and stole their worthless paper currency back;  via the US Congress

involved us in numerous staged wars such as Viet Nam; via news media programing

began a fraudulent mass foreclosure of American farms and homes; via the agents of the American BAR Assoc.

and poisoned the oceans, our air and the public water supply! via Standard Oil, Monsanto, etc  


How long can you continue to believe in their ‘Fairy Tales’?







BTW, the Viet Nam war was supposedly started by the North Viet Namese Navy attacking a US naval vessel in the Bay of Tonkin but Mc Namara who was Secretary of Defense during the war confessed before he died that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.


 However the Gulf of Tonkin fraud was none the less spoon fed to Americans by the CIA who first reported it to the media as an attack on America, and you know the rest of the story!


We were NOT provoked by the North Vietnamese, WE (actually the US Inc.) WERE THE PROVACUTEURS!


DON'T GET ME STARTED ON WHAT HAPPENED AFTER 9/11/2001. GO HERE: for more info on the 21st century wars.



Moving right along...


100 years ago, America was the production giant of the world, and in the 20th century, honest hard working, tax paying, middle class Americans amassed an amazing collective of national and personal wealth as a result of that 20th century production.

But today we are hurting for jobs in America and simultaneously are the consumer giants of the world, due to NAFTA encouraging corporations

to move production factories to the cheap labor in Asia leading to our consumption of those products made in other countries.


And... it appears at the moment that everything bought and sold in America today is made in China!

But don't blame the Chinese, for what Clinton gave us: NAFTA







The North American Free Trade Agreement robbed us of our economic independence based  upon industrial production and gave it to China.


But as interesting a subject as NAFTA is, I am getting way ahead of myself...



During the American Civil War, the Confiscation Act of 1861 was adopted.


This was an Act between the military governments representing the North and the South and was defined by those governmental bodies to be the:

‘Rules of engagement and military protocol,’ concerning how those governments and their military will deal with American citizens during time of war. 


The words time of war will become a key in years to come with the passage of the Lieber Code and the Trading with the Enemy Act!

 The Confiscation Act specified that anyone who fought against the Government of the North would automatically lose his property but non-combatants who had suffered such property loss or confiscation would subsequently be entitled to lawful compensation.


 A legal ruse to be certain!


NOTE: Re: The Confiscation Act;

 How do you prove a negative, that you are a [non- combatant] or [not guilty of a crime] and why should anyone have to?

Especially, when it is physically impossible to prove a negative and legal due process demands that whoever makes the claim bears the burden of proof? USC 5 sec, 556-559








This reminds me of the Catholic Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials. 


Everyone accused of “witchery” was burned at the stake or drowned because no one could prove that they were NOT a Witch!  

In 1863, The Lieber Code was adopted as well as General Order No.100, signed by President Abraham Lincoln.

This Code is similar in nature to The Confiscation Act and The Geneva Convention and better defined how Union Soldiers shall conduct themselves in time of war and specified that any military officer, who violated this Code, shall be treated as a belligerent!


This became another key word then and in the future because a belligerent shall come to be treated as a combatant and as such, subject to the Confiscation Act and the loss of his liberty and all property he owns! 


This is exactly what happens to defendants in America's County Courts of Justice or rather more aptly stated as Americas Military Courts!

The evidence of it being a court of military jurisdiction is the gold trim on what would be otherwise: the American flag of peace.



In 1864, The Virginia Colony, [America’s Corporate Military Government] under the guise of: the united States of America , entered into an International Treaty titled: The Geneva Convention.


International Treaties are recognized by all of the World’s governments and therefore carry more force and affect in law than any Constitution or individual contracts called Statutes.









 The crux of this particular International Treaty specifically prohibited any and all Military Intervention and or the operation of any Military Courts of Justice over the civilian population of any conquered Nation! 


By entering into this Treaty as the united States of America, the Treaty was null and void at inception due to fraud because America was actually operating under the corporation titled: The Virginia Colony . 


Factually, American’s are a conquered people; conquered by the European Royal and Elite and by their own federal and state governments, with the stroke of a pen and the expert use of legalese, deception, patriotism, propaganda, fear and intimidation.


 Hence, the proof of the old phrase coined by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in his 1839 play about a Papal Conspiracy:  

 “Beneath the rule of men entirely great;  the Pen is mightier than the sword.” 


Lincoln’s Declaration of War under the War Powers Clause of Article 1, Clause 8 of the Constitution has yearly and secretly been renewed by Congress and all past Presidents but for a different reason. 

Their renewed Declaration of War specifies that the private corporate US Government is at War with America and its people and defines the American public as, “the enemy of the state!”



Now you know why the President and Congress continue to screw us over and constantly lie to the American public!










Consider the war on drugs started by Richard Nixon in 1974.

Was that to protect Americans from dangerous drugs such as heroin and cocaine?


Or was it an opportunity to classify the dried flowers of canabis aka, marijuana as an illegal schedule 1 drug

in order to deprive us of the right to cultivate it for the medicinal benefits of the fresh green leaves of cannabis that does not contain THC or

any intoxicating elements, but is a cure for many modern ills and thus is a life-giving and life-enhancing plant, and NOT a dangerous drug.


