by: Rob Johnson
A simple lesson in basic freedom and property ownership: It is self evident that everyone is free, this is not in dispute. It is self evident that everyone has a right to own property, this is not in dispute. It is self evident that what ever form property takes the same extent of the fundamental right applies.
There is no such thing as a prayer tax, nor a speech tax, nor a peaceable assembly tax, because FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, cannot be taxed. It is self evident that only privileges can be taxed. It is self evident that everyone who acquires any given item of property has a natural right to the free enjoyment of that property and the DUTY to exercise a sovereign claim to a fundamental right to the use and enjoyment of that property in its lawful and intended use, in a decent and orderly manner.
It is self evident that every individual under the individual right to locomotion, and protected under the right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, is the natural right to make use of owned property, and the common conveyance of the day, in order to exercise other rights as duty demands, to peaceable assembly.
In the limited enumeration of rights by such documents known as "constitutions", congress did not descend into such minutia as to attempt to control the lives of the lawful sovereign inhabitants of this land. It is self evident that no one can have an obligation of law to enter a contract of any kind, because all contracts are voluntary lest they be involuntary servitude. One cannot have an obligation to obtain permission to engage in lawful activities. And that is not what these permits are for at all. The permit which mimics the lawful activity, is the activity performed while engaged in a limited liability registration contract.
Much as 14th amendment privileges mimic other rights but are just privileges wich can be withdrawn at any time. RIGHTS cannot be infringed, privileges of contracts can be withdrawn. Which would you rather claim and exercise? Which will hold up in a court?
It is self evident that every individual under the individual right to locomotion, and protected under the right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, is the natural right to make use of owned property, and the common conveyance of the day, in order to exercise other rights as duty demands, to peaceable assembly.