Bear in mind that the medicinal benefits of cannabis as a cure is in the fresh uncooked green leaves eaten as a salad,

and any of this medicinal value in the leaves is destroyed by baking or smoking it.


Furthrmore, the intoxicating elements are in the flowers, NOT in the leaves.  And for people who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, such as military veterans, who are often prescribed cannabis flowers to smoke by the doctor, it has great medicinal value for treating mental illness.

NOTE:  The mention of the Constitution by the corporate government is only done to appease and tickle the ear of the American people.

 The Congress, Judges and BAR Lawyers laugh at Americans who claim protections under the Constitution and they label them ‘Constitutionalists’.

And… recently they are taking the propaganda to new heights and we who study law "historically" are labeled and fear-mongered as "cop killing, sovereign citizens"!










About a month ago it was announced on Fox News that sovereign citizens are the greatest threat to America today.


More than ISIS and al Queda? That's what they said!

Actually sovereign citizens are the greatest threat to the as yet unseen [by most people] domestic enemies operating as agents of a foreign owned corporation that is pretending to be the lawful national, state, county, and municipal governments of America!

And my best guess is that most of the agents of this corporation are unaware that they are NOT serving and protecting the true government of America, ie; we the people!


Still the politicians and the media continue to spoon feed and pacify us by telling the American public that: “We are a free people in a Nation of laws, protected by a Constitution.”



It sounds safe and comforting and that is just what the bulk of society really cares about, feeling safe and comfortable, because we equate our safety and pleasure with freedom! 


In December 2011, Congress repealed the Bill of Rights with the passage of NDAA 2012 and in March 2012, repealed the 1st amendment and ordered as usual a Media Blackout of all such un-American, and un-constitutional events!


Sure black that out, we don't want to be brutalized by the truth of our demise!


We will accept a trade of our God given rights for a little comfy government generated fraud called HOMELAND SECURITY!











BTW: any act of government agents that violates the constitution, IS A CRIME called perjury of oath, and can be nullified by we the people because a violation of the constitution is a default of the contract  that we the people authorized, empowered, and trusted public officials to operate in.


The moment they violate our constitutionally protected rights, and cross the border into criminal activity, it is our right, our duty, and our responsibility to take that power from them who have violate the public trust.


And why can we take it back? Because we gave it to them in the first place as a contract: a public trust.

As in the people's public trust of 1776.


"goverments are instituted by the CONSENT of the governed." Decaration of Independence, 7/4/1776


So how safe do you feel now knowing that public officials have violated our trust and sold us out to foreign investors?













On or about December 6, 1865, The Congress of The Virginia Colony, America’s Corporate Military Government secretly rewrote the Organic Constitution of the united States of America [twice in the same year], which disposed of the original 13th amendment and then replaced the 13th by moving the 14th down to the thirteenth position.


 The original 13th amendment prohibited lawyers from ever holding a seat in government and now 98% of all government offices and 100 % of all Judges of the courts of record are held by lawyers.


Makes you stop and think, doesn’t it?  


The 14th amendment followed on the heels of the Emancipation Proclamation, which was supposed to free the slaves and define all of our individual rights, which turned out to be another canard.


 The 14th amendment did just the opposite, which will be explained as you read on.


In the next rewrite of the Constitution, the 15th, 16th and 17th amendments were added without a Constitutional Convention or public vote and was actually rejected by every State Government of the Republic.



The Secretary of the Congress ignored the rejection letters and reported to Congress AND THE MEDIA that these amendments had been ratified by a sufficient number of States!


And ... if it is in the newspaper it must be true! Yah, right!








 These amendments were intended to give the federal government the authority to tax us into poverty and they use those amendments with great proficiency to this day, the evidence being overwhelming! 


Future arguments before the Supreme Court resulted in the High Court declaring that the legality of these amendments was a political issue and not a judicial one and they subsequently refused to rule on them!


NOTE: The Secretary of the Congress got away with this deception because the Constitution was never intended for America from the start.


 The Colonists were functional illiterates and many a wool was pulled over their eyes and unfortunately the same strategy continues to be used against us in America today, to keep all Americans functional but illiterate!

   Despite the fact that these secret rewrites were contrary to any public vote or law, Congress finally adopted the rewritten Constitution in Washington D.C., which became the ‘proprietary law’ for the District of Columbia.

 Proprietary law carries with it the same force and affect as a city ordinance and since the District of Columbia is not a recognized State, this Ordinance was only enforceable against the residents of Washington, D.C., also known as: ‘federal foreign citizens; United States citizens’ and ‘14th amendment citizens.’ 

These ‘words of art’ were created by the 14th amendment with the future intent to entrap us all! 


The 13th; 14th and 15th amendments were amendments to the Reconstruction Act and with the passage of the Reconstruction Act; these words of art forced all State Governments and State Officials into the District of Columbia as subsidiaries or extensions of the Corporate Federal Government.










The underlying fraud and deception in time created another set of duplicitous de-facto governments, which pose as State Governments, but are actually subsidiaries of the Federal corporation, with State Officials unaware that are they are in fact actually working as Federal Agents.


The residents of Washington, D.C. are actually ‘federal foreign citizens’ because Washington, D.C. is not a State and therefore is alien to the American Republic.


 Prior to January 1865, American’s residing within the States were referred to as: “Sovereign citizens of the Republic”.


 The power of the word Sovereign comes from the “Declaration of Independence and God.”


The present corporate government fears the Sovereign American because corporations and politicians have no power over the source of law and Sovereign’s are the source of all man-made laws.


The fact that we were never provided with the opportunity to vote on the passage of any of the "federal" governments planned statutes gives proof that they were designed purely to drive us as their debt slaves and ultimately control us!


Statutes are written and passed by the US Congress as though they are a King and rule over the Kingdom of America!


 As registered voter, and tax paying US citizen, is that








what you voted for at every national election?


Contrary to popular opinion, the 14th amendment did not free anyone but rather enslaved everyone, and can be found in the Congressional Record of 1865.


Enslaved everyone except for 300 influential families who were granted immunity from the 14th amendment which gave them diplomatic immunity. 


Similarly, the Administrative Act of 1946 gave all lawyers sovereign immunity to the ficticious corporate policies they are attempting to force us to obey!


The 14th amendment did not initially make everyone a 14th amendment citizen nor grant any special rights or freedoms. [e.g.] ‘The Bill of Rights.’ 


What it succeeded in doing was to make all public officers and people in residence within the District of Columbia, a 14th amendment citizen a/k/a United States Citizen and Federal Foreign Citizen and provided for a bounty, enforceable against them for the non-payment of the Public Debt, which was later changed or coined by Congress as the National Debt!


  The SO-CALLED Public Debt or National Debt ACTUALLY belongs to a private corporation named: The Federal Reserve. 


This bounty could not lawfully be enforced against anyone else because everyone residing within the states was still a: Sovereign American and a citizen of the Republic.


The word Sovereign is derived from the Law of Kings; meaning that: ‘The source of law is derived from the King and therefore the force of law can never be enforced against its source!’ 







As Sovereign Americans and citizens of the Republic, we are the King and source of law and therefore the force of law cannot be enforced against us, except by us and DEFINATELY not by any FOREIGN OWNED CORPORATE government! 


If there isn’t some truth in what I write, why would the Federal Government resist?

This also explains why every law is civil, even the ones fraudulently defined as criminal are actually civil.


 Contracts can be enforced against everyone including the King! 


By the third Constitutional rewrite, we all unknowingly became a 14th amendment citizen by our consent and became the collateral property of the United States, Inc, which is the private property of the Crown of England and thus a subsidiary of the Vatican and the Sabbatean/Rothschild Royal Family faction.


 BTW, the Crown of England is a bank, owned by the Rothschild family faction, and not to be confused with the British royal family.


Our lives, our destiny, our children, our credit, our labor, our freedom and all we perceive to own, has been leveraged against the unlimited spending practices of the US congress, which is actually a corrupt body of politicians pretending to represent us? 


Our money was once backed by gold but after 1933 it read: “Backed by the good faith and credit of the American people” and now it promises absolutely nothing because now it is all just fiat money or counterfeit promissary notes, which has no ascertainable value. 


NOTE: Every time you complete a government form or tax return, you are asked to check a box indicating that you are a United States Citizen, meaning a 14th amendment citizen, under penalty of perjury.











 You should be checking the box that reads: “Alien of the United States” instead because we are not residents of Washington, D.C. or the Territory of Puerto Rico, Guam or Samoa.


 Unless employed by the government, we all are alien to the Federal Government and not their corporate property!


 Again this is done to entrap us into reaffirming our consent that we are their corporate OWNED property and are subject to the parent corporation [UNITED STATES] and if you try to recant that admission, you are guilty of perjury! 


Ingenious …. isn’t it?


Next came the Reconstruction Act of 1868, which is misleading because it actually dealt with reconstructing the order of governmental power and re- defined the military’s purpose and authority within The Virginia Company, fraudulently being represented as The United States of America. 


This remains in full force and affect today despite the fact that President Andrew Jackson had vetoed it!


A presidential veto can be defeated by a two-thirds majority vote by Congress and this one subsequently was defeated.

As a result of the Reconstruction Act of 1868, the Power and Authority of the military now supersedes all power and authority of any state, county and city governments.







All are now a part of the Federal Government and thus all law enforcement personnel are subordinate to the President and the military generals in charge of the Federal Government and therefore the power and authority of the Federal Government becomes an absolute by this Act!


 All this means is that the federal government now has the right to tell you how to live your life whereas, before this Act, we the people controlled the government AND EVERY LEVEL OF IT!



This explains why the federal government is funding, supplying, training, and militarizing the local police forces disguised as "swat teams" in violation to our constitutionally protected right to be free of military on the homeland. Special Weapons And Tactics is a military FORCE!


And how an FBI Agent can take an investigation away from a local police department.

Now all county and state officials are sub-federal and are now subordinate to the federal government when we the people at one time use to control the state and the state controlled the federal government as a republic!



And now any and all who refuse, will be treated as Belligerents and subject to the Confiscation Act!

And that is why when St. Martin Parishes finest arrested me in order to confiscate my privately owned, allodial titled truck, trailer and boat they thought they had lawful authority to identify me as a corporate owned slave and would teach me a lesson by putting me out of the swamp tour business, and ultimately running me out of St. Martin Parish.










What they failed to realize was that putting their hands on me was a trespass in a sovereign foreign nation, and then to handcuff me was assault and kidnapping of a foreign diplomat by attempting to bring me back into the US jurisdiction under a corporate ALL CAPITAL NAME was false arrest under a mistaken identity, fraud, identity theft and a default of six contracts on file at the Secretary of State Office!


However what they did not realize was I was a sovereign nation IN MY BODY, AND EVERYWHERE I GO!


I do not need to be on an Indian ‘reservation’ to be exempt!

 Most people who have a local, county or state job do not realize that they are all Federal Employees pursuant to the Reconstruction Act and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.    



















The Bankruptcy of America in 1933 

[And the introduction of a new legal system.]


On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act.


 This Act declared the Treasury of the United States, ‘Bankrupt’, which is an impossible feat since the U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921. 


The Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating America’s gold standard and hypothecated all property found within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank. 


All sovereign Americans who were citizens residing within the Republic of united States suddenly and fraudulently were expatriated from their Sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent and their labor, souls, children, property, sweat equity and credit became the financial collateral for the FEDERAL RESERVE debt, which had by then been converted into a Public Trust, which had been scripted after the ancient Roman Trusts.  


“Script” money or [negotiable debt instruments] was issued by a private banking corporation, which is owned by a group of Sabbatean European Jewish Bankers and which is known to everybody as: “The Federal Reserve Bank System.”


These promissory notes were called Federal Reserve Notes and our future treatment by the U.S. Government was to be redefined under USC Title 50, ‘The Trading with the Enemy Act’ in which American citizens are defined as, “an enemy of their government” and this is the reason why Lincoln’s Declaration of War is renewed yearly by Congress and the President!










 In the same year President Roosevelt closed THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION and opened a new government corporation called: THE UNITED STATES, INC.


“The Federal Reserve Act” was designed and written by a German National who was repatriated into the United States in 1903 through Ellis Island of New York.


His name was Paul Warburg, and he was by assignment, a carbon copy of Alexander [Levine] Hamilton. 

Mr. Warburg was a Sabbatean German Jewish Banker and CFO of the Rothschild Banking Empire.


Mr. Warburg’s assignment was to craft legislation designed to allow the Sabbatean/Rothschild

Royal Family faction to control the finances of thier United States Corporation from Europe.


The Federal Reserve Act is approximately 1500 pages and places the currency and finance for the United States Corporation under a private corporation called, “The Federal Reserve.”


 The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK which is used, controlled, and owned lock, stock and barrel, by the Sabbatean/Rothschild Banking Empire and not by the people or the corporate government of the United States.  



Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Treason and Terrorism of America’s Cops

 In light of hundreds of innocent Americans being brutalized and/or murdered by cops  in the first few months of 2015, I am referring to a scene in Miami, FL. over 10 years ago as proof that things are just getting worse due to a lack of constitutional accountability by OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS,  and us who are complacent AND ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN.


Until I began learning the liberty established by our founders, and such matters as what constitutes a crime, along with the only purposes of government and who or what it governs, I had respect for what I believed were peace officers . I now know these agents of, by, and for the government are corporate policy enforcers, and de facto government creations that commit treason against the united States of America and its people daily, if not by the minute. 

This comment by a Miami cop exemplifies the utter ignorance of these people who no longer serve the lawful government of America which is: we the people, but serve the corporate state and their own self-serving interests. 

"They were given a lawful order to disperse. They were given time to disperse," said Police Sgt. Dennis Morales. Reported by Reuters, Friday, November 21, 2003.

This person hasn't a clue as to what is lawful or legal or the meaning of the unanimous Declaration of Independence, God's laws and Natural Law our country is based on, or the Constitution for the united States of America. 

He further is ignorant of who or what de facto laws apply to. The ignorance is so prevailing that the job he does is the exact opposite of the Constitution for the united States of America, God's Law, and the sovereignty of the People established by The unanimous Declaration of Independence.

This once great land, in which liberty prevailed and officials did their duty to uphold the Rights of the people, has been reduced to a police state in which tyranny and terrorism prevail, led by such ignorance as demonstrated by Morales and other cops on the Miami Police force. 

The Constitution for the united States of America has been reduced to nothing more than a toilet wipe by corporate policy enforcers all over this union of states. If the exercise of a constitutional right can become the cause for imprisonment, the constitution has become obsolete and been nullified and there is no security from corporate omnipotent government and the constitution has become a worthless scrap of paper. Marchetti v US, 390 US 39, 57 (1968). 

Rights mean nothing to these enforcers of corporate government policy and rules. Only arrest records and the perks gained from such arrests mean anything to these terrorists that operate with the sanction of treasonous government entities.  Benefits can be gained directly in their lust for power or indirectly in the form of financial gain, such as in deposits into their police retirement accounts, or by direct immediate sharing in the proceeds from fines and private property confiscated.

They are ignorant people that have been indoctrinated to a system mirrored by Gestapo Germany, Stalin's Russia, and Red China. They do not serve the people but instead serve their masters in government that haven't any intent whatsoever of securing the Rights of the People. 

Perhaps this might seem harsh but the fact is it is not harsh enough. It could be added that these people who might think of themselves as Americans are anything but American. 

Oh, sure, they might have been born within one of the many States of America but they are no more American than Hitler was, that is, unless we now consider Hitler as having the same qualities Americans supposedly value. To the writers' knowledge this hasn't happened. 

Or, is it that the writer misunderstands the 'freedom' so treasured by the American people? What is liberty in other words? 

Although it has been said many times in many ways, liberty is purely the freedom to make decisions for one's self, and to behave in any manner that does not infringe upon the Rights of other people or damage their property. 

There isn't anything complicated about it, nor anything that a judge or justice can decide on as such is above and beyond the little authority given them by the Constitution for the united States of America and God's Laws, most simply stated by the Ten Commandments, and secured by the Bill of Rights taken from the Magna Charta. 

If one man or woman has not damaged another man or woman or their property, there is no crime that can be committed. A crime must have a victim. Lacking a bona fide victim, the American is merely exercising his Rights. 

A State, the government whether federal or of a state, has no rights to violate. It is a fiction established by flesh and blood people. 

Flesh and blood people, in contrast, are living souls created by God, the Supreme Being, that is, regardless of what He is called that can determine for them selves right and wrong. 

The system established by our founders then provides redress for any victims created by any man or woman infringing upon the rights of another by damaging them or their property. 

Thus, it has been said by hundreds of Supreme Court decisions that man himself is above the laws of men, that man made de facto laws are created to control government entities and their creations, such as 'corporations'. These creations have 'privileges', not rights, as they are not human or created by the Supreme Being. Lacking a soul they must be controlled. 

The controls over privileges are statutes written by men. These 'laws' apply only to artificial entities known as 'artificial persons' in law but do not apply to living souls, as they are natural persons with Natural rights endowed to them by our Creator and directed/guided by His laws.

With these principles in mind, let's get to the nitty gritty of the 'good' sergeant's statements and his ignorance that should label him as a 'domestic terrorist' and an enemy of the people' the state (See below definition). 

To understand fully the import of the cops' actions at demonstrations, and other unlawful activities, including stops and the issuance of citations and the like, we must also understand 'terrorism'. It is NOT just acts of bombing and mayhem but includes other less destructive means of 'terrorizing' thereby forcing compliance to government's rules and regulations. 

Title 18, Section 3077 tells us that an ''act of terrorism' means an act of domestic or international terrorism as defined in section 233 1 . 

Title 18, Section 2331(5)(A) defines 'domestic terrorism' as 'activities' that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;' AND (B)(i) that 'appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.' 

The FBI defines terrorism as, 'Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.' 

Now, let's analyze the actions of demonstrators and of the cops that attacked them. 

First 'and of primary importance' is the fact that all Americans have the Right to assemble and meet with any other people they want. As long as there is no damage done to another man or woman or their property, there can be no crime, nor any order that can be given by any government official. This is America, not Gestapo Germany. 

Due process requires the movant initiate a cause of action by a complaint, information, or indictment that establishes a legally mandatory rebuttable presumption---a prima facie case. Criminal process must allege every essential element of the offense. Hagner v US, 285 US 427; Hamling v US, 418 US 87 

Furthermore, any time any act violates the principles of justice this union of states was founded on, due process has been violated thereby violating the Constitution and Natural Law. 

Due process is violated if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental. Snyder v Massachusetts, 291 US 97, 105 (1934). 

"that which violates the spirit of the constitution is as much unconstitutional as one that violates its letter." Sinking Fund Cases, 99 US 700 dis op. 

We must understand that an act by an American man or woman that is deemed a crime and defined as such must have a victim, plus there must be the intent to damage or harm. Lacking either, the act cannot be defined as a crime'.

"Where the record is wholly void of any necessary element of a crime, the case is constitutionally infirm." Thompson v Louisville, 362 US 199. 

Did any American in Miami claim to be damaged in his person or property, with a subsequent complaint (an Affidavit of Truth) presented to a Grand Jury by an allegedly damaged human being that a demonstrator intended damage or harm? 

Did the Grand Jury, based on the complaint, then issue an indictment based on 'probable cause' that said American did damage the complainant's person or property? 

NO! No such indictment exists because no other man or woman or their property was damaged by the demonstrators, either the original protestors against the Free Trade Area of the Americas or the demonstrators against the arrests of the original protestors. 

In the final analysis, the very basis of liberty says that we may do as we wish as long as we do not harm another or their property. The First Amendment then secures the right to peacefully assemble to express our beliefs or for any other reason. 

Therefore, officials in government, whether Federal, State, or political subdivision of, must understand and obey that Government and its unlawful enforcers do not have any authority to infringe upon this right. 

It is patently unconstitutional for human rights to be violated by any offices. They must understand and adhere to the fact that officials may not make rules intended and enforced upon our People as living souls are above and beyond the written laws (actually only rules governing the government and its creations) of men.

"Acquiescence in loss of fundamental rights will not be presumed. Johnson v Zerbst, 304 US 458, 464 (1938); Brookhart v Janis, 384 US 1, 4 (1966); Ohio Bell v. Public Utilities Commission, 301 U.S. 292 (1936). 

"The mere chilling of a constitutional right by a penalty on its exercise is patently unconstitutional." Shapiro v Thompson, 394 US 618 (1969). 

But you say that the streets may be blocked. Well, Folks, the streets and all travel roadways are public property; they do not belong to the corporate City Government, the Corporate County Government, the Corporate State Government, or the Corporate Federal Government. They, as with all property within the states, belong to the People. Government may regulate such but not to the extent of violating fundamental rights of the People. 

Without a complaint signed by a 'natural person', an American Citizen, and an indictment issued by a Grand Jury, no government agent may proceed. 

So, if some man or woman claims they were damaged in some way by the street being blocked by protestors, fine. Let them file a complaint or suit and a jury of peers decide whether indeed probable cause exists in the case of a

'crime' against the complainant. Let a jury of American and impartial peers determine whether demonstrators damaged the alleged 'victim', or, in a suit, decide that redress is due. 

As far as the State or City or County Government entities are concerned, none have any rights as they are fictions under control of the people, and therefore no protestor can conceivably infringe upon non-existent rights resulting in any arrest or detainment or threats against the protestors for exercising their rights.
As for the feds, it has in fact no jurisdiction within the 50 states, so any actions and rules by it must be ignored or one is disobeying the supreme Law of the Land and the principles of justice this union was founded on. 

Cops using or threatening to use any force, or issuing any command while confronting the demonstrators, are acts intended to coerce the demonstrators to stop exercising their God-given and constitutionally secured Rights to voice their opinions and to assemble peacefully.

Because arms are used, whether with the intent to use lethally or not, the arms coerce people into surrendering their Rights to the thugs confronting them. 

And, Folks, they are thugs hired by the government and trained by the government with one intent in mind regardless of the propaganda spoken and printed by enforcers. The intent is to enforce de facto laws that do not apply to living human beings who are free to exercise their Rights. Such creates revenue through unlawful licensing, other fees, and through fines, plus they create fear in the people, fear used to coerce compliance. 

Thus, those arrested in Miami (and elsewhere) suffered terrorism. They also suffered 'assault and battery', and were placed in potentially life-threatening situations by armed enforcers that haven't a clue as to their actual and real duty to the People who pay their salaries. 

Furthermore, those hauled off to jail were kidnapped. 

This isn't all. The cops involved and the officials that ordered such actions also violated the very principles this union of states was founded on. Thus, they violated most of Title 18 and their own State statutes. Title 18 violations include violations of Sections 2, 4, 1951, 1961 et seq., 1981 et seq., and Section 1509 to name a few. 

As far as Florida State statutes go, no State can make the exercising of any right a crime nor can any State make any rule to govern the People who created the Corporate State Government. It is not the writer that says this but dozens of Supreme Court decisions numbering now into the many hundreds. 

Although they are hundreds of such rulings, several of which have been cited by the writer in the past, the writer endeavors to add to one's repertoire of cites. Thus, here are three more declaring and dictating unconstitutionality of any rule that impinges upon fundamental rights.

"A law that "impinges upon a fundamental right explicitly or implicitly secured by the constitution is presumptively unconstitutional." Mobile v Bolden, 446 US 55, 76 (1980); Harris v McRae, 448 US 297, 312 (1980). 


"(A) legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law." Carter v Carter Coal Co., 298 US 238 (1936).

We the People simply are not subject to being 'ruled' by other men. This is the very essence of liberty and freedom; that 'free' people are not under corporate government control. 

We are 'ruled' by our own consciences, knowing the difference between right and wrong, moral and immoral, integrity and lying, along with holding respect for all other people's Rights and property. 

We must understand that the sergeant saying he and other cops gave 'lawful' orders is a crock of doo-doo (See among others, Carter, above). He can give no order to an American, as he is UNDER the jurisdiction of every American in good standing, not vice versa. After all, who does he think he is: God? 

The victims 'the demonstrators' in Florida and all across this land that are attacked, with 'attacked' meaning any unlawful acts against the Rights of the individual man or woman, by CORPORATE POLICY enforcers of State-created rules are criminal acts and must be treated as such. 

Any judge or any other official supporting such acts are also committing 'crimes' against the people as such infringe upon the Rights of the individual man or woman.  

Although it seems as if most Americans have forgotten or never known this, first and foremost, every official, whether elected or hired by the officials, have taken or are supposed to subscribe to a sacred Oath that they will uphold and support the Constitution for the united States of America. 

They have no other real duty or authority other than assuring that no man or woman's rights are violated, and to maintaining public property, while protecting the People and their property from abuse by corporations and other creations of the government. 

In the case of cops, they are supposed to be 'peace' officers, not enforcers of corporate policy, rules and regulations written by men to control artificial corporate entities and then forced upon the people. 

Thus, we must conclude that American cops as corporate policy enforcers are as ignorant as the people they claim to protect and serve. And as they wallow in legal ignorance, they become by definition terrorists and also become traitors to the people and are committing treason daily. 

Or, they do so willingly for their own financial gain and/or to fill their lust for power.

Either way, they are enemies of the state, with 'state' defined as, "a self-sufficient body of persons united together in one community for the defense of their rights, and to do right and justice to foreigners. In this sense, the state means the whole people united into one body politic; (q. v.) and the state, and the people of the state, are equivalent expressions. 1 Pet. Cond. Rep. 37 to 39; 3 Dall. 93; 2 Dall. 425; 2 Wilson's Lect. 120; Dane's Appx. '50, p. 63 1 Story, Const. '361. Bouvier s Law Dictionary of 1856. 

The American Heritage Dictionary (4th Edition, 2000) defines 'state' in part as "The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity." 

We the People are the sovereignty of the united States of America. The sovereignty is not subject to rules made by its creations, any more than any one of us individually or as an assembly can be ruled over by the rules of any corporation unless we voluntarily and with full knowledge agree to be subject to its rules. "Waivers of constitutional rights not only must be voluntary but must be knowing, intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences." Brady v US, 397 US 742, 748 (1970). (My italics) 

So, get this and get it straight, People. Cops are supposed to be friends of ours protecting our Rights. They do not have any authority whatsoever to infringe upon any Right of the People. Without an indictment by a Grand Jury that one has damaged another in a criminal fashion there can be no arrest, detainment, or stopping of the American People. 

In Smith v US, 360 US 1, it is further held that the constitutional right to an indictment, as restated in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 7(a), could not be waived by the defendant and that a proceeding in violation of this constitutional requirement negated the jurisdiction of the court. 

If jurisdiction of the court is negated, the jurisdiction of the cop issuing a statement based on false and/or unconstitutional information is also negated as fraud vitiates everything. Vitiate: "To make ineffective; invalidate. See synonyms at corrupt." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition, 2000. 
We must also realize, and this may be a hard concept to grasp, that even with an indictment in hand, the cop does not have authority over any man or woman, only the indictment does. The cop merely serves out the indictment, and may make an arrest leading to incarceration only if it is a violent crime, as there is no need to incarcerate nonviolent people. The goal is to provide redress to the victim, not increase the coffers of the State. 

Thus, cops, with every negative connotation possible, are acting as armed and dangerous Gestapo-like thugs, not peace officers. With every stop of Americans in their private activities that do not damage others or their property, they act criminally against the Rights of the People. 

Therefore, we must also conclude that every arrest made or citation lacking a bona fide indictment by a Grand Jury is in violation of the Bill of Rights and the principles this union of states was founded on. 

Such are therefore acts of terrorism meant to coerce the American People into compliance to unconstitutional rules when applied to the American People as such rules are, once again, lawfully applied only to artificial persons. 

Therefore, each enforcer should be treated as the criminals and traitors they are, and not coddled by the governments that are likewise acting criminally and as traitors to the American People, nor should such unlawful and illegal actions be accepted by the People paying their salaries. 

We are not a stinking democracy in which the Rights of the one may be voted away by the many or the few. We each born in one of the states are guaranteed a 'Republican' form of government in which the Rights of the one are held sacred far and above the will of the many. 

We each are living souls guided by our consciences and when not guided properly, then lawful recourse is provided for. Such recourse exists only for living souls, not corporations and any decision to the contrary by justices or judges, or law enforcers, and other government entities is anti-American, anti-God, and darn sure not the American Way. In fact, judges may not even determine law in fact and substance, only juries can. 

Thus, it is abundantly clear that cops must be returned to the status as 'peace officers' and every vestige of being 'law enforcers', except in regards to enforcing rules made to regulate artificial persons, such as officials and the corporations they create, removed from them. 

With this in mind, the only time peace officers should be armed when confronting an American Citizen is when there is probable cause that the American has committed a violent act against another. Peace officers are in most cases dealing with peaceful law-abiding people and are NOT confronting dangerous people, although they may falsely state they believed they were after shootings and/or beatings of innocent people.

That they confront us unlawfully (meaning against the Constitution and God's Laws or Natural Law) must not be tolerated any longer. We must be free to tell them the law on the spot without worry of being treated like some crazed animal and henceforth shackled, beaten, shot and/or killed. 

The writer finds it extremely distressing that many people feel the necessity to warn other people about how to act when stopped by a cop. What we need instead is to educate, forcibly, if necessary, cops and how they must behave, not how we must respond to unlawful stops, citations, arrests, and incarcerations. 

Since we have provisions for controlling peace officers, both constitutionally and in statutes meant to regulate them, we must enforce that any cop disrupting a peaceful demonstration, along with those ordering them to do so, should be immediately tried for treason and domestic terrorism. All agents of the State that were involved directly or indirectly should also be included in prosecutions for multiple criminal violations. 

This, Folks, is still America although the governments we created and are now unlawfully subjected to do not realize it. We each are still human beings, that is, living souls of our Creator. That this is ignored is our fault for not forcing government 'artificial persons' to remain within the limitations of God's Laws (Natural Law) and the confines of the Constitution for the united States of America (what is lawful), and the recognition and upholding of the fact that the People are the Sovereignty in this union of independent and sovereign republics known as states. 

People, if we do not heed our sovereignty and protect our selves with the safeguards of the Constitution immediately, with no further delay, the people that have been given the sacred duty of protecting our rights and upholding the Constitution, and therefore our Creator’s Natural Law, are going to begin running even more rampant than ever under the current US Government Corporation, the Bush Regime of nothing but, evil doers,, including Congress, and the extreme corruption of State and local governments. 

This treasonous bunch has effectively removed ALL safeguards while the most of us remain asleep or essentially drugged into complacency and compliance through multiple means of coercion and terrorism. Their indoctrination centers and sources, public education and mass media sources, have assured most remain ignorant and fear controls those who do not remain ignorant. 

The cops in Miami are not peace officers, nor are they servants of the People. Their actions prove this beyond all doubt. They are enemies of the People and hence, of the state. They are nothing more than street gangs and thugs for the Corporate State enforcing its corporate policies and rules by using oppressive, coercive and terrorist means to force public compliance to corporate agendas upon the People. 

And, to put it bluntly, this sucks, just as all cops all across the many states have the same ignorance and allegiance to the corporate State as those in Miami have, suck. 

Wake up, America, before it is too late, or remain asleep and continue to be plundered by these thieves and traitors to Natural Law and the supreme Law of the Land. Allow our union to remain as communistic as it currently is after decades of unconstitutional dictates with the Rights of the People as oppressed as the Rights of people of any dictatorship or monarchy have been. 

The alternative to servitude and bondage to the State is to rise to the occasion and force officials into compliance with Natural Law and to protect our Rights secured by the Constitution for the united States of America. 

Government must not be allowed to exceed these limitations any longer or liberty is lost unless an extremely bloody war against domestic terrorism and invasion by the US Government is fought on our own ground. 

Thus, we owe it not only to our selves but also to future generations that the truth is exposed and all officials, including, law enforcers, are forced into compliance to our Rights and the Constitution for the united States of America. This must be done regardless of how many are tried and hung publicly for treason and complicity in terrorism. 

Otherwise, we will indeed become a democracy or dictatorship or oligarchy in which the Rights of the individual man or woman become extinct. Our government and our country, the union of republics (countries) known as the united States of America, will have been overthrown by the very people given the task of assuring this does not happen, your elected/appointed officials in government and those they hire to protect our Rights. 

'Peace officers' after a thorough house cleaning would understand the need to preserve our Rights as defined by our Creator and secured by the limitations placed on government. These are concepts that artificially created entities known cops and "law enforcers" will never understand and will therefore always be traitors committing treason and multiple other crimes against the People. 

It is, Folks, in the final analysis, up to us, as those in government have tasted the gravy of the gravy train they have created for themselves and they are NOT going to provide any help as none, or very, very few, have any integrity, let alone enough to learn and then preserve and protect our Rights. 

The case in Miami could result in effectively being the starting point with every law enforcer is fired and tried for crimes against the People, and those ordering them to infringe upon the Rights of our People arrested, tried, convicted, and punished for treason and terrorism. 

Remember, too, that cops and others in their official CORPORATE identities are not human beings with rights. In other words, the Rights we as living souls have do not apply to officials in their official capacities, as every government position is officially a fiction created by man, or an 'artificial person'. (Note: Officials only have inherent human Rights in their private capacities.) 

This union then would begin its travels back to being the America established over 239 years ago by people who understood liberty and the Rights of living souls. 

   Long live this America established by those brave souls known as our founding fathers , but damn to Hell the America created by the greedy, the corrupt, the ignorant, and the complacent. 

"According to settled principles, the police power of a state must be held to embrace, at least, such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety----- The mode or manner in which those results are to be accomplished is within discretion of the state, subject of course, as far as Federal power is concerned, only to the condition that no rule prescribed by a state, nor any rule adopted by any local governmental agency acting under the sanction of state legislation, shall contravene the Constitution of the United States nor infringe any right granted or secured by that instrument. A local enactment or regulation, even if based on the acknowledged police powers of a state, must always yield in case of conflict with the exercise by the general government of any power it possesses under the Constitution, or with any right which that instrument gives or secures." Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 US 11 (1904) 

Special note to officials in Florida and all over this land: 

Article VI of the Constitution for the united States of America demands that ALL PUBLIC officials uphold the Constitution and thereby secure the Rights of the People. It is therefore your sacred duty to prosecute and convict the cops and officials who infringed upon the Rights of the demonstrators in Miami, with the added requirement that any decision made by the Supreme Court must be adhered to until and unless it is overturned. You have your duty outlined specifically to perform it or to be classed as a 'domestic terrorist' and 'traitor' to America, as you have committed both misprision of felony and misprision of treason. 

Quit giving the American people the crap about 'doing your job' as an excuse for committing crimes against the People or that some 'understood contract' binds the People to State statutes. The People are NOT corporate government creations and you and your rules have no LAWFUL 'in personam' jurisdiction over people in their private capacities.

That is the LAW of the Land and you must adhere to it. Otherwise, you are additionally guilty of misprision of felony and misprision of treason, and a conspirator with those who committed the criminal acts against the demonstrators. 

And don't bring up the treasonous Patriot Act, and the NDAA OF 2012 and 2014. Acts of Congress do not apply within the 50 states per the Constitution for the united States of America with hundreds of cites that legislative acts may not infringe upon the Rights of the American people supporting this as fact. 

In other words, become 'righteous' - - - and in action, NOT JUST BELIEF, be American